Secret Crush on A Board Member

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by YogaGirl, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yea, I used to be that way too, so I understand. It would be nice if you did though ;-). But Jimi Hendrix is cool too. 8)
  2. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Or else you're bored at college = me.
    Or else you get bored at home when your kiddie is asleep so you can't go out = also me.

    I like the thread because it's interesting, don't really need my ego rubbed on a forum to be honest.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Or bored at work....:rolleyes:
  4. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Haha you shouldn't be on a forum at work! *says her who uses it at college*
    This site actually got banned at my college last week because of "sexually explicit content", it's unblocked now though :rolleyes:. Weirddd.
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Um...only at lunch. Yeah, that's it. I'm only on it at lunch. :D
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I did. I sent some of my songs to your e-mail. :D
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I really think there are some getlemen on this board, and they are some of the ones that keep me coming back. I wouldn't say they are real crushes by far, but I do enjoy thier posts.

    I was very impressed first by Rinnaye, such a gentleman, and yet very fun also (by the way nice pic/ I see you took the lady out) -

    Then Sir Nose showed me how fun he could be in a very gentlemanly way of course. (Funny he hasn't been around this thread yet, and considering it all started cuz of him.)

    But lately a couple of the younger guys have impressed me - So I have to give props to Dex (of course) and Scott1618 (he's been especially nice today).

    But for the youngest and wisest I would say Chosen takes the cake, although I really love reading anything I've seen posted by Bryant also.

    So there you have it. A bunch of really great guys on here. I'm sure I left a few out, so I'll put you all in when I remember! I'm not to good remembering names.

    EDIT_ I had to add Jaisee he's quite the gent, and Brotha Ajax, kind enough to take the time to educate a little old white lady all about Boondocker. (I know I got it wrong) Sorry!!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  8. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    LoL, you're saying someone like that has no life, while you've registered as someone different to start some shit? Seems like you're going through a lot of trouble just to do that. What's the matter? This is the only way for you to have any entertainment because YOU have NO life? You gotta get the shit hoppin' again, huh? And why are you under this new name? Are you scared to let us know who you really are? Are you scared you might lose some friends? Scared no one here will like you any more? Puhhhhhh-lease. :rolleyes:

    As for myself fitting your little "500 posts or more in two months", yep, guilty. It's really out of my hands right now though, the life I "don't have." But it's cool, I'm not trippin', shit's fine with me. It's a nice little vacation, I'm taking. Don't trip, this is still all bright, shiny new to me. A phase. Pretty soon I'll get bored, and start posting less and less and less, until I disappear. Then you can celebrate, because I know you'll STILL be here, probably several years from now, maybe even under different names too, so no one knows it by looking at your join date. Because you just can't let go. You love it too much, it's where you get your shits and giggles and the only place anyone will give you any kind of attention. If you ask me, THAT is sad and having no life. Wait, watch, and witness. It's truth and you know it. It's okay if you don't want to admit it, and if you try to deny it. It's only natural. I'm sorry for you. But, oh well. My own life must go on. And because I am not you - you best believe it will! :smt023

    P.S. Don't be so upset that no one named you as their crush and thus try to bully everyone else and take it out on them. It'll be okay. :smt056
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    HA!!! Burned him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Umm yeah, this is the same poster who wrote this:

    "Just thought I would do something different......
    Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am actually another member on this board I decided to re-register with the intent of actually posting the exact opposite of how I would normally respond. Hence the name A EGO M, or

    Alternate Ego Member

    Lets have some fun cause I plan on starting some shit...:razz: "

    And this person is talking about other people getting egoes rubbed.

    :pBtw I got my ego rubbed last night when I went out for a quick drink and all of a sudden met the man of my damn dreams... too bad he's on his way to the airport to fly back to Chicago AS WE SPEAK...:smt089 but he spent a great deal of time trying to convince me to come with him.:smt053
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2008
  11. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    And Pettyofficerj... I know you're gone, but you'll always be my #1 crush. Not only for the picture on your avatar... but because of classics like this:

    "stop making bullshit threads and people will stop posting equally bullshit replies

    simple logic

    you know..

    let me give you somethin else....

    stop drinking spoiled milk if you know it's going to give you the runs later"

    I love you Petty!
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Co-sign. :smt023 I miss seeing him around here, too!

    Late edit: I miss Intriguedone, too. I always enjoy reading his posts. I wish he'd post more often again. His posts always bring a smile to my face. :D
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2008
  13. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Is petty gone? What happened? I'll miss him too.:(

    However I believe in monogamy, so there's only room for one cyber-crush in my life:
    Intriguedone :smt049
    He really knows how to make me laugh and feel good.
  14. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member


    VOTE FOR RONJA AS MY NEXT BABY'S MAMA!!! {just kiddin'...unless you really want to...}

    Thank you babygurl for showing your boy some love...I thought I was a forgotten soul for a moment.
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm chopped liver. :smt022
  16. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Oh, I really, really want to!!!
    If I'm ever single again, you'll be the first to know.

    BTW: your NEXT baby's mama? Have you kept something secret from me, or is my memory that bad?:confused:
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I didn't notice we had a competition going on...

    So you're saying you want to be his baby's mama too?

    Chick fight!
  18. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    That's a lot of child support to pay, Intriguedone... are you sure?
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member's ON! ;)
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I hope he makes a lot of money! :lol: :lol:

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