Do black men wear sandals?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Oct 17, 2008.


How do you feel about sandals?

  1. I am a BM and I love to wear sandals.

    7 vote(s)
  2. I am a BM and I prefer not to wear sandals.

    9 vote(s)
  3. I am a WW and I love BM when they wear sandals.

    3 vote(s)
  4. I am a WW and I don't care about BM wearing sandals.

    11 vote(s)
  1. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I'm just funnin with ya here,

    But, there are definitely other mediums whereby I may be able to see em.
  2. dossou

    dossou Member

    I love whitewomen
    WEARING Sandals.It ATTRAKCS Just like Fl..s for HONEY:tonqe:
  3. Olika

    Olika New Member

    Hi all)) is my first time in this forum)) :D
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I will wear flip-flops or athletic slides with jeans or shorts. But I will cut my feet off before I wear some of those metro-sexual, leather, dressy sandals.

    "Do I look like my name is Fruity Pierre?"
  5. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Lol @ "Dressy sandals".

    Personally, I usually wear sneakers like to college but if I'm going somwhere nice or when we rarely get nice weather I like high sandals or wedges. I don't like flip flops even on myself though. Gotta have a bit of a heel ;)

    On men - I do not like the sandal look, yeah flip flops on the beach or chillin... cool, but not like out out. I once saw a hot looking guy in a CLUB wearing a shirt, dress trousers and thong flip flops. I wasn't impressed at all! It just looks odd.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I hate wearing sandals, flip flops, slippers, all that shit. Give me some black Adidas.
  7. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    I wear flip-flops at the beach and maybe at home. thats about it.
  8. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    I love flip flops, growing up in the the Caribbean, we use to make then out of car tires. But as long as your feet is well manicured show them off, plus I like to walk bare feet also, it depends where though, mother earth is a great feet masseuse, when you feel her energy it radiates through your body, you become well grounded, pun intended.
  9. havoc

    havoc New Member

    I wear them when the occasion calls for it: hot weather, beach/pool, around the house (may as walk in socks), etc. My feet look as normal as anyone else's, but they're not a very practical look for me; I'm too active to be in sandals.
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I wear flip-flops when I'm too lazy to put shoes on, no matter the weather. Like, if it's fall, and I'm just going outside to check the mail I'll slip on my flip-flops. Or if I'm just going to the car, "just to ride along", but not go in any where. In the winter, once when I was just going out to check the mail. I found these old rainbowy striped "toe socks" or whatever (with the toes in them) they were striped pink, dark pink, yellow, green, purple, light purple, and blue, and had glittery stars and a cute little monkey on the foot. I put those on and slipped on my purple flip-flops with sequined straps, and went to check the mail in the snow. :smt081. Wearing a couple "high water" pants, and my man's 10 sizes too big, puffy black winter coat. Now if I'm going to be walking a lot I don't wear flip-flops because the straps will end up chafing me. Also, flip-flops are not good for your feet or posture and can cause you physical problems/ailments, same as heels. I don't wear high heels either. Ever. Except when I was like 10, me and a couple friends of mine went "dumpster diving" and found a few pairs of high heels someone threw away and we took them and played dress up. That's the only time I've worn heels. :)
  11. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I don't even own proper flip flops, I own so much heels though :smt001 I have open toed sandals, but they're heels too. I usually wear my Nike Blazers day to day. Or any of my other sneakers. Sometimes I'll wear my boots if the weathers bad but they're kinda high so I have to watch my step. I do not want a repeat of what happened when I went to see N*E*R*D. I was at the security check, about 20 hot guys were waiting behind me and I didn't notice the floor was wet and I was wearing 5 inch heels and I fell flat on my face. Everyone made this face :smt119 and just stared cause it sounded so sore... I love heels though, if I'm going out out I'll always wear some nice really high but classy heels, I feel prettier in them.

    But guys in flip flops (other than at the beach or chillin') isn't my thang. Wouldn't diss a guy for wearing them though :D.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    LoL, oh no. Yea, that's something I'd be scared of happening!

    Yea, I'd probably wear them for something like that. I would still try to keep them kind of low though, since I don't usually wear them. So I don't walk really funny or fall and bust my butt. Since I wouldn't be used to it. I did pretty good though when I was little, walking in them for fun.

    Yea, me I wouldn't care, really. Unless he's got ugly feet, hahaha. I've never seen my man wear flip flops or sandles before, come to think of it. I remember one time I had these fluffy pastel rainbowy/tie-dyed like shaggy slippers, and my guy wore them once to run outside for a minute, LoL. I thought it was cute because he didn't care what it made him look like. He got them dirty and stretched them out though :(
  13. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Haha, those are some fruity slippers. I get slippers every year at christmas and I wear them about 3 times before I forget about them. It's the same with PJs. I mean to wear them, because I get 'em as a gift but I just forget. I have these REALLY cosy slipper socks though and they're great because I have bad circulation.

    Lol yeah, I've seen some people with some ugly ass feet wear flip flops... NOT good look :(.
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yea, I don't have any slippers any more. Yea, those were fruity, I love colors though. When I had my own apartment. My furniture was black leather, chrome, and black finished wood. My bathroom was all neon pink and butterflies, and I had pink fluffy furry shaggy blanket on the back of my couch, and glass and crome coffee table and end tables. And I had pink and purple bed stuff (you can see it in my pic of my man laying on my/our bed), I love shiny silvery stuff, and neon colorful stuff and black. Because I don't like "wood" or wood grain stuff at all. And on my living room wall I had this huge painting that had a silver border and cut in 3 sections with a neon backgrounds, three different colors, and in the middle of each section were these curvy black painted strokes, to me they looked like chinese ideograms, but they were supposed to be "people dancing". And I had these "see through" iridescent mostly pink glass vases. Those were really pretty/cool. LoL, I can't tell you everything, but I loved it. I thought my pad was pimpin' ahaha. :cool: Boyfriend didn't like all the pink and purple and eccentricity though, :( Heh. I can't blame him. It's an acquired taste. I miss my apartment :(
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Naa it sounds really nice! You'd hate my place, it's very boring but pretty modern. It's kinda cream/brown/beigey. Though my living room is red and gold just now with some of my x-mas decorations :mrgreen: I love Christmas, my house looks so pretty and festive.
  16. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    no chancletas with open toes
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Awww, yea, I'm not really one for "earth tones" and beigy stuff, or florals, and such. I like to be unconventional. Just me. LoL, we put up our Christmas tree in the first week of November, LoL. This is the first Christmas tree we've had in a long time. Before we just had this little "Charlie Brown tree" that we'd used as a Christmas tree. So we were just excited. :D
  18. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt028...personally, I think flip-flops are rather "tender"...a little too feminine in my opinion. You'll never catch me in them. In warm weather a crisp pair of AF1's or K-Swiss serve the purpose sufficiently; but to each their own.

    ...However, a woman with a french manicure and toe-ring in flip-flops is extremely hot!!
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    A man in AF1's = :smt055
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    A guy who doesn't wear flip-flops?? Woohoo!! :smt038

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