heeeey, you silly! and if i made a thread like this, i would know what your choice is gonna be too. well, ummm....i think i know what your choice would be haha.
Okay, i just tried to change the title, but i'm afraid it's not possible anymore. After someone responds to your thread, you can't change the title. Sorry babe. Hopefully people will still click this thread despite the title, because you do have a good question for the men i think.
Well, I know that for myself, if I just put my cursor over the "I" or any other title, a little white box will show up saying some of what's in the first post. So if someone does that, I think it will be just fine
Okay, let me see if i get it right or wrong. Yours would be a mixture of number 3 and number 5. Of course, you don't want a man who is like a girl lol, but you like guys who have a good sense of style because you like style. And you would also choose number 5 for the same reasons i chose number 5.
Spoken for truth Britty. I've become addicted to putting the cursor over any thread to see what it's about before i actually click on it and read what's inside.
Yep! It can be pretty handy :smt023 Though, it never really stops me. Sometimes I just like to click on the post so it doesn't show up as...umm "thicker" blue, for lack of a better word, when I use the "New Posts" option
lol okay im going to actually try to answer your question since hardly anyone else did and this thread is basically a bunch of women chatting. Id go with number 2. Business woman with a bit of 5 thrown in there. Business woman - independance, Intelligence-- not a fan of really needy girly girls and not a fan of a ditz especially if this is a woman i am going to be around alot in a commited relationship. I also think the business lady is automatically going to have at least a certain level of class about herself. The woman in picture one just looks high maintnence and pretentious. Not the same thing as class. Class can't exactly be defined in a picture, its more of a certain level of morals and respectfulness you hold yourself to. 5. Obiediant - now I definately don't want to be controlling but I do want a women that still wants me to take the lead the majority of time. Plus when I think of Obediant I think of a patient wife and mother. Now of course what picture 6 sex bombs sexiness is relatively important but if we are talking about actually making a commited relationship work looks arent nearly as important as the things listed above.
mrs. obedient w/ some sex bomb. ms. high class girls are really hot but a pain in the ass for various reasons.
ummm i guess i need to choose from thre men list better. I would definitely choose someone sweet but manly! and as far as the style...i do like it, but its something that changes by the time, and its not the most important thing at all.
i always see if i like the title or not. lol so to me its pretty important. but well i m glad there are people like you and Britty lol
ok i was affraid that none would pick mrs Independent. lol cause this is actually what i really like to be. but from what I heard, men dont like it at all. some of em think it has smth in common with feminism.
ok i'm glad to see that not everyone just wants a sex bomb, like Britty was guessing. lol i think if i would be a man i definitely would like my gf to be mysterious!
I'm going to go with #5. And just to clarify, I'm not expecting Miss Obedient to be all 'do what I say'. I don't even want to say it... I just want it done! :smt079 All kidding aside, give me #5.
Okay, i knew that! There just weren't any options for sweet and manly because all the options were for women haha.