Maybe we need to do an end-of the year poll.... 1. http://hater
I like her ass , I'm just tired of seeing her ...overrrated as in overexposed. I couldn't even think of another big booty white girl cause this one was so prevalent this year. Y'all will have to fill in the other rankings. Try to keep it simple ...I don't want the fallout like with the BCS rankings
She's only white if you subscribe to the logic that anyone who isn't black is white. She's "ethnic" if anything, dark-skinned, not to mention curvy. Stack her up against Charlize or Nicole Kidman (actual white women) and the difference is obvious.
2. although, a distant second. More thick than big booty but I'll still hit it. I think cause of her family was all over the news that's why she overrated.
I've always thought she- or at least some parent- was of eastern european descent. I don't view her as "white" in the traditional (American) usage of the word.
I knew I wasn't crazy. Ask yourself if she or others of her ethnic group would have been allowed into any of the restricted, white only clubs of the 19th and early 20th century. If the answer's no, they're not white.
She's Armenian/Scottish. Her dads Armenian and her mother is Scottish. Not sure if her mother is actually Scottish or if she descends from here or whatever. She doesn't look "white white" but I still consider her white to some extent.
lol, "white white". She definitely looks Armenian. There's tons of Armenians in the Los Angeles area.
If you're referring to 19th and early 20th century America, then any person who was not of pure Anglo-Saxon descent and did not subscribe to Protestant religious doctrine would have probably have run into several idiots who claimed that they weren't "white." There were many at that time who believed that Irish, Italian and German immigrants were not "white." In fact, the majority of Europeans probably wouldn't even be considered "white" according to that standard.
She doesn't look much different from a lot of American whites in the south that have some amount of Native American ancestry. Agree with some of the earlier posts...Italians, Germans, Poles, Czechs, Russians, Greeks and Irish were most certainly not considered white...the Irish and Germans turned "white" first and the Italians have done it within the last half-century. I actually think the Spaniards were given more consideration for "whiteness" since they colonized the Americas. I don't think the Scottish were seen as "not-white" the way the Irish were because most of the Scots came here before the Irish...are Scots generally Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, a mixture or other denomination?