Is anyone going on a Christmas Vacation? I'm going home for the holidays. I was going to go to New York for Christmas but my plans fell through. So any exciting Christmas vacations?
Nope. I'm already on vacation. I'm just going to stay here with my mom and celebrate and hope my niece and nephew will show up. Nothing really exciting.
It'll be more like a work-cation :mrgreen:. I got three days of vacation time left. I get paid for the unused time. I need the money lol
I'm going to Dallas for xmas. Once this damn quarter is finished! two more weeks + a saturday class, and I'm done. Finally!
I am staying home with my family. My mom has 6 brothers and sisters and we are all very close. There are so many of us, we have to gather at the church annex! I love this time of year.:smt114 Happy Holidays!
Christmas Eve, I'll be heading to a friend's house for a party. It should be fun. Christmas day, I'll be heading to my aunt's house for the annual family get-together. I'm back to work on the 26th :smt022lol
I do actually. But I planned it that way, and took the 2 days off of work that we're supposed to be here: 29th and 30th. Why come in for 2 days?? Ridiculous. :lol:
I am off Dec 11 - Jan 5 and plan to snowboard, ski and ice climb until my limbs fall off. I'm staying locally (Rockies) because I'm moving soon and will not see my family at home for the next couple of Christmas's's's's's.... This is my first Christmas not working and I am going to enjoy every millisecond of it. :smt111 Cheers!
I'm meeting my family in NYC in 5 days, then we hang out there for a while, then head to the UK for our first white Christmas ever, probably in Scotland. We are heading back to the "mother country". We have fairly recent ancestry mostly from Scotland.'s my mum's first OS trip, my bro is with me now and it's his first OS trip too, and my dad hasn't travelled for 30 years. I haven't seen my folks in 5 months. It will be awesome. I can't wait.
Oooh, where are you going in Scotland? It was really snowy here on Tuesday so I'm hoping it's white on Christmas. I'm just spending Christmas with my family at home, my sister is working which sucks but what can ya do.