How common do you think this is?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I don't know. Everyone she sleeps with is alright with it. If they had a problem with it they wouldn't sleep with her. If I were single and wasn't interested in dating, I don't think I'd care either
  2. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    That's what I don't get. How many guys go from gal to gal and have no intentions of dating them? And this girls a slut:smt102? Give me a break. She's doing her thing. To each his/her own
  3. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    I don't call her anything. But I would call her :D
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    oh lol!
  5. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member


    what's worse she thinks shes using them? I'm sure 95% of guys would screw the majority of women if they know they didn't have to have any emotional attachment to it.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    See, I knew I liked you for a reason. The double standard is so prevalent in our's not ok for women to be promiscuous, but men are encouraged. I don't prescribe to the "Well that's the way it is, can't change it, it sucks but oh well" mentality, either. Because it -can- be changed. Perceptions have a way of changing over time, if the right push is given. It wasn't long ago that the perception of black people in the US was quite different than it is now. Many double standards existed then, and while things aren't perfect now it's certainly not as bad as it used to be.

    Hopefully one of these days people will finally admit that it's ok for women to be sexual. Men certainly like us to be freaks in the bedroom, but only if it's with them. If it's anyone other than them the general consensus is that we aren't nice girls who happen to be freaks sometimes anymore, we're just whores. Like the guys who knowingly go to a bar to try and find a girl to fuck, find one, take her home, fuck her, and then never speak to her again because she's obviously a ho. Well, what does that make the man who picked her up? A saint? It takes two to tango.

    The words whore and slut are thrown around far too often. My ex husband used to call me a slut because I had male friends. I'd never slept with anyone but him until we were no longer together...7 years and the only dick I'd ever had was his, yet I was a slut because I spoke and was friendly with people who also had dicks. I didn't flirt with other guys, and I certainly didn't sleep with them. And of course I'm a slut now because I've had more than one sexual partner, regardless of how many I've actually had (and my number is quite low in comparison to almost all of my male friends).

    I also hate hearing "Well that's why they make vibrators!"...ok, if that's true, then that's why god made men two hands. One to use, and one for a back up when the first gets tired.

    It's ridiculous. I am comfortable with my sexuality. If I want to sleep with someone, I'll do it. I generally don't because I don't want to catch STDs, and condoms can break, so I'm way too careful to just sleep with anyone. But I'm comfortable knowing that if I wanted to, then I damn well could and ain't no one with the right to judge me for it but myself. I'm a grown ass woman, what I do with my body is my business and the only other person who has any right to question me about it would be someone I would be sleeping with.

    Too many haters in the world, homie. People hate seeing a woman do what she wants with her body, but they love it when she does it with them.

    As for the original post...I don't necessarily agree with the girl, because I think it's stupid to automatically disallow the option of a relationship with someone simply because of their race, especially. especially if you want to sleep with them. It's stupid. If you can fuck someone, then you can date them, and if you have problems with it because you can't be seen with them at home then you're an idiot with no backbone. But at the same time I can promise you there've been black guys who've felt the same about white girls. I can name a couple that I know personally, actually. Mostly African guys, but a few are American. They wouldn't take a white girl home to their mom, but they love fucking them. They even got mad at me when I -wouldn't- fuck them, like there was something wrong with me for not wanting to just sleep with them with no strings.

    But it's ok for them. They're not racist, they're just being men, right?

    I hate the mentality of people in this country sometimes.
  7. V777

    V777 New Member

    Ya! There is a double standard. I wish both men and women wise up too.
  8. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Wonderful post :cool:. I agree wholeheartedly

    P. S. I like you too :D
  9. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Wow, in the comments section, i think she was called a ho about 20 times at least. That has to be some kind of record lol.
  10. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Im going to be blunt here --

    Yes it is a double standard, that being said I dont think this girl is a slut but she is a racist.

    BM are good enough for entertaining fun--- as she said they're "cool to chill out with" and are sex toys to her but they are not human or respectable enough to consider for anything serious. Like having her own personal Will Smith around to satisfy her perception of blacks being entertaining, fun and really good sex partners.

    Thats racism. If BM harbor the same views about WW its the same thing. I can't totally blame this chick since there are alot of black men that are perfectly fine playing the role of a entertaining fool.

    That being said, I believe this is somewhat common. Black men (that are actually serious and self respecting anyway) watch out for these types that think you are "cool and fun" and you get the feeling this fascination is based on mostly race or racial expectations alone.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  11. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Initially, I didn't want to touch this topic, but I'm glad someone else did. Scott pretty much summed up my feelings on this issue.

    That's not to say that I condone the very real gender based double standard regarding what is or isn't considered to be lewd and lascivious behavior. And, yes, I realize that there are a ton of black men out there who are more than happy use to women (white or otherwise) for sex with no strings attached if they can.

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