Me and my Dad went to an Aston Martin Dealership and were not allowed to test drive…

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    Back in July my dad wanted to buy a new car. And he’s a big 007 fan and always wanted the car 007 drove. He finally had enough money to get an Aston Martin and when we asked the sales manager for a test drive and he refused us and we even showed him the bank statement which showed us that we had the amount of money for the car. The sales manager was a middle age white guy and he was the only sales person there. So we left and went down the street to the Bentley Dealership and asked to drive the Continental GT. The guy said sure and let both of us drive it. The Bentley was a little cheaper than the Aston Martin but heavier and more luxuries and less sporty. The guy gave us a good deal on a ’08 model; so my dad bought it and I’m not allowed to drive the car till he dies.

    Have anyone gone to dealership was refused a test drive? If so, did you have a happy ending to your story later?:p
  2. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    No, I never had that problem test-driving. Every time I wanted to test-drive a car, they let me
  3. shion

    shion New Member

    what did you do ,flex those guns at 'em?
  4. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    My question what aston martin was it ????

    And i doubt a bank statement would quite cover as deposit lol
    I should imagine a few thousand held on a credit card before they let someone get in and drive, insurance excess ???/
  5. V777

    V777 New Member

    It was a DB9. We wanted a DBS, but it wasn't in stock.

    In America a bank statement is enough and you mostly write a check to them. But we have fun with the Bentley. Now I wish James Bond would drive a Bentley because I have one now or i should say my dad has one.
  6. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    :smt003 You'd be surprised how much that works! j/k
  7. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    In America a bank statement doesn't mean jack. They might take one faxed by the bank if it is local. I worked at a bank for 5 years and that wouldn't have even worked in the small town where I live.
  8. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    DeShawn Stevenson shows you how it should be done, lol these guys are funny.

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2008
  9. V777

    V777 New Member

    the bank statement showed Sales manager full amount of the car was in a seperate bank account and the Bentley sales guy let us test drive and my dad wired the money to them. That's how we go our Bentley. The Bank Statement was enough for us at the Bentley dealership though.
  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    They usually do not allow test drives unless it is one they are trying to move, like the 08 Bently.

    Just asking, but usually people do not "save up" for a car. They arent investments. If you cannot afford to buy it without saving for it, then you probably cant afford to maintain it.
  11. V777

    V777 New Member

    My dad can maintain it. If he couldn't, he wouldn't bother in buying the car. He planned for this car for a long time. This car is an investment to us. It's a Bentley and will be a classic car after 60 years. It's something we are going to keep in family and hand down to my kids. My dad paid $190,000 for the car.

    Why so negative?
  12. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I am not being negative. I am being honest. My husband owns a hand built car. People do not usually test drive them. People do not usually use them as an investment because they loose value like crazy. They just arent an investment. Most people use them as a tax write off, others lease them, while a few who can wipe their asses with $100 will pay cash.

    The whole idea that your father saved close to a quarter million dollars and then chose to "invest" it in an automobile that will only depreciate is just just doesnt ring true. You can either afford a hand built car or you cant. The whole saving up for one just doesnt make sense.
  13. V777

    V777 New Member

    Well I'm sorry you feel this way but he saved up 3 years to pay the car in one full payment through wire transfer. My dad only makes $800,000 a year and he has other bills to payl like the house payment for a 2.3 million dollar house he lives in.Orange County,CA is an expenisve place to live in. My school's tution too is being paid by my dad. My dad's financial planner told us to save up for the car so you can pay it one full payment one day. My dad owns 2 Mercedes already and they are paid off too. My dad likes to pay off things as soon as possible. His generation is like that. He's an oral surgeon with about 30 years of experience.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  14. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    What doesnt ring true, flygirl is your posts. First of all, aston martins nor bentleys are hand built anymore. Second, to test drive a car, you dont need a back statement...just proof of a license and insurance.

    I can go down the street tomorrow and test drive a lambo with just the two things I mentioned.
  15. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I never said you needed a bank statement. I know better.
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    The idea that ultra luxury cars are still hand built is a myth used to attract buyers by sellng the idea that the car is a throw-back to the good old days. Yes, minor assembly is done by hand - interior leather stitching and wood panel inserts - but the major assembly as well as the manufacturing of the parts, is done by machine. (You dont think american cars are still built in america, do you?)

    Aston Martin did away with "hand built" cars when it was purchased by Ford because because hand-built cars too exspensive and defeats the purpose of interchangable parts.
  18. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    congrats on your car homie....and when you want to go scoop up some snowbunnies in it just let me know...haha
  19. Ell

    Ell New Member

    They are discouraging your kind from driving that type of car. Just like Tommy Hilfiger doesn't want blacks wearing his clothing. He wants a certain kind of look. There are lots of gray areas in business. Now what if guys wanted to buy it outright? Would they refuse? A lawyer could have a more probable answer for you. Martin&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008

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