Negros are foolish

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Golddiggers come in all colours.

    I read the review and it's funny how she kept the players wives/girlfriends annonymous when making quotes about "monkeys babies". I can't imagine any girlfriend saying that, maybe I'm just naive though.

    I think these things are stupid though, they always make out that black men hate their own mothers and sisters, what the hell? Just because you date a white girl does not mean you hate every black woman on the planet... honestly.
  2. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    From the great RUNDMC " Money is the key to end all your woes
    Your ups and your downs, your highs and your lows
    Won't you tell me last time that love bought you clothes?
    It's like that, and that's the way it is"
  3. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    Are you serious, I was with you until I read your whole paragraph. Don't you think that's a lil' subjective and stereotyping.
  4. shion

    shion New Member



    I can do that...I want the picture already there without anyone having to click on the above url.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2008
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes like that. Then what you do is type with the url between them and no spaces. Try it..
  6. shion

    shion New Member

    not gettin' Brit, I 'm tired..I'll try again tomorrow.
    Thanks, appreciate it.
  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Hm, strange. It works for me. Do your settings allow you to do that?
  8. shion

    shion New Member

    don't know? haven'y check my it tomorrow. C-Ya
  9. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    I'm gonna play fairness advocate for a moment. The real issue that black women have, from what I've been privy to experience, is most feel that certain BM forget where they came from and their ascension into a high financial bracket dictated that a black woman is no longer socially acceptable. For most of them who "switch" it's seen by them (BM) as being able to buy away the taboo of being with a white woman. Where as an average BM with a WM is viewed on with some skepticism, a wealthy BM in the eyes of WM is seen as acceptable because now my daughter(s) will be taking care of.

    I use to work with this WM who was married to Former QB Simms daughter. He told me in college sports White parents throw their daughters on these black athletes and forcefully squeeze BW out of the picture. It reminds me of the bathroom scene of the movie"Any Given Sunday" with Jamie Fox When his wife came to look for him and those WG asked her what she was doing there.

    In addition to BW, BM felt the same way about BM who date WM back in the day. Listen to the lyrics of this old ICE CUBE song

    [YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>>[/YOUTUBE]

    I think at some level you have to understand the frustration of these women, because unilaterally they feel betrayed by men who they stood by and help make it to where their are at. This is such a dynamic situation, there are so many variables, but ultimately it boils down to motives and sincerity on each participating members part.
  10. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    At the same time a lot of these women are very difficult to deal with. I label some of these relationships as homosexual ( where the man and women is jockeying for position in the house, two wearing the pants) power play or incestuous ( where as she thinks she's your mother and lover at the same time). Sometimes all a brother wants is peace.
  11. shion

    shion New Member

    " .....incestuous ( where as she thinks she's your mother and lover at the same time.."

    you know what, this I why have a lot of problems with the women of my background. Sad to admit it but its' true.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

  13. V777

    V777 New Member

    I noticed back in High School that Black Girls felt uncomfortable with BM/WW relationships. There was on black guy on the schools football team who with a white girl. Both the blacks and whites gave them hell for their relationship. So they broke up after 3 months of dating.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  14. shion

    shion New Member

    OMG, you're a dork, LoL. Like this: you put the whole thing between those, including the http:// I can't do it for you to show you or the image will just show up on my post and you won't see the coding. Put the whole url you paste between the

    Girl, why you stalking me across the board.?..i'm talking about black athetes fucking white women and the black women who hate them over here.
    ***feel like someone walk in on me while I was handling my bizness*****
  15. shion

    shion New Member


  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes, like that but not underlined.
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

  18. shion

    shion New Member

    how do I fix that?
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    So true.

    BW that date WM are never accused of hating their fathers and brothers.

    WM that date BW are never accused of hating thier mothers..sisters..or their race.
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Start over. I'm not really sure how you underlined it. When you want to post a picture (and not the url) and after you have the url. All you have to do is while you're typing your post, include then paste the http://whatever.jpg between them, like so: [​IMG]. Then once you submit your post, it will show up as the picture.

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