Perving on BM - my day out in Chicago!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Hi all...I had a great day perving on the many black men I saw in Chicago today. Woo hoo for much eye candy. I caught the train downtown and had a great day. The first person I saw at the train station was an older black man.

    He was good looking...and it got me to thinking...I wondered what the ladies would say on here about older men? There's been a lot of chit-chat about older women and all that...but, I like older men. And I like black, it figures that I would like older black men.

    Well, this guy just had a vibe. He didn't look rich, but he didn't look broke. He was clean and neat. He wasn't overweight, but he wasn't built. He had the most long and thick eyelashes and great lips. He was just well put together...But the thing that really struck me about his was this...He just seemed to be satisfied. There was a vibe I got from him that he was at peace with the world. And, I suddenly realised that it is a thing missing from a lot of people, but especially a lot of black men. IMO. This guy just radiated gentleman and peaceful. The guy was maybe in his 40's or 50's - old enough to be my father, and somewhere that I would never go...but it really made me realise that older BM can be so alluring.

    What are your opinions on this??

    The rest of my day was studded with BM. Some good, some bad. This is what I saw that stood out. I was thinking about the "many faces of the BM"...

    Got off the train, went to starbucks. The hottest man ever...In a suit. Shaved head. Dimples. Looked like Taye Diggs. Could hardly contain myself. I really had to stop myself following him down the street. He was totally Lush.

    Then, two guys wearing XXXXXXL gear and behaving weirdly followed me up the street...I crossed over and lost them.

    When I got on the train to come home, it was peak hour. The train was fairly busy, but not crazy. 3 guys were each taking up 2 seats. All decked out in "hood" gear...listening to Lil Wayne on loud volume through a phone or something. You could almost feel everyone edging to the otherside of the train to get away from them...They got off fairly soon after and it was as though the carriage let out a collective sigh. It was really noticable and kinda funny.

    Then a BM sat next to me and was kinda rude...and I perved on a good looking college-student type most of the way back.

    So many people, so many stories. I was really checking myself all day and looking around. It's fun to see the variety of people. I like seeing the array of BM and not just people decked out in hood gear, which is mostly what I've seen for my whole trip, I realised.

    Anyway, this thread is kinda useless. Just wanted to chit chat.

    Older BM - DISCUSS!!!!
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Wow! If my Baby hadn't just called me from Iraq this week, I'd think you just bumped into him! It seems you've described him to a T.
  3. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    FEHG this was a nice post, even though as a man who fits into this demographic I'm a little embarrassed that you seem to think I need some geritol a cane! :)

    Seriously, even though I am in my late forties I feel very young, and have been fortunate enough to stay in great shape, in many ways I am in better shape than I ever was, and I've always been athletic.

    So many advantages come with age: confidence, experience, patience, grooming skills, wardrobe, cars, money, conversational skills, lovemaking skills, etc. In other words, being trained by your wife for 20 years.

    Kind of like you said, at peace and not intimidated at all when speaking to beautiful women like we were when younger, because we are not on the make. Also, I think women can sense when a man is taken and she lets her guard down sometimes and gets hooked. I swear, one time I was in a blockbuster with my kids getting movies and picking up free balloons for them and a woman in her twenties who had been watching straight up made a pass at me in the parking lot after I put my kids in the car. She said she was taken by the "family man" thing.

    One of the ironies of life is that men sometimes become more attractive as a total package as they become older. I am blessed to have a wife who has aged gracefully alongside me.
  4. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Woah. Sir Nose. I never said I think the guy needed a cane...

    I have always, since being a child old enough to talk, bonded better and got on better with adults...and that is still the case. I don't fit in with people my own age very well.

    I guess that translates through to relationships too.

    There's something so sexy about a guy who's got it together...and doesn't need to advertise it. Someone who is just happy with where they're at regardless of where that is. I think we're all looking for that in some way...and that's the beauty of aging. you're more likely to be there. And, wisdom and caring. Seeing a man, and especially a BM, with his kids is really lovely too. :D

    It also helps, too, that BM age well...they still look sexy, even without being built of anything. I think it's the ass and shoulders. :D
  5. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I know, just teasing ya. BTW, I have always pictured Chicago as a place where you could see a lot of very interesting people on the street, just like you described. I used to watch the Bob Newhart show when I was a kid and fantasized about what it would be like to live and work in Chicago, riding the L everyday, coming home to a beautiful wife like Suzanne Pleshette...
  6. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Phew. Ok! ;) haha. I'm a little slow. Having a blonde day. :D
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    You and your fantasy! WOW! You will need to answer my poll!
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Aristotelic perfec sillogism! :D

    and awww how i wish i could see all those black guys in the streets here lol. most of time i lose control when i got to the american base lol :smt054. so many hot guys there :D

    anyways, i might like some older man too. i mean, denzel washington is the shit and i'd hit it.... more than once lol
  9. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    I think that black men age VERY well.:D I have a friend who is 49, but looks like he's in his early 30's.
  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I have always prefered older men, even when I was in my twenties I prefered them 45-55 yo. But like every preference it didnt necessarily translate into who I dated most or longest.

    My husband is 61 and I am 43. We actually look very good together.
  11. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Hey flygirl,

    That's a pretty big age gap. Have you been together for a while? I am of the opinion that a large age gap has less importance the older you get. You should post a photo of you both up here! :D

    Oh, and I'm assuming he's a BM? :D

    There's something about older men, in general, though..Pierce Brosnan. OMG.
  12. veema

    veema Member

    I enjoyed reading your post, FEHG.

    As for older BM, I used to have a crush on Ed Bradley.
  13. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    So that's what it's called huh? "Perving on BM!"

    Me being a single dad (43), whenever I'm out with my daughter, and son, be it just shopping in Target, a restaurant, or wherever, I get a certain type of interesting look from many women, all races, but I usually write it off as them being refreshed to see a single black father out, and about with his teen kids. However, I guess it could be the perving on black men look as well. [​IMG]
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Mostly the later I think!! We see single father out with kids quite often actually, but if we say anything to you about it, you're the one that probably impressed us, not just cuz you have the kids, it's just makes for an easy conversation starter.

    Look up, the ladies are probably all "perving on ya"! Keep taking those kids out.;)
  15. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You know, the weird thing is, when I'm out with my kids, I am never thinking "hooking up". I am either totally engulfed in whatever I'm doing while out with them, or just not comfortable enough to ever flirt in front of my kids, so when I do see women giving me that "look", I am always caught off guard, so I just keep it moving. You know what they say, when you're least looking, is when the opportunity arises.
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    It also makes you much more attractive, because you're not looking! It's a bit of reverse psychology. You become really "cool" and you don't feel like a predator, you feel safe. :cool:

    You don't have to flirt in front of your kids, just find a reason to have a friendly conversataion and find out a little bit about her so you will know where you might run into her later.
  17. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I'll probably never strike up a conversation with someone, while out with my kids. For some reason, I feel I'd be disrespecting them for doing so. I was shopping in Target last week with my kids, and I got the look, stare, and way friendly smile from a totally my type darker blonde gal, and I felt it would have been rude not to at least say hi to her, afterall, she was really obvious with her flirtations, but still, I couldn't do any more than say hello, and keep moving, even though I knew she was totally hot, and receptive. Plus, my 14 y/o daughter is a daddy's girl, who watches me like a hawk. :cool:
  18. fromdc_withlove

    fromdc_withlove New Member

    What I'm about to post is not completely related to the thread, but it's not completely unrelated either. I probably wouldn't consider myself an "older" BM, but neither am I a "young buck" (joined the 30-&-over club not too long ago).

    Anyway, just had to comment on Tinkerbell's post above, as it shed a bright light on one of the wierdest things that happened to me a coupla weekends ago. I had had an overwhelming week, because of which I was mostly keeping to myself that weekend. Wasn't looking for love (sure could have used some at the time, but due to personal issues, just wasn't looking). Stopped somewhere to eat at one point, and could have sworn the waitress was flirting with me the whole time. She was quite cute, considerably younger, and I'm pretty sure she would have rejected me if I had hit on her myself. So I found it odd that she was advancing on me (and I don't think she was just angling for a tip either).

    The next day, still in a reclusive mood, I was doing some shopping at a mall and stepped out briefly for a cig break. Out came a cute Asian shorty, who had to be at least 10 years my junior. She struck up conversation, and seemed rather friendly (actually seemed to be probing to get me to talk to her). I realize smokers usually have an implicit camaraderie while outside burning one, but this just felt different.

    At any rate, those 2 incidents had me baffled for the next few days. Got me thinking that women probably have some kinda 6th sense, picking up on whether a guy is vulnerable (and possibly needing affection), or just not out on the prowl (making him safe as a result).
  19. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Heya fromDC with love...

    You're probably right.
    Unattractive - man who is obviously looking to hook up, score, whatever....and thinks he's the shit....

    Attractive - man who is 100% comfortable with himself with or without anyone and is currently not really looking...but is open to the possibilty.

    Personally, that's just what I think....
    And, since the majority of young bucks are out to score, and a higher percentage of older men are probably at ease with themselves. And, since I love BM....I think an older BM is probably one of the top choices out there. And, being in the just over 30 category certainly does not constitute "older"....

    Which part of DC are you in? I'm here at the moment, but only for another few days. Just passing through. Nice place! :)
  20. fromdc_withlove

    fromdc_withlove New Member

    Hi There, FEHG.

    I'm no longer in DC itself, but I was in Wisconsin & Mass, by the cathedral. I've recently moved out to MD (Bowie area), but since I'm such a wannabe Washingtonian, my contention is that that's still the "DC Metro" area!..:wink:

    Glad you like the place, and hope you enjoy throughout your stay...

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