Have you ever been rejected by a black man because you were white?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    :lol:When I was in college, there were black men standing on street intersections wearing suits and hats. They were giving out "Final Call" to people including non-blacks, to me too. I wonder what would happen if I tried to break the ice with one of them.
  2. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I dont know what else to tell you...I thought that post explains it best...the site is not necessarily restricted to black men that only love white women...it is for all who are curious to the topic...I reserve the right to be here just like everyone else is here...it is all about sharing ideas and thoughts...
  3. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    that is not entirely true...the same you are saying can be said for black women or any other women as well...If I was such a pig, I would have been picked up on some of my opportunities...I could have always pretended to be interested in these women with out reservation, surely I would have hooked up with at least one of them and could have taste/try/enjoy/expore a white woman...but really I am more moral then that...agreed I see white women everyday, that I would love to have sex with...If I had no conscious this would be easy, but since I have an issue (no that you guys are apparently having a hard time accepting) I have not done so...I guess you guys are just use to guys diving head first at you...
  4. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    no I look at them like "damn she is fine" "damn she looks delicious"
    "damn she is hot" that is how I look at them...I find it funny as a woman, I would think you would understand that 100% of the equation is not physical...I would think you would understand how one can be very physically attracted to someone yet not interested in them on a more personal basis...
  5. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    yeah you got me homeboy...think I will land me a nice snowbunny??? haha
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Dude, I'm not trying to run you off. I come in peace. ;-)

    We've had a string of trolls on this board lately, and at times you seem to be contradicting yourself.

    If you're here to learn more about ww, then that's great. I hope you learn alot about us and you realize we aren't scary to be around and that we're just like everyone else. And I hope that you find whatever it is you are looking for. :D
  7. shion

    shion New Member

    GTFO!!!!! the white she-devil marching alongside the NOI!!!!...sounds like a Dave Chapelle sketch.LOL
    Tell me that you got pictures...please...pretty please.,

    You think there were any white women at the Million Man March? Maybe one or two pretending to be real light-skinned.
    Serious Fly Girl, how you hook that up? Walking with the Nation and the other separatists group?
    Sounds like an interesting story.
  8. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I have protested, marched and picketed along side some pretty extreme brothers because I am involved in issued dealing with race, Islam, prison reform, etc.

    Now I just bake bean pies. LOL Oh and write letters to my congressmen and women.
  9. shion

    shion New Member

    Interstiong...very interesting.
  10. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Many reasons to do so. As a BM who loves WW here are a few I've had to use over the years to turn down a WW:

    1. My marriage or relationship at the time
    2. Her marriage or relationship at the time
    3. Workplace romance--too many potential complications
    4. Didn't like the group she hung with, associations
    5. She was unattractive to me
    6. Bad breath (a dealbreaker for me)

    In other words, the same reasons anyone might turn down a potential partner.
  11. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

  12. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well to answer the question, No i have not been rejected by a black man because i was White or any other reason to be honest, as i tend to not chase or hit on people at all!
    I just allow them to come to me, be they white, black, blue or green, not being ignorant but im just not comfortable in taking the lead with these kinds of things.
    But i do offer encouragement depending on the situation, im quite a chatty person when out and about, will happily pass the time of day in conversation but thats as far as i go. :)
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  14. veema

    veema Member

    I think I've answered this question before on another thread but here goes again: yes, I have been rejected by a black man because I am white. We met in a professional environment. From the moment we shook hands, the connection/attraction/chemistry was there. We exchanged information and agreed we'd meet again. We did. The next day at a coffee shop to talk "shop." After a coffee we ended up walking and talking for hours. The conversation flowed. After a couple of hours, he drove me home. When he walked me to my door, it seemed inevitable that he'd kiss me. He was so close to me but all he did was run his fingers through my hair. The next day, I called to thank him for his time. I never heard from him again. A couple of years later, he called. Asked me out to dinner. I was a little confused but agreed to meet him nonetheless. After we met for dinner, he told me that he had never dated a white women and had never even been attracted to one before. He then told me that he was still attracted to me. That's when I realized that he and I would never be together. My experience with interracial relationships and his lack of experience...well, it just wouldn't work. So yeah, I was once rejected because I was white.
  15. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    sounds like he pulled one of my numbers
  16. veema

    veema Member

    How very sad.
  17. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Sounds like you ultimately were the one who rejected him.
  18. veema

    veema Member

    I suppose so, although I didn't look at it that way at the time. I was just sad that someone would toss away a perfectly palpable connection over something like that.
  19. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    I've never rejected a women who approaches me, but the odds of a women doing that are slim.
  20. shion

    shion New Member

    3. Workplace romance--too many potential complications
    This one is crucial...I cringe when I see a brotha get a sexual harassment compliant from a flirty White girl.
    I've seen careers derailed because of this...This is a rule I that adhere the most.
    When I was in the military, sometimes when my unit went drinking...I was part of the designated driver program since I don't consume alcohol( I quickly tired of the role since I felt like I was being used)..I never drove drunk white females home even those that I worked with.I never explain my reason I just refuse to do so mainly because I don't know where they've been as far as their actions while they're drunk...they could've been fuckin,suckin, finger-banged,etc. but I didn't want some chick wake up the next morning ,sober, and felt like she had been violated and who was the last guy that everyone saw her with...my BLACK ASS!!!!
    Don't even want the implication...some of my white colleagues thought I was rascist and not being a good wingman especially with the females but I didn't care....let them take her home.

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