Sir Nice...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Brittney, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

  2. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I got 6/37%.
    Some of those were pretty hard.

    I've always thought I looked totally white but some "bloke" on hotornot, which I never really use anymore messaged me saying.

    "Back to Inbox He wrote hello how are you 10 days ago

    i have a question you look like a white girl but then again you don't i know that you are from scotland but what is your ethnic back ground? "
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Your not the only one im always getting asked if im polish! not by polish people of course, last year i was in this club called discotech and this white guy comes up to me (not drunk) might i add and asks where i come from cus im not a brit by the looks of me, but there have been many more incidents than that one too many.

    Maybe you should look into your background, mine is pretty mixed my paternal side is Irish my Maternal side has got German and a bit of polish in it but its very diluted b4 it gets to me lol.
    I really want to to that family tree properly instead of those rubbish free internet ones, gotta do it while my Nans alive so she can steer me right, recently i found out my Great Great grandmother was one of those mean old moneylenders you used to get back then, apparently thats an interesting line of hard women. :cool:
  4. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    My dad is odd, so it'll be hard to find out about my background. I know my grand father on his side was Dutch though.

    I get asked if I'm Polish ALL the time. I don't think I look Polish. I just look different from most of the people up here (ref. Jeremy Kyle Show -> what most people here look like ;)). I think it's because I don't have the typical accent from up here. I get asked if I'm English but I speak Scottish, just not "doric". So I'm like a well spoken Scot. Lol. I take it as a compliment, all the Polish girls I know are dead pretty.
    When I was little I got called "chinky" all through school. I think it was my dark hair styled in a bob and my dark eyes. My dad even thought my mum had an affair with the man who owns the chinese take away near by! LOL! I think he was looking for a way outta paying maintenance. He said "I'll still want contact because I've bonded with them but I really think they look Chinese, are you sure they aren't?" :smt037

    I think I might look into my background though :) I've recently been trying to piece things together since I found out about my dads secret.
  5. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    You make me laugh so much Sarah, so you have the polish brand on you aswell, its nice to know im not alone lol
    Lets say one thing for your dad at least he was original and picked out the takeaway man instead of saying the Milkman lol
    What men will do to get out of maintenance is shameless :rolleyes:

    Yep looking into the background thing is definitely appealing at the moment :cool:
  6. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Your Score: You got 4 right out of 16 questions, for a score of 25 percent.

    I suck!!:(
  7. scylla

    scylla New Member

    not that bad, but still bad. ^__^
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I'm impressed, the best score yet. You have a good eye!
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I think the Native American ones helped me out. A lot of people confuse Native American features with Hispanic, because they're so similar (here in Texas I can barely tell a difference! Sometimes even I get confused). I can generally spot Native American features quickly, because they're all very prevalent in my family. My parents don't look white, I've been told. *L* It's mostly the nose and cheekbones that tip me off. Someone with a lot, or hell, even a little, Native in their blood will tend to have a more pronounced bridge on their nose, pointy tip of the nose, and high, sharp cheekbones. That's how most of the people are built in my family, at least, and those specific shapes I've not seen on other races that often unless they've got a bit of Native in their heritage.

    I just pay attention to details when I want to. It's how my brain works, because of my art I guess. I trip out people sometimes when we'll be driving around, and I'll notice weird crap they've never seen before, even though they've lived here for far longer than I have. I'm strange. *L*
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I don't think you're strange at all, I really meant it, you have a good eye, I took the test and it was harder than you would think, I did pretty good compared to others but still you did much better.

    I could be your eye for art, but that's a real asset. :smt023

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