The only Terrorism I'm worried about that effect all of us everyday is: lack of education, lack of proper medical treatment, lack of proper housing, to much criminals running the Criminal Justice System, Religion and it's intrusion in our lives, lack good paying jobs, The taking over of our elected government by Corporate America, Al Qaeda( those clown are just tools used to divert our attention while the real terrorist(an ambiguous word) rob and deprive the people daily). Taxation without representation(Because those senator and congress men/women don't represent me. If they did, a lot of mofos would be headed to the slammer, Devils island off of French Guinna would be more suitable. Awww I've exhaled. As for the KKK(Klueless Kluts Klowns) It's their Constitutional right to talk shit, But like I say "say what you want, but don't do what you want.
We don't have the KKK over here to my knowledge really, probably some pathetic underground groups though. British version of the KKK = BNP (political party). Their member lists were leaked online, and no joke, right my aunt's friend's ex husband (left him after the police told her what he was into) who was caught with kiddy porn who then killed himself when he was released on bail was a member. I wasn't really shocked. Some people have had abuse for being members since the list came to light and someones car was set a light. Read bout em here, bunch of wackos. I remember the BNP put a flyer through my door and the background was like flames. It wasn't too appealing. KKK make me sick though, I've cried so many times after watching Mississippi Burning.
Terrorist groups. And I think these ads show their desperation. I heard from somewhere that they were going bankrupt.
Oh so now Obama's half white. These people are pathetic. First it's a drop of n***r blood makes you a n***r. But now that we have a black president, the idea is so unbearable that it must be emphasized that "he's not black, he's half white!" Honkey please...
my words exactly...the KKK protests have the must uneducated people speaking...I am surprised they have enough brain cells to actually find the same styled dunce hats...regardless of the KKK there still remain alot of racist organizations, at least the KKK are most visible
i wonder if they will ever get over the fact that the election is over and obama won? oh about the half white thing, racists realized that american presidency is the most powerful position in the world, so they want to claim his white side and take credit for it. if no one knew obama and seen him walking down the street, everyone would identify him as a black man.
Perhaps. Human beings have repeatedly shown ourselves to be an intellectually challenged species. It is only within the past 100-150 years that the smartest of us (primarily physicists and engineers) have invented technologies that are capable of wiping us out. Contrary to popular belief, planet Earth will be fine, it is only the species that inhabit it who may find themselves trying to survive in an increasingly inhospitable world.