Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by dossou, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Love will find you then, Dossou.
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Well you are a good writer, I enjoy writing a bit myself, never anything so romantic, but I do a few poems and such.
  3. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi and thanks Tinkerbell and Canelle
    Tinker what books would you suggest me to read, talking about poetry and cultural blending
    Thanks and bye.
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    To tell you the truth, before you'll benefit too much from books on poetry, you would probably need to get a better grasp of English.

    Try the Readers Digest, it's full of short stories, politics, cultural issues, and funny jokes. It's good reading for someone learning English, it even has some vocabulary sections. It gives a good cultural overview of America, if that's the culture you are interested in. (Not that we really have an All American Culture.)

    If you want a prime example of great English literature you could take a look at the book of Psalms. (KJV) It's great reading with an old English twist. But like I said you may want to learn more English first.
  5. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi Tinker,

    I'll follow your advice and better myself in English

    Have a nice day.:eek:
  6. freeafrodate

    freeafrodate New Member

    Please respect him. He is trying to share a story with you.
  7. humility

    humility New Member

    This guy is from Abidjan(Ivory Coast) and their main language there is French and not English.How many of us here could speak and write French?
  8. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi and thanksfor all Humility
    I'd happy to shre with you.:)
  9. Arika

    Arika New Member


    On dit quoi?

    T'es Ivorien et puis c'est normale que ton niveau d'Anglais n'est pas comme les autres .. comme mon Francais, l'ecriture est difficile, mais tant pis pour les gens qui me ne comprends pas!!!

    T'es ou a Babi? J'ai rentre il y a cinq jours .. je suis vraiment triste et froid ici, mais je reviendrai bientot j'espere ...


  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I miss Dosous sweetness? Wheres he at?
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

  12. maghalil

    maghalil Member

    salut Arika ,

    Peux - tu lui faire un message dans son addresse e-mail. je suis sure qu'il sera bientop de retour .

    Bonne chance.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009
  13. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Very innocent. :smt045
    And sweet.

    Not to mention optimistic:
    Here's my phone number ******* call me if you want to- But a little later, cause right now my phone needs charging....:smt042

    Gotta love Dossou.
  15. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Grammar is a problem for them, especially when you consider French and English use tense and subject differently.
  16. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I think it's great to throw yourself into a language headlong with some of their best writing, you pick up words here and there.

    Dossou, Reader's Digest is only for wrapping akkra in!!!!!!
  17. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Agreed. People should just understand he speaks a different language.
  18. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi Lands Queens'

    I Love you.
    Don't worry my Queens; private life is already melted with public .
    Yes I hope I'm innocent if you say so.
    Thanks for the encouragement.
    As Arika is sharing delicate care and trust, from within the Heart; you represent a guiding light because of the marvelous Love you have within.
    Queens Lands , you're Love. Real Love in fact.
    Keep on being a Guiding Light of True Love.
    Loving each :smt049f you.
  19. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Ah, George our cultural IR leader. Welcome back. :smt057 :smt110

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