What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Of course, no health care is free....
    But, it should be free for the people who need it and can't afford it.
    I, for one, am happy if they take extra tax from me to give us a public health care system. (When I'm at home paying my taxes)

    I am sad that you are having these hardships Britty....I hope that things improve for you soon. You seem super-smart and motivated, so I hope the circumstances that you're in can change soon so you can achieve what you want to.

    My thoughts are with both you and DH.
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Ok, I'm upset now. This lady at gamestop has been jerking me around for a week, making me think I was going to be hired. The interview was fantastic, we discussed dress codes and everything else, and she told me to call her on Saturday and she'd let me know. We Saturday I called, hoping she was going to tell me to just come on in, but she told me to call again on Monday at 2. I just called, and apparently she's changed her mind.

    Why not just tell me that instead of acting like you're gonna hire me?!?!

    I really want to know what I'm doing wrong. There's so many jobs here, why the fuck can I not find one?!
  3. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    That sucks. I've had that happen to me a few times. They get your hopes up so much only to let you down. They should just tell you what's up:smt102

    Keep believing and trying :). Don't let this setback derail you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go get what's yours. It will happen
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Man, the only way I'm not starving too bad (some days I have something to eat, some days I don't) is because my mom sends me 50 bucks a week for food and bus fare. But I also gotta buy shampoo, deodorant, tampons, toilet paper, soap, cleaning supplies, and supplies for school from it. So it doesn't go very far. But she can't keep doing it, and if I can't find a job before she runs out of money I'm pretty well screwed. But no one will hire me! And I don't know what I'm doing wrong. And none of these people will tell me. They just keep acting like they'll hire me, and then string me along and in the end "Sorry, we're going to explore a different avenue".

    It's really fucking frustrating, and I don't have time for these games. The fuckers could at least just be straight with me "Sorry, we're not going to hire you" from the get go, instead of making me think they're going to and backing out. I need a job months ago, I don't need this bullshit.
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn that's shitty. Fuck gamestop. Only reason I buy my games from there is because they have a kick ass ps2 selection. They sold me a shitty copy of Rainbow 6 Vegas and Street Fighter 3rd Strike.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I love the gamestop stores. That's why I wanted to work there :(

    Dumb bitch! If I ever have money to spend on games again I am so boycotting that specific store. Can't blame the whole chain on one store, but I'll certainly not be buying anything at that location ever.

    The weird part is I know she wanted to hire me before. Last year she wanted to give me a job, but she didn't call me until I'd gotten hired at my waitress job, and was only offering me seasonal work while the restaurant offered me a permanent position, so it would've been stupid of me to accept the gamestop job. And I know they're needing people hardcore at Gamestop right now, cause my friend works there. So I don't know what's changed, but apparently something has.
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I can't really say fuck the whole chain. Plus the people at the GS I go to are hella cool. But still. 30 bucks for Street Fighter 3rd Strike and I GET A FUCKING DISC READ ERROR. Gamestop can read deez nizzzuts, the particular one of course.
  8. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    What are you doing? I doubt you're doing anything wrong. Oh, guess what I ate today!! We had some frozen bread dough, bacon bits, and mayonnaise. So we made like some "pizza crust" and baked it with bacon bits and mayonnaise on it. It was actually pretty tasty. It reminded me of "garlic bread", except no cheese or garlic. You couldn't really taste the mayonnaise. It did give it a nice subtle kick though. And it was nice and cripsy in all the right places, heh. Anyways, I read about you getting 50 bucks a week and stuff. Have you ever tried to contact any churches? You don't always have to attend the church. Neither I or my mother go to church or anything. But the "church lady" still gave us free food and sometimes household items and supplies. Is that something you might be able to do in your area? I'm not really sure how to guide you to do it though. Like tell you who to call or anything. I found a Planned Parenting place. The closest one to me is 38.5 miles away :? heh. Fuckers! :mad:
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    You 2 ladies, sound like you are both very intelligent. Right now in our economy it is going to be hard to find work in many places, and a lot of people are looking. Have you ever thought about going into some sort of business for yourselves? You don't always need licenses and things like that.

    I've done it plenty when times were tough, 4 kids, and husband on drugs and drinking, no money and no way to work with all those kids. At least not a traditional job.

    There are a lot of people willing to pay for folks to do housecleaning, or babysitting or elder care, while they work, many times they will even go pick the person up. Some people will even hire someone to do their ironing.

    All you need to do is find something you enjoy doing, maybe your art work or something like that and put up fliers. Businesses are often looking for sign painters, or people to paint their windows for the Holiday season. If you don't have the supplies you need then you bid the job and ask for half down so you can get them.

    If you're good on the computer you may be able to teach someone elderly how to use it, for $15 or $20 per hour. You may also be able to type things up or do data entry of businesses that need extra help, but don't want to hire a full time person. If you can read and write another language then you can translate. ETC...

    As to the health care issues, that's always tough, if you have something wrong, but a little research on the internet or at a good heath food store will many times help a lot of illnesses, or at least alleviate the symptoms.

    As to the female issues, sometimes your hormones just fluctuate a lot when you have a lot of stress, I had a lot of those symptoms and that's all it was. Many times a family planning clinic can put you on birth control pills which will regulate your hormones, and that helps a lot.

    Hope that's helpful. I know you didn't ask. But really I do care, and I understand where you're coming from more than you ladies know.

    :smt059:smt059 An Angel for each of you!!
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thanks, good ideas! :smt003
  11. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member


    I am chillin'. Bored. Eating a triple chocolate macadamian chunk muffin we got from the "Farm Truck" (people who give you free food like expired milk and produce you can't really use, and stale sweets, etc) with some milk that's going to expire in a couple days. Even though I'm lactose intolerant, I think. Oh well, I'll just get crampy and the runs. Shit happens, Ha Ha Ha. Macadamian sounds pretty. Is it Macadamia or Macadamian or both? I was going to go in the chatroom and talk to myself again.

    Me: Hey Britty!
    Me: Hiiiiii! What's up?
    Me: Nothing much just talking to myself. You?
    Me: Oh, same here.
    Me: Sooooo...
    Me: .....
    Me: Well, I guess we better go.
    Me: Whatever you say. I'll with ya.
    Me: Well, der der der, you don't really have a choice.
    Me: Excuuuuuuuse me, sheesh, der der der!! at you.
    Me: I'm sorry.
    Me: It's okay, I will find it in my heart to forgive you.
    Me: You are so magnanimous.
    Me: Yes, I know, it is because I love you so much.
    Me: Awww :oops:
    Me: I wish we had a car or somewhere to walk to.
    Me: Yea, oh well. This site can be entertaining so long as people are posting.
    Me: Yea, I wonder if anyone's posted anything yet.
    Me: You are such a sad individual.
    Me: Yea, for now.
    Me: Warren didn't win Dancing with the Stars :( I loved his smile and humor!! He made me melt. His winking too. So adorableeee. Good dancer too.
    Me: Well, you knew Brooke and Derek would win.
    Me: Yea. And I'm sad Amy went home from Biggest Loser. That show always makes me cry.
    Me: I know, you are so damn emotional.
    Me: Yea, I'm sensitive.
    Me: I can't wait until Wed. Panic Estate will be on.
    Me: Yeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!
    Me: Then Thursay we can watch Survivor.
    Me: Yep, gosh, I'm so glad Randy went home. Though, I do feel bad how they did it. Sheesh.
    Me: Then on Friday we can watch Sanctuary.
    Me: Yea, I like that show. It's cute.
    Me: You have to mail that movie back to Blockbuster.
    Me: I keep forgetting and I think we've lost the envelope to mail it back to them.
    Me: I wish I knew how to post a youtube video. OMG I saw some that were so gotdamn funny. I was laughing my ass off.
    Me: Yea, you were laughing so hard that you were crying and couldn't even see the screen any more!!
    Me: Well, I'm going to go see if any more posts have been made.
    Me: Me too.
    Me: Well, DUH!
  12. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    It's 6.30AM, just away to leave for college.
    Feel sorry for me... plus been awake all night doing a report.

  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    College sucks ass, at least when you are still living at home.
    I feel bad for you, cause I know how shitty it is to have a class at 6:30n the morning. "Last minute report" is my middle name.:p

    On a brighter note, me and m friend are gonna buy hella shit on black Friday. Gonna be epic!!!!! Gonna buy some dvds, and maybe a keyboard.
  14. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I made sure to never sign up for a class that started before 9:30am. I did that my first year. I had an algebra class that started at 8:50am. I hated it :evil:
  15. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    9 is decent for me. Most of my classes have been then.

    BLACK FRIDAY BITCH!!! I'm out mufuckas.:smt066
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Naa I don't have any classes that start till 9am. I have to travel 2 hours in a bus every morning to get to college. I don't think any classes here start until 8.30am.


    Lol, have fun shopping.
  17. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Ouch. That's brutal. Luckily, I live right next to campus. It only takes me a few minutes to get to class
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, bus too? Damn that sucks ass. My cousin had to do the same shit back in high school. Be ready by 5 n' shit and take a 3 hour bus ride every morning. Disgusting.
  19. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    What's going on with me.

    I had a shitty day at work.
    I don't have any friends.
    I hate my b/f wich has officially become my EX.
    I have one of the most important exam of my life next week, only 1/3 pass it, and i didn't study enough.
    My car is dying and I have no money to buy a new one.
    Here it is. I'm depressed :(:(:( :cry:
  20. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    What happened, honey???:(

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