What do you think about this forum?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Moskvichka, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Scorpion Brodie

    Scorpion Brodie New Member

    I like this forum because it's very diverse with people from around the world. Plus it shatters the stereotypes that some people have about WW/BM relationships.
  2. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I like it here, even though people dont post as much as in my other forum ans even though some people are quite impolite.
    but there are also enlightended, smart, reflecting people here who I enjoy reading.
    As english is not my mother tongue (as you easily see) my english skills also gain profit from reading and writing here, at least i hope so.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ........and this is part of the reason why I stopped posting here..

    guess i'm not much for change
  4. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    What did it look like before?
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I liked the fact that it was pretty "plain jane."

    It seems a bit more complicated now

  6. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I discovered this site at least 6, or 7 years ago, but never signed up, and only lurked, until last year. I did like the old look to the forum, and many of the long gone posters as well, but times change, and everything else along with it, so I've adjusted accordingly, and continued to find this a pleasant place to be, for the most part.

    Good to see ya back Petty! :smt006
  7. DI

    DI New Member

    find it being easier to use now. you just have to get used to it. its nice!:))
  8. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Awww, don't be so hard on yourself ;)
  9. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    LOL, Funny!!! :D
  10. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I think some threads on here are kind of nonsensical, like "How do you talk to a BM or a WW?" or "Do BM/WW respond to such and such?" I mean, C'mon. People are people. All you have to do is talk to them and see what they like or dislike. All BM and WW do not think the same way. They don't all like the same things.

    We're all individuals
  11. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Im gonna have to agree with you there Dex, sometimes the threads as mentioned above can get a little to in depth for the situations asked about, ie like there is some kind of secret handshake or wave because its a BM & WW when generally everyones the same when it comes to chatting up a date lol ;)
  12. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Dex is right. people are people wherever they are an however they look like.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  13. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Thank you ladies. Now we all think alike :smt003
  14. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Can we use this rare state of peoples minds and find a solution on how to create peace on earth? Quick? That would be so nice. Thank you. :rolleyes: :mrgreen:
  15. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I have a funny feeling that on this site Peace on Earth would end up being divided by Peace by Blackmens standards & Whitemen standards.
    I doubt if we are yet capable at the mo lol ;)
  16. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Me too. I'm taking my camera with me, so there will be plenty of pics for all to see :D
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yay! I love pictures! Hurry up! LoL :p
  18. veema

    veema Member

    For the most part, I like it here. When I'm not liking it, I stay away. Recently it's been a nice diversion from the stress I've been feeling at work.
  19. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I can sorta understand why someone would post those type of threads, if they've never dated outside their race, or come from areas that aren't so diverse (like me) but they've always irked me, too.

    I feel like I'm talking to a wall every time I bring up the whole "Race doesn't matter, everyone is different" thing. *L* Cause right after I'll see a thread like "What do blacks like their ww to wear?"...oh man, that one got on my nerves so bad.

    Perspectives are going to be different for everyone. Race isn't as much an identifier of how you may think as environment and culture. Where you grow up as more bearing on your mindset, usually, than your race. It's like saying "What do blondes like guys to wear?", or "Girls who wear glasses: what do you look for in a man?" *rme*
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I guess I could finally answer the question. I've been pondering doing so since you created the thread, Moskie, but I've avoided it because I didn't want to say something too mean. ;)

    Sometimes I love this place, and sometimes I hate it. There are good points and bad points, like any other forum or social situation which involves people with vastly different views and lifestyles and whathaveyou. Some of the perspectives I've encountered on here just make me sick, honestly, and others make me proud to have met the person behind it. It's similar to most social situations offline. Sometimes I can't stand the people I meet, sometimes I love them. On here, though, we have more chance for conversation than the people I generally meet offline. Just as with a lot of people I meet IRL, it boggles my mind how people get certain ideas in their head, or why someone would react a certain way to a statement or question, but my love of psychology and the way the human mind works generally keeps me more interested in the thought process behind such things than the actual statements made.

    The thing that bothers me most about this forum is how closed minded some of the members really are. I think it was you, Mosk, who pointed out that seeing as how we take crap for dating outside our race we should be more accepting of other people who do things outside the norm when it comes to their relationships, and that's how I feel. To me, it would be hypocritical to judge someone for doing something that a lot of people think is "weird" or "different", because I myself do things others judge me for, because it's not normal to them. It also bothers me that more than a few members seem to be so...uptight, I guess. I don't think its really the term I'm looking for, but my coffee hasn't kicked in so my brain isn't working yet.

    I dunno. I like a lot of the conversations I get into here, and even the debating (as long as it's done civilly). I like that I can have an intelligent conversation here, because offline it's much harder to find people who talk about many things I consider to be important or substantial. I love conversing in general, so I don't always mind the simple conversations, but sometimes I just want to talk about something other than music, ya know? On the internet it's easier to find likeminded people. I like the fact that on here there's far more chance of finding people who understand my problems with my family over my choice in men, and I can discuss and bitch about things on here that my friends who've never dated interracially may never understand. It's just like how I can have conversations with some of my black friends that my white friends would probably never get, or think I was stupid for even talking about. It's all about different perspectives.

    Some days I hate this place, and some days I love it. That about sums it up. But it's all good. I'm glad I came here, because I've made some good friends through this place. Fuck, I talk to ChosenOne every day on the phone. Would've never met him had it not been for this forum, so I gotta at least be thankful for that.

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