1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    haha, she uploaded some to her myspace already (my favorite redhead other than myself, that is)

    [​IMG] it's tiny, but that's me riding the camel! score!
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Cool pics. I wanna walk around with that horses ass thing. It would be a bitch to get anywhere, but just for the hell of it. And camels stomp ass.
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It always trips me out when I see those guys wearing them. They look so unnatural and wrong in person, cause of course the "front" legs move normally, but the fake back legs don't move at all and are on little wheels. It's just so obviously fake it's cheesy *L* But interesting in pictures, at least!

    I <3 camels. I don't know why, but I do.
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I thought those pictures were really neat. It seems like a really good time. What is Renfest? I am very curious. I've never heard of it and looks like something I might like to experience, if I could..
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Well this one is one of the largest in the country, the Texas Renaissance Festival. It's basically a place to go, chill, nerd out, wear silly period costumes or fantasy costumes or whatever, buy swords and knives and fantasy jewelry and incense and armor and other neat stuff you won't find easily other places. A lot of artisans travel around the country with Ren Faires, selling paintings, hand crafted jewelry, and other, more original items.

    There's one guy there who sells hand made ceramic dragon puppets, for example.

    It's really cool and super nerdy, and almost all the people who work there talk in bad european accents. There are also folk musicians all over the place putting on concerts, dancers (like the bellydancers I saw today!!! oh they were so lovely), comedians who speak in Shakespearean English, people selling flowers and pickles, period costumes, etc, etc. A lot of stuff!

    http://www.texrenfest.com is the website for this one.

    oh and there's tons of acting going on. Most of the workers stay in character while they're on the job, and they'll go around acting silly and "kidnapping people" like I took a picture of, sword fighting, jousting, and having a whole lot of fun in the process. There are also old school inspired rides that are all human powered...either by you, or by guys moving you around in the baskets/cars/whatever. And the food! Some of it's just regular every day food, but most of the stuff they sell is themed. I ate a smoked turkey leg today *L* and you can get this awesome soup that's in a bowl made of bread, so you eat the soup and then have bread after! hmm. I'm not sure of any other specific items, cause I never have money when I go so I don't just get to go sample stuff, but it's really fun. I love it and can't wait til I get to go back next year. I wish I had money, I'd go again next weekend. It's the last weekend before the carnie/gypsy like renfest people pack up their stuff and leave til next October.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  7. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    Cool pics DH. The RenFest look cool. I always thought it would be interesting to go back in time to Elizabethan England
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It would be cool, but a Ren Faire is never going to be historically accurate. *L* Sometimes they almost are in spots around the place, but I've never heard of centaurs, fairies, pirates, Robin Hood, sorcerers, gargoyles, princesses, demons, and random guys in random armour coexisting at any point in history! *L*

    It's neat though! I love how the different sections of the place each have a theme. I had a blast in the tiny Greek area today watching belly dancers and comedians. Old Schoole England is where Robin Hood hung out, and there's a German area I didn't even get a chance to explore where they have bratwurst eating contests and stuff. If you're ever in Texas in the fall, you should totally go. It's so much fun to nerd out for a day. *L*

    Last year was funny because on top of all the weird costumes people wore, I even saw a bunch of video game character costumes running around, like Link and Cloud. lol
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    So, today I -really- enjoyed watching this band: http://s475.photobucket.com/albums/...n Fest 2008/?action=view&current=100_6817.jpg They're called Tartanic (a friend just reminded me of the name a few minutes ago) and they were fantastic.


    I thought there was something familiar about the frontman at the concert (he's the one in the middle of the bagpipe players in the video and photo) but I couldn't put my finger on it...he kept talking with a Scottish accent, which threw me off, since it's not real (and I know for sure now!)...but I figured it out when I saw his real name (Adrian) written on a youtube comment, and it all came clear...


    Adrian is one of the models for the life drawing classes at my school! Holy fuck! lmfao

    Great body for a guy his age, too. Really nice ass under that kilt lmfao woooow that's just a trip. I've not seen any of the models outside of the classes before!
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    UGH!! I am jealous!! I need to visit Texas, LoL. Just to get to experience the RenFest. I don't know, maybe I can google and see if my state has one kind of like it. I'll have to see. I think all that stuff is cool!! I remember I wanted to learn how to belly dance. I have a free subscription to this http://www.pyramidcollection.com catalog (I get it through the mail) and they have a couple belly dancing DVD's to teach how. I haven't had any money though. But that magazine is the shit (though some stuff is kind of - not my style, heh). Renfest seems like it's the shit!! I wanna gooo :smt088
  11. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    You're correct lol. That just does not go together

    That sounds like something I could go to.
    I'm surprised they had Greek and German areas there. I figured it would be all English

    Aww cool :cool:. I remember Link from Playing Zelda all the time. I love that game. I will say that those people are really dedicated to the festival lol
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    If your state doesn't have a renfest, there may be one sorta close! There's a big one in Michigan, too. It's definitely quite fun! A great excuse to act silly all day and dress weird. *L*

    Don't buy dvds babe, just youtube it. Search youtube for "how to bellydance" and you'll find a wealth of free videos teaching you a lot of manuevers.
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yea, I Googled, it looks like I'll have to go to MI. Well, that's not too far, at least. Next year, I'm going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless I get a car before that. I didn't even think about youtube!! What would I do without you DH? :smt052
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Greyhound + a tent and sleeping bag, and you're set. If the one in Michigan is anything like the one here, of course. They have this huge campground set up for anyone who wants to camp out at the renfest. A lot of these people go every day, and just basically party it up every weekend at the renfest while it's going on. A lot of the people who have shops there also camp out. You could head up there, camp out the first night, renfest it up the next day, then sleep a bit and either repeat the next day, or head back home on a bus.

    Don't worry, it took me -forever- to figure out that people make how-to videos on youtube. *L* I think I figured it out by googling "How to bellydance" or something like that, and a youtube link popped up!

    One thing to always remember: everything is on the internet. If it needs fixed, google it...there's probably a tutorial on how to fix it. If you want to learn it, google it. I even found an entire website dedicated to teaching you Greek...for free. The lessons are awesome, and when I have the time to study I actually learn the stuff. For free!

    I love the internets.

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