Ladies, East African or West African?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by XXX, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. dossou

    dossou Member

    East Africa to West Africa, I see like the hip hop label coast to coast...
    lol you know East to West coasts.
    These african are either in contact with the sea or sailor I mean it's in their blood.
    Thereis no surprise.
    My roots , for instance, Benin whose flag is my avatar, is a land of cultural blending , interracial marriage since the 18th century.
    And the french and portuguese would recognize children and wives.
    There is this town Ouidah in Benin were there is the old neighbourhood where you can meet an old story of interracial blending and marriage in Ouidah.My mother is from Ouidah , may be some europeans ascends here?
    My aunt was working for the town of Porto Novo until her retirment.
    She talked me about official document , agreeement done in peace between people since the 1700s or 18th Century
    I love you family:D
  2. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Me too.... Senegal's ex mami here lol.
  3. Hightx

    Hightx New Member

    It ain't cut and dry...

    I'm of East African Descent and quite proud of it actually...But first; this post reminds me of the time I lived in the Scandinavians, and whenever I was out with my West African Friends, I would be the one who could not really get the attention that my brethren would get from the White ladies. Back then, it would kind of bother me quite a bit.

    But then, as I grew older and had more personal experiences outside most circles of my country men, I realized that my nature as an East African, does not warm up too fast to changes in 'social up-rootment'...Blame it on my country (UGANDA) being landlocked, or whatever. Surprisingly though, this I later concluded, is nothing to be bothered by. It just so happens that in social situations, East Africans tend to follow a beat that's a little bit different...maybe a little passive, and at first glance it may come off as arrogant and uncultured...but that's if you don't look a little further than what meets the eye. My personal opinion is, it's the TIME it takes for a West African to get acquainted with a stranger, as opposed to the time it takes an East African to do the same thing, THAT is the difference. In other words, it's just styles that are a wee-bit different. Ultimately, it's mostly outsiders who seek to amplify our differences, and some even get racist like someone almost did on this thread...

    When the Belgians and French invaded Rwanda, they actually tried, and did create psychologically damaging beliefs between tribes, by literally measuring the shapes of noses and other features of the different Tutsi and Hutu tribes...! and then they'd be like, you see, you're different! and we all saw and know how that mentality took the worst turn not too long ago...

    My observations therefore led me to conclude that WA and EA, just simply take different approaches in dealing with the interracial thing for example, and a WW who might be attracted to a WA, may not be attracted to an EA, and a WW who is attracted to an EA, may not be attracted to a's all a bit related to what, where, who, when, type of analogy, In that, different vibes give and get different results, which in my book is a toast to life...variety!
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    give me a mulatto and a black and i'll get the black. for sure!
  5. ibra7

    ibra7 New Member


    From east Africa we are HERE and we too are into white ladies just like any man that has feelings for a white chick. TRY ME!
  6. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    If this is about looks, there's attractive East and West Africans. I can't really tell the difference, but I kinda know.
  7. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Good post.

    I think you're right. :smt045

    I loved the title of your post btw. Funny man! :smt081 Is it safe to assume you've read the circumcision-thread?
  8. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    At the end of thre day, there are atractive emen from both regions.I have been with nigerian and sudanese guys. Both different in their own way.The big difference for me at the time was the the fact that the Sudanese guy was muslim. Yes he was more "strict" in many ways. Everyone has their own taste, but to me that was a big plus ! !:smt079

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