What do you think about this forum?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Moskvichka, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Me, I really enjoy it. Been posting here for 3.5 years, and I've gotta be one of the most annoying personalities here because I never shut up. I've been on other forums but this one is by far my favorite. People are intelligent, knowledgeable, funny, and mostly nice. The webmaster gets involved when required. I've found other forums to be oftentimes more hostile... and a lot more boring than this one.

    What's your opinion?
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    So far so good, there are a few strange people here but it's the internet. I am probably pretty annoying too, so people have been real great to me, I like it.
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well to put it bluntly im having a bloody nice time on here, best forum ive seen, everyone is at a really good standard conversation wise.

    Even if i dont agree with certain people i like the fact that i have access to there views, different perspectives is what i came for thats what i got !
    And even better you dont have to pay to get all this which i find Wicked :smt038
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    It's cool. First forum I've been on were ppl don't tawk lke diz. I've got other forums that I like more and am hella active on.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  5. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    It's alright, there are better ways to pass time between moments of real life like reading, but it's a fun place to practice my typing.

    Most of the people here are fairly dumb, but I do respect a handful on an intellectual basis: Roacha, Mosk and a few others.

    Blackmastergay is my little bitch, my chewtoy, who I have fucked up on many an occasion here and elsewhere.
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I love it! I can't really compare it to any though, because I don't usually post in forums much. I like the difference of people here. The insights and challenges I've experienced and things I've learned. I even appreciate the couple little spats I've been in that lead me to discover more things about myself. Things I need to work on and things I'm proud of myself for. It's also done something for me offline in my IR relationship I've been in since I was 14. My man's race was something I never really gave much thought to or put much emphasis on. It was just kind of like, "Yep, he's black, and..?" While we know I'm white and he's black we just never really talked about it too much. It's hard to explain. It was "just the way it was". But now, I think I've found like a new appreciation for our differences. People talking about how the contrast turns them on and stuff, made me go "Hmmm" and "Yeaaa" and I've had a lot of "Aha" moments. I've kind of like found a new love and appreciation for it, in itself, instead of just him, by himself. It's hard to put in words. Before, we weren't like running through the streets screaming, "We're an IR couple!!!" and we've never had to defend it or anything, maybe that has something to do with it. But now it's like something I want to celibrate, embrace, and learn more about, and cherish about him even more!!! :smt050
  7. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Me too Mosk. When i first came to this site, i was a confused teenager, who didn't know much about IR relationships. I view you people like a second family of sorts, and there's no other forum that i would rather be on. I've seen so many great posters come and go, which is really sad, but the webmaster is gonna have to kick me out of here before i ever stop becoming a member of this little IR community.:cool:
  8. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    That's awesome Britty. It's so good to hear things like that.;)
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Thank you, I appreciate that. I think it's incredibly awesome and so good to hear/read about what you and DI found on here and continue to keep!!! And to see that you're going to go all the way to Russia to be together!! It's so beautiful and romantic and indescribably special and awesome!! :smt023

    Yea, I'm a gushy romantic.. :D
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    There are times when this place drives me nuts. Those are the times that I take a step back for a few days and chill out. But, mostly, this is a fun place to come "hang out" and enjoy conversation with people from all walks of life.

    I've learned so much since being on here. I don't foresee myself leaving this site anytime soon.
  11. DI

    DI New Member

    I love this forum, cause I'm able to talk to people of different ages,nationalities and places. you guys teached me a lot about IR thing! so thank you so much, because i have no information here, where I am. nobody really even knows what is IR relationship. I'm just so glad to be here, even though sometimes when I dont feel like even logging in, i just stay away for a few days or weeks. but then I start missing it and all of you and just glad to come back to the boards.:D
  12. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I like this forum. It's okay. Sometimes it gets a little crazy, but you get that everywhere. I enjoy talking to the people on here. There are some interesting topics here
  13. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I'm new, so I'm sticking to say that it's interesting, and it's nice with a forum where people seem to care for eachother. I like you guys^_^.
  14. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    Cool place for sure ! I really enjoy the international flavor of the forum ;)))

    I Dont post on here much but whenever i get a chance I like to just sit back and enjoy the conversation on here !!!!!:smt039
  15. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Board Appearance

    I prefer the previous version of the site but as I told the web-slinger I am fine with this site now and there are waaay more options with the new site over the old. I just do not have the time to get that in depth with all the quirks…

    Board Management

    Personally I believe moderators are needed to keep threads flowing smoothly. Too often threads are derailed by the discussion going in another direction too long. This is where the mod would step in to get the thread back on the course the initiator intended the discussion to go in. A mod can also properly police the behavior(s) of certain individuals including all trolls then lock the thread, banned the user; next! The web-slinger implemented some new guidelines (it may have always been in place) about how to report folks who get out of line but that human element of seeing a mod online is missing thus allowing childish bickering to drag down the board…


    I actually stumbled on this site by way of one of my favorites sites hater site. There are copious amounts of information here about IR relationships that I find interesting, there is also plenty of trash that has me wondering why is this thread still active, has not been removed or locked. The French She Male thread comes to mind. What’s the correlation between shems and White women and Black Men?


    Since we are dealing with WW & BM obviously there’s an eclectic mix of folks here from various professional backgrounds with different political and societal views. A large segment of us are abroad and their perspective on IR relationships and the IR community where they’re located is a nice contrast and enhancement to our community in the states. For the most part everyone here is polite enough however not all of us are mature enough and some are quite thin-skinned especially as another member put it “with someone who you’ll never meet, ever in your life”. Enough of us though contribute some thing worthwhile to the board and this is the reason why I will continue to be a part of and contribute here...
  16. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I think it's interesting, actually. I don't date IR exclusively, though for many reasons that I won't get into in this thread, many of my recent relationships have been. One thing that I've noticed here is that many talk about IR relationships as though they are different from same race relationships. Threads like "What do you like your BM to this", or "What do you like your WW to that", or "how do I attract a BM / WW". For me, the answer to these is generally the same as it would be if the person were same race. I would LOVE to know why people view IR attraction as being so different from same race attraction.

    Outside of that, it's cool. There are some posters who's opinions I look forward to reading on many topics.
  17. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    For the most part I enjoy this forum. It has it's ups and downs.What I have noticed though, is you tend to get a lot of the same threads with different titles being started..I guess IR dating is a finite topic, and its to be expected.There are few posters who's post that I actually look forward to reading, and some not so much...I've never understood why people need to get so personal when they dont agree with someone's opinion. Its a discussion forum, people arent always going to agree. The international feel of this forum is a big plus for me though, as you tend to get varied opinions which makes for good reading.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  18. maghalil

    maghalil Member

    I can give u my opinion if you start a new thread ...

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  19. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but that requires way too much work.
  20. maghalil

    maghalil Member

    I do like this forum and i have met wonderful people here , in what concern relationships this forum helped me time to time with Good advice (this is my personal opinion , anyway). :smt004

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