
Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Arwen, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Ok... I hope I am not repeating a post...

    I have some questions for u.

    1) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that someone (your partner or someone who liked u) has ever done for u?
    2) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that u've ever done for someone (your partner or someone u liked)?
    3) Do u like romanticism?
    4) For the ladies: would u like men in general to be more romantic/sweet?
    5) For the guys: do u think romanticism is a "gay" thing? Is it difficult to be romantic? Do you think women expect too much from men?

    ps. hope my english doesn't suck too much, lol.

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I haven't had much experience with romantic men, so I don't have one to share.

    I never have tried hard - I do a lot of things for my guy, but I'm pretty conservative, so not to wild or crazy, but I'm looking forward to hearing some of the stories this thread picks up.

    I think I would love it, I dream about it sometimes, but I haven't met an really romantic man I can respect or believe. Most of the ones I know, are sort of strange in other areas of their life.

    I think so, but I would still be well satisfied with a dependable, well grounded, good, trustworthy man without a weird since of humor.

    That questions is for the guys, so I'll look forward to the education and wisdom they can give us.:confused:
  3. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    1) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that someone (your partner or someone who liked u) has ever done for u?

    Drove 2 hours from the other end of the state, took me on a date to a sauna and treated me to food, drinks and a massage.:rolleyes:

    2) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that u've ever done for someone (your partner or someone u liked)?

    Stuck around for him even when things looked hopeless.

    3) Do u like romanticism?


    4) For the ladies: would u like men in general to be more romantic/sweet?

    Yeah!! Brighten our day a little would you?
  4. scylla

    scylla New Member

    1) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that someone (your partner or someone who liked u) has ever done for u?

    The girl I used to date/see/have a thing with before, she took me stargazing in the middle of nowhere. That was the sweetest.

    2) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that u've ever done for someone (your partner or someone u liked)?

    bringin someone home, making dinner, lighting candles, you know, the whole date shebang, after a club. You know "lets skip the ONS and have a real date instead".
    Im generally good at finding out things and making good gifts, leaving small notes with cute messages, that sorta stuff.
    I'd like to be more romantic, but I have a lousy mind and can't ever think of anything to do..

    3) Do u like romanticism?

    Yes, in terms of both doing cute things for eachother and are able to apprieciate the care you show for eachother.

    4) For the ladies: would u like men in general to be more romantic/sweet?

    Yeah, that would be nice.

    5) For the guys: do u think romanticism is a "gay" thing? Is it difficult to be romantic? Do you think women expect too much from men?
  5. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    the fact that guys didn't reply this post yet confirm my mind: men don't give a fuck about being romantic if they can have sex anyways! :smt072


    thank u girls.

    In september, before my Baby boy left for Middle-east for 4 months (ewww) I planned to go to his house and cook some italian food he loves etc, but we didn't have the chance. the night before he left he came to my place because it was closer to the bar where we went than his place. I thought to make something romantic anyways and that's what I did. I told him to watch tv for like 30 minutes (and he was like "why? tell me? what r u doing?" silly child lol). I lit perfumed candles everywhere in my room, put rose petals on the fornitures, played some "making babies" music (low.... didn't want to wake up my mum lol), made some Fruit sticks with raspberry syrup on them (he loves fruit), wore some black lace new lingerie...

    when he stepped into the room he looked around, then looked at me and said "OH, fuck!!!" :shock:. LOL

    :D he liked it ^_^. It was a nice night :)

    I know it can sound quite "normal", but I like these things and I wish a man could do the same for me one day. :smt060
  6. scylla

    scylla New Member

    thats the sweetest!
  7. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Romanticism, the 19th century movement that sought to reassert passion and emotion in European art and philosophy?

    Absolutely, my favorites are Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky and Wagner.
  8. scylla

    scylla New Member

    haha, lol. I thought the word sounded weird.. that explains it.
    I'm blaming the whole "english isnt my first language", because it isn't. ^__^
  9. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    fuck, does romanticism mean the cultural movement only? did i mistake? but i guess u know what i meant right? :)
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Does singing count or is that just embarrassing lol. Well ive never really had massive gestures in the sense of public displays of romantic gestures. I have had many flowers, jewelery, cards and so on.

    As for me i once took a special person out for there birthday (yes i do treat once in a while lol) we went to Hastings had something to eat had a walk on the pier and i decided he should see the view from the top of the cliff face which is actually breathtakingly beautiful so went up in the old fashioned lifts and he was so pleased when we got up there it was really touching, he was the one who termed it very (romantic) i just wanted him to see something nice, so maybe im romantic and just dont know it.
  11. scylla

    scylla New Member

    yup.. In swedish they aren't separated either, but contextual and eh, bent? differently.. but it seems like in english.. we are lost.
  12. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    You got that right chippie.

    The most romantic thing ive ever done was look her in the eyes after i busted in her mouth......i usually dont look at women after i came. I just zip on up and bounce. Whether she had hers (orgasm) is not my business cuz i know i gotz minez....:grin:
  13. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    and i guess u r proud about it right...
  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    what do u think??
  15. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Ok, fine... I'll try to represent for the fellas

    1q) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that someone (your partner or someone who liked u) has ever done for u?

    - My wife didn't work. We lived very comfortably, not an ounce of debt and put a considerable amount of money into several different investments and savings each month. Due to this, I told her that she did not have to work if she did not want to and I would bust my ass so that she could enjoy life. She would spend many a day at the pool / beach. Well, one day I came home from work after a particularly rough day. The house was spotless, and the pets were put away. She met me at the door in a sexy lingerie that she'd bought. She had cooked my favorite meal and the dinner table was already set. After dinner, she took my hand and lead me to the couch and gave me the remote, so that I could watch the news and unwind, as was my usual routine. She brought me my favorite beer. After the news was over, she took me to the bedroom where there were lit candles. She took complete care of me in bed. I had to do absolutely nothing. After, we took a bubble bath together. That was one hell of a way for her to show me that she appreciated me.

    2q) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that u've ever done for someone (your partner or someone u liked)?

    - My former wife came over from Germany. During the brutally long immigration process we spoke every day on phone and IM. I explained to her that my family had not really been a holiday family. We don't celebrate Xmas, or Thanksgiving, etc.,. so Valentines day is approaching and based on what I've told her about my family she expects nothing from me. A few weeks before, I bought a huge stuffed bear (she loved stuffed bears) and I slept with it a few nights to get my scent on it then I sprayed my cologne on it, placed it in a bag and a box and sent it to her with a card. She received it the day before Valentines. It was my way of bringing us closer in a time where we couldn't be.

    3q) Do u like romanticism?

    - YES

    4) For the ladies: would u like men in general to be more romantic/sweet?

    - N/A

    5q) For the guys: do u think romanticism is a "gay" thing? Is it difficult to be romantic? Do you think women expect too much from men?

    No, No and No. I got a lot of shit from my boys for some of the things I did for / with my wife. Especially the sleeping with a teddy bear thing. But, they're my boys. She's my wife. Honestly, prioritization of what is important in life is really not that hard. 10 times out of 10, my wife wins this battle.

    And honestly Thickshawty, why would a guy go out of his way to romance a woman if he can get sex anyway? If a woman sets the standard that she wants and deserves more, she'd go a long ways to weeding out the hit and split guys. Unfortunately for all of us, a lot (not all) of women don't set a very high moral standard for themself to that regard. I think it's a bit much for a woman to expect a guy to give her a level of respect that she has not given herself first.

    Also, take out the 'ticism' and replace it with an 'e'. Here, we'd just say 'romance' in the places that you used 'romanticism'.
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    1) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that someone (your partner or someone who liked u) has ever done for u?

    I always have the bad judgment to end up with guys who really don't care about being romantic, so my experience is limited. Honestly, I think the most romantic thing I've ever experienced was when I got to go visit ChosenOne and he brought me a dozen roses to the bus station. Then the next day we went to the art museum and it was the loveliest date I'd ever had.

    My ex husband would try to do little romantic things when he fucked up, but it was always tainted by the fact that he'd fucked up so it generally didn't feel right. Once, though, I came home from work and he'd already left for work (I worked days at the time, and he worked nights, so we rarely saw each other) and he'd left a trail of hershey's kisses on the floor to the bed, where he'd made a big heart with the kisses and left me one of those "lovey dovey" greeting cards lying there. It was cute, but by that time I'd started to resent him for being a bastard so it was kinda bittersweet.

    2) What's the most romantic/crazy thing that u've ever done for someone (your partner or someone u liked)?
    I've made special dinners, dressed up, dressed down, bought cards, written poetry, written songs, etc, etc. All that romantic bs.

    3) Do u like romanticism?

    4) For the ladies: would u like men in general to be more romantic/sweet?
    I just wish more men were respectful. Being romantic is nice, but the guys who impress me the most are just plain respectful to people around them. I wish there was more of it.
  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    cool post jaisee. and yes.... i wish i could change the title of the post... now everybody thinks i'm an idiot i guess. i didn't check the dictionary and in italian romance is "romanticismo" . I should have checked. sorry again guys. :smt105
  18. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I doubt anybody thinks you're an idiot over that. At least, I hope not.
  19. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Don't be silly, nor self-conscious for that matter, language is interesting and I saw an opening to play with it.

    Great topic and while I won't answer your questions individually, I will say that I enjoy being romantic but rarely feel inspired to be so.
  20. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    What does it take to inspire you?

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