Hey baby... What's your Chinese Zodiac?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Brittney, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I'm an Ox. A "wood" (element) Ox to be more specific. It means I'm stubborn, a hard/diligent worker (among other stuff), and if you piss me off you better run for your life and hide..

    If you're not familiar with eastern astrology and want to find your animal http://www.chineseastrology.com
  2. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    I'm a horse. Charming, reliable, practical and witty:rolleyes:
  3. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Cool, I didn't even read mine, I was just going by memory. This is what it says about being an Ox:

    The Ox/buffalo is the hard working, serious loner of the family whose essence is "endurance." The opinionated Ox is determined, strong, and conservative, with a notable gift for manual dexterity and working with their hands. Family and duty are of the utmost importance to the home-spun Ox. Souls born under this 2nd sign of the zodiac are capable of leading nations, not to mention running a most efficient household. Oxen are powerful individuals with stubborn, reliable personalities. Whether at home or at work these souls need to be captain of their ship and are dependable, honest, and stable. The quiet, yet firm Ox is easy-going, but possesses intense passion beneath their calm exterior. The industrious Ox needs a partner of substance and loyalty. Oxen gather strength during the quiet post-midnight hours they rule, between 1:00am - 3:00am.

    The nature of Wood is to expand. Wood symbolizes imagination, creativity, and idealism. Its moderate nature is devoted to goodwill, charm and beauty. People born under this element possess high moral ethics; and show exceptional self-confidence. Wood natives understand the value of things and their interests are expansive and eclectic. The expansive nature of Wood, (Much as the great Sequoia tree in the northwest) brings cooperation and an ability to do things on a grand scale. Progressive thinking and generosity allow those influenced by the Wood element to develop large projects and leadership ventures. The proclivity of Wood is to move upward and outward, and to penetrate through. The Wood element brings authority, compassion and natural presence to each of the signs. Wood's physical organs are the Liver and gallbladder; it's flavor is acidic/tart. Wood's color is Green and corresponds to the season of Spring and wind.
  4. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I'm a metal goat, lol.
  5. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    street rat
  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    The Dogs are the watchful worriers of the Chinese zodiac, and the champions of the underdog. The Dog is famous for complete loyalty towards their friends and loved ones, but intense ferocity towards the enemies of their loved ones. Anxiety, loyalty and protectiveness characterize the magnanimous Dog personality. Devotion, generosity, and perseverance are the cornerstones of the wary Dogs temperament. This 11th sign of the Eastern zodiac is earnest, sincere and faithful to those whom they love, but being plagued by wariness, can have a sharp tongue, and a tendency to jump to conclusions. Cautious and serious regarding love, the Dog needs a trustworthy partner who has strong family sympathies, and appreciates their tenderhearted virtues. Low on ego, high on soapboxes, the Dogs' fair-minded humanitarianism and extreme caution is legendary. Best time of day for Dogs is between 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

    The nature of the Water element is that of feelings and emotions. Reflection, sensitivity, and powers of persuasiveness characterize those born under the Water element. Water descends, seeks out, and fills low places; especially the hearts of the brokenhearted and needy. Those souls born under the element of Water are dominated by their feelings and need to communicate. The Water element endows one with a quick mind and lucidity. Water is chaotic at times and does not have its own form, but takes on the shape and character of the vessel. Water element persons advance their own ideas by influencing the vote of others. Those born under the influence of the Water element are empathetic with others, possessing a calm and sedate nature. The Water element has a gift for seeing things objectively and those influenced by it, are much sought after for their council. The Water element relates to the way others feel, Using intuition to keep a finger on the pulse of the world. Water element souls have a well developed ability for communicating with people and thrive in public relations or social work. Water's physical organs are the kidneys and bladder; it's flavor is salty. Water's color is blue and corresponds to the season of Winter and cold.

    This pretty much has me down to a T lol:D
  7. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    MONKEY IS HERE lol! original party animal! Charming and energetic. Monkeys crave fun, activity and stimulation. They truly know how to have a good time and can often be seen swinging from one group of friends to another, attracting a motley crew in the process. Always upbeat, they are considered minor celebrities in their circle thanks to their sparkling wit and that rapier-sharp mind. Perhaps surprisingly, Monkeys are also good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign's natural curiosity lends it the desire to become knowledgeable on a broad range of topics. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to dazzle their pals with all they know.

    DO YOU GUYS believe IN ALL THAT ???
  8. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well i didnt, but i just looked up my familys ones aswell and they are quite good matches to them, so maybe ive just started believing lol.
    Ps my mum came up as the Monkey aswell and it was bang onn accurate for her !!:p
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I do. I have a degree in it. I believe that a lot of the reason why a lot of people don't believe in it is they don't know enough about it (or it's just not their thing, whichever), or they've been scammed by fakes and phonies. A lot of people, I think, read their sun sign in the newspaper or magazines, or get those dumb "Daily Horoscope" things through e-mail or read them in the newspaper and decide "Well, that's not me. This crap is BS." because they don't know that there are so many infinite other factors involved/to consider. And everything could affect something else. Depending on the prominence and degree and aspect of the pertaining quality. That goes for Western, as well as Eastern astrology and anything between. And besides that, of course, your individual experiences and environment you grew up in and the company you keep and genetics and heredity, play a role in the person you are too. Astrology is probably one of the most expansive thing to tackle and learn about. It never ends. I've been into it since I was a kid and still learning things. It's not so much to tell you "This is YOU." as much as something to help you have a deeper understanding of something that does reflect you and just a really nice guide if you know how to use it. And tell you what you could be and what you might want to try to overcome. It's really not so cut and dried or black and white. As for the divining aspect of astrology, it can tell you what might happen in the future, so long as you're sure you've found a reputable astrologer. But there really is NO way to do that with 100% accuracy, whether through scrying, pendulum dowsing, palmistry, numerology, or I Ching, or any other form of divination or oracle-y thing. There really is no fate but what you make and people are making choices everyday to change their futures. But it can still give you an idea. And a pretty decent one too. You know what they say, "Don't knock it till you try it." And try it in it's entirety. :D
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2008
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Hey! Just like Aladdin! :lol:

    I'm a water rat.

    The socially adept Rat possesses charisma, charm, intelligence, and the ability to verbally exchange their eclectic knowledge. Sociable and romantic with complex emotions, those born into this 1st sign of the Eastern zodiac form deep emotional ties with others. The always thrifty Rat, counts their pennies and knows how to spot a bargain. Impatient with those of slower wit or actions, this soul needs a bright partner willing to lend an ear with a good sense of humor. The talkative Rat is also a natural writer and critic with an eye for details. High-strung, curious, and ever alert to their environment, the essence of this curious and intellectual sign is 'concealment'. Rats gather strength during the midnight hours they rule, between 11:00pm - 1:00am.

    The nature of the Water element is that of feelings and emotions. Reflection, sensitivity, and powers of persuasiveness characterize those born under the Water element. Water descends, seeks out, and fills low places; especially the hearts of the brokenhearted and needy. Those souls born under the element of Water are dominated by their feelings and need to communicate. The Water element endows one with a quick mind and lucidity. Water is chaotic at times and does not have its own form, but takes on the shape and character of the vessel. Water element persons advance their own ideas by influencing the vote of others. Those born under the influence of the Water element are empathetic with others, possessing a calm and sedate nature. The Water element has a gift for seeing things objectively and those influenced by it, are much sought after for their council. The Water element relates to the way others feel, Using intuition to keep a finger on the pulse of the world. Water element souls have a well developed ability for communicating with people and thrive in public relations or social work. Water's physical organs are the kidneys and bladder; it's flavor is salty. Water's color is blue and corresponds to the season of Winter and cold.

    This really does describe me rather well. Weird! :lol:
  11. felicia

    felicia New Member

    I'm a snake:

    Rich in wisdom and charm, you are romantic and deep thinking and your intuition guides you strongly. Avoid procrastination and your stingy attitude towards money. Keep your sense of humor about life. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, and fortune teller.

    That's weird, I just found this and I was thinking about being a teacher or a writer. It show that this stuff maybe true.:)
  12. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I'm a Wood Tiger, and I feel that it does a pretty good job describing me.

    The Tiger is the restless, adventurous, and always courageous risk-taker of the Chinese zodiac. With a sense of "empowered entitlement," nobility and humanitarian causes appeal to the generous Tiger. These souls are tenderhearted, and affectionate with their friends and family, yet self-reliant and fiercely independent. This is the most unpredictable of the 12 signs, blessed with charm, nerve and grand ideas. Tigers flash brilliantly through life sometimes without caution for their own security. Fearless, enthusiastic, and optimistic, the passionate Tiger is an unconventional, yet most humanitarian soul. The noble Tiger needs a sexy, exciting partner who forever remains a challenge, and gather their legendary strength during the pre-dawn hours they rule, between 3:00am - 5:00am.
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I guess I'm the Water Tiger, it actually sounded pretty accurate in describing me.
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Put Them Together And What Do You Get?

    If you get tired of me, you can ignore me :p . It's cool. But if any one is interested, I found this site http://www.eastmeetswestco.com that puts the two (East and West) together and describes the affects each has on the other. And there's some art thing going on but you don't have to click on that or to shop for anything. It talks about it (the art) while talking about your combo too (which is kind of annoying, but oh well). I thought mine was pretty (the painting). Maybe I'll buy it. If you want to see it (the painting. Men there's a nude white woman on the Ox ;) ), then click on the Ox and Pisces options.

    Artist Thierry Chatelain presents an exquisite color composition in celebration of Ox-Pisces. His figures are painted in bold hues which both unite and contrast. Brilliant sky and sun-spiked water coalesce into a single serene universe. It is a universe that has, at its visual heart, the warm sun and earth tones of human skin and oxen fur. Note the artist’s particularly effective arrangement — colorful fish are attracted to the Pisces water lily extended by a beautiful girl as she reclines on the Ox. Above, a translucent fish shines in the azure sky.

    This Pisces seems perfectly at home jumping into the cosmos to swallow Neptune, its watery ruling planet. Cannily, Chatelain explores that same unity with his Oxen figure. Usually these are earthbound creatures, solidly connected to the planet and to the grounding qualities of its soil. But, if we look more carefully, we see this Ox is indeed a water creature; note that Chatelain does not show its hooves, rather he lets us sense the merging of animal and water. Chatelain’s goddess is languidly beautiful, impartially detached; she rests on the powerful Ox, solidly comfortable and secure enough to dally with the more mutable side of her nature, Pisces.

    Extraordinary individuals born under this combined sign can be absolutely irresistible — Ox-Pisces is often an homme or femme fatale. Those born in Oxen years are deeply layered, those born under the sign of the fish deeply spiritual. Both are gentle, kind, and concerned with the welfare of others. The result is not only an appealing and magnetic person but also one possessed of a certain personal and spiritual depth. The bossy Ox nature is minimized by Pisces, becoming more sensitive. Oxen resolve gives the normally languid fish more strength and perseverance.

    Passionate mates and marvelous parents, the Ox-Pisces is an agreeable duet of smoothly working contradictions. Charm, beauty and sensitivity — all three define this serene and beautiful personality. Down to earth, yet gifted with unearthly resolve, Ox-Pisces has it all.
    Oooo, makes me sound good, huh? LoL "Absolutely irresistible" "extraordinary individual" etc. Damn, too bad I can't have myself that way. What does "an homme" and "femme fatale" mean? :smt017 "fatale" doesn't sound good. Time to google...

    I'm back. It means 1. A woman of great seductive charm who leads men into compromising or dangerous situations. 2. An alluring, mysterious woman.

    Uhhh, I'm leaning more towards #2 because to the best of my knowlege I've never done #1. I couldn't find "an homme" but from what I did see, I'm assuming it's the male counterpart of a femme fatale. Like a "his or her" Pisces-Ox. Since they don't know my gender. Anywho, there I have it.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2008
  15. designer

    designer New Member

    I was born in the year of the Dragon.
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=+1] You were born in a Year of the Wood Snake![/SIZE]
    The Snake is the wise philosopher and stealth personality of the Chinese zodiac. Physically attractive with flawless skin and flawless advice, the Snakes are the sages, psychiatrists and spiritual advisors of the zodiac. Quiet, 'accumulated strength' is the nature of their soul. Those souls born into Snake years are inclined towards the abstract and aesthetic in life. Unusually gifted with deep intuitions, Snakes are uncommonly attractive, and the consummate philosopher and sage. Insight, compassion, subtlety, and discretion are the sum and substance of this 6th sign of the Eastern zodiac. The highly sensual Snake is possessive and needs an emotional partner who abandons themselves to feelings and passionate desire. The most harmonious time of day for the Snake is their own hours, between 9:00am - 11:00am.
    The nature of Wood is to expand. Wood symbolizes imagination, creativity, and idealism. Its moderate nature is devoted to goodwill, charm and beauty. People born under this element possess high moral ethics; and show exceptional self-confidence. Wood natives understand the value of things and their interests are expansive and eclectic. The expansive nature of Wood, (Much as the great Sequoia tree in the northwest) brings cooperation and an ability to do things on a grand scale. Progressive thinking and generosity allow those influenced by the Wood element to develop large projects and leadership ventures. The proclivity of Wood is to move upward and outward, and to penetrate through. The Wood element brings authority, compassion and natural presence to each of the signs. Wood's physical organs are the Liver and gallbladder; it's flavor is acidic/tart. Wood's color is Green and corresponds to the season of Spring and wind.
  17. Complex

    Complex New Member

    I'm a Rooster.

    cock-a-doodle-doo :rolleyes:

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