I was thought when I was younger to ignore the racists because people who harbor racism are God’s Rejects. But my friend just called me today and he was in Disneyland and was standing line for splash mountain; had two white girls say to him how did you get into Disneyland? He asked why and what do you mean? The two girls said they keep prices high to keep the niggers out. And then the girls said we only come to Disneyland because there are no niggers around. My friend was shocked to how open they were to there racism. He left the line and called me to tell him what had happened. I felt so bad for him and me. What should I tell him and how can we deal with this? Question for the whites on this site; do you think most whites harbor any racist thoughts? I don’t know because I thought since Obama won we may have moved forward to a more non-racist society. I always get confused on this topic. P.S: More Blacks people should go to Disneyland. When I go, I’m basically the only black guy there. If there are more blacks at Disneyland, the racists will be pissed off and so on. lol
OMG this story is terrible! maan sometimes, when i hear smth like that, i hardly believe it...because i dont get it, how people can say that and think that for real??!! thats crazy!!! well you know what? you have this kinda problems with people who have no faith in God. cause people who have God in their hearts just CANT say this kinda things! i dont know how to deal with it, but just wish you guys to always meet nice white people without all the stupid racist stuff in their mind
There is trash everywhere you go. If I even overheard something like that, I can't even promise what I would do. I would try to keep my cool because of children around, but I would've said something to those girls, you can bank on that. That makes me mad as fire.:smt093 People are so freakin' ignorant.
I agree. I'm usually, about 99% of the time, a cool headed individual and would rather not engage in such ignorant discourse but there are those 1% of the times where my true Jersey nature would surface. On instinct I most likely, without hesitation, would have told those girls to go F' themselves. Of course, me being a nice guy, would've prefaced that statement with a "Please" .
Obama's win, unfortunately, does not guarantee closed minded people will become open to racial harmony and coexistence. His win is a good sign that the majority of the country is open to put race aside for the better good of the country. Actually, strike that. The majority of the densely populated areas of the country is more open to put race aside (e.g. - Virgina, for the most part, was red with the exception of the blue northern counties; South Eastern Florida was markedly blue compared to the rest of the state, as well). The country as a whole, especially in rural areas, have still yet to progess in their views on race. It is, however, a good sign that the younger generations may experience a more racially inclusive society, but again that is no guarantee.
Just because some of us voted for McCain doesn't mean we are racist. Obama having won will I think expose more people who are racist however, because they are very angry right now. Whoda thunk the gays would riot, but we see it now.
I agree, I like McCain overall. I would've voted for him 8 years ago, however this country has different issues today that didn't exist then, such as the war and this abysmal economy - both issues that I disagree with him on. Personally, I'm not pro-bipartisan politics, but thats another discussion. I actually used Virginia as an example because of a statement that his advisor, Nancy Pfotenhauer, made about Northern Virginia not being considered the "real" Virginia, thus implying that real Virginia, and real America for that matter, consists of people who are most likely fervently conservative and unopen to interracial coexistence. Of course there are people, like yourself and many of my friends, who voted for McCain based on the issues he supported. Then there are the others, relative to both candidates, who only voted along racial lines which, sadly, denotes ignorance on their part. P.S. - can't blame you for holdin' down your Senator. A presidential candidate's home state is usually a given as far as electoral/popular votes are concerned, with the rare exception of Gore of course.
I actually had not voted for McCain as Senator for a long time, I really didn't like some of his politics, I just had to vote for him this time for many other conservative reasons, having absolutely nothing to do with race.
It really make's me pissed when people are like that. When me and my man went to a restaurant one day this waitress was such a bitch. she doesn't say hi, she slam our drinks down, our food was cold and hard. I wanted to talk to the manager but my boyfriend said "don't. Its not worth it." well to me it was. If it hurt me, I know it hurt him. when I first started dating my boyfriend my family really didn't like it. with him being older and being black. but they really like him now. they got to know him. its just that my cousins have a hard time trusting black guys. I told them that there all not like that. just like whites, there not the same either. but I really think that its over. The people that have a problem with it need to get over it.
Why did it hurt you that your waitress was a bitch? I would have sent all that back and left. Or had fresh food brought to me by another waitress because she probably would have spit in your food. Why would you boyfriend say its not worth it? I wouldn't tolerate crap products or service if I'm paying for it.
I would have felt hurt for my guy, it was rude, and uncalled for, no one should be hated on because of their race or anything else they have no control over. I know many men who would say it isn't worth it, because they don't want to get into an argument, and it really is a no win situation. You can't rationalize with idiots like that. He probably has already tried more than once. He also probably wanted just to enjoy his meal with her.