Other races getting mad at i/r relationships?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. gladiator423

    gladiator423 New Member

    double post
  2. gladiator423

    gladiator423 New Member

    Something similar to this happened to me in college.

    There was a co-ed domitory that had 14 floors. I use to get it on pretty frequently with this one red head. There was this one female student who could look right into her room from three stories up.

    She got very turned on by the different expressions she saw on the red heads face. It would feel so good to her that sometimes she would start crying, have tears rolling down her cheek but be begging me not to stop. Her eyes would sometimes roll around when she would have intense orgasms. When she had multiple orgasms close together, it would make her dizzy, have the room spinning around in her head. She would get up to go use the bathroom and would walk like she was drunk. Her whole equilbrium would be off, she would bump into the furniture sometimes.

    Other times her orgasm would be so intense, she would bite down on the base of my neck, spread open her legs wide and start hitting me on the butt as I'm stroking her.

    We had absolutly no idea anyone was watching. We would just be in our own little world for hours. The red head became aware that the other girl was watching when she asked her if it would be ok for her to date her boyfriend.

    This woman came from a family who had members in the Ku Klux Klan. Her grandfather was a high ranking Klan member.
  3. V777

    V777 New Member

    I overheared some Asian girls in my high school say that they are too good for Black people. Most Asians look down upon Blacks. It quite sad. Most Asian Women want to be with a white guys for status reasons. I found out my Asian dorm mate.
  4. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I am not a minority, and so what I am trying to say is that maybe I don't have the experience as the BM on here. I have had a few bad experiences - not on my dating choice, though.

    I have two points of this post.
    1. I don't like feeling annoyed by anything. I don't like being uset or angry. If something pisses me off - like ppl treating me badly because of my preference or whatever - I just ignore it and walk away...IE - I don't care what others say...and if it does start to annoy me, I just ignore it.

    2. I don't understand why anyone could be upset about anyone else. If I see a white man with a black women...It makes me happy. Because I know that they have a beautiful thing, that they have taken a big step together...and that it's like looking a gem - it's pretty rare! :)

    I wish ppl could just be happy and chill out about stuff.
  5. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I remember hearing about that Filipino guy in my area (Cleveland, OH) who was making all those threats against famous black men who were dating/are married to white women. Why in the hell does he care? He's not white or black.
  6. V777

    V777 New Member

    I also knew a Fillipino in Science class in high school who harrased blacks and made alot of Black jokes towards me and other Blacks. Made another Black student cry. He had alot of anger for some reason???
  7. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    That's the honest truth. A Mexican friend of mine dated my cousin. He asked me the other day if she had a boyfriend and I said, "Yes." He asked, "Is he a Mexican or a black guy?" I told him he was white and then he just said, "Oh, ok."
    He didn't care that she was dating a white guy, but it put him in a shape to think she was with a black guy or another Mexican. Strange...
  8. V777

    V777 New Member

    Mexicans don't generally like Blacks. But some Mexicans love Blacks. My area in the OC was alot of Mexicans and they wanted to fight Blacks all the time. I would sit around in park with my friends and they would come with a gang of Mexicans calling me niggers and such.

    Illegal Aliens commit more crime towards Blacks than any other people. I found that from a cop in the OC.
  9. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Interesting...jealousy. I dated a Mexican who cringed at the thought of me dating a black man. He said if anything, he would like to see me settle down with a white man. Hmm...I had forgotten about that until now.
  10. V777

    V777 New Member

    Didn't he want to marry you or anything like that? Why did he care so much about a white man?
  11. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    No, he didn't want to marry me. He wanted to marry a Mexican woman. I was a pitstop for him. Not speaking for their entire race, but there are many Mexican men who think that way. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last very long. ;)
  12. malikom

    malikom Banned

    LOL,in L.A,blacks and mexicans definitely dont like eachother.Whats funny,is that blacks and mexicans beef alot,but black dudes still manage to run around and fuck their women lol.
  13. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Alot of black dudes are that way also
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I have lived in Mexico and on the border of Mexico most of my life, I can attest to Mexicans being against dark skinned people in general, it's not just blacks. They don't like their own darker skinned people, they criticize children who are darker, they tease them relentlessly, they don't generally think dark can be beautiful. The try very hard not to get any sun on their skin. The practically raise blonds to a place of deity. They think the Mexican Indian is somehow "stupid" and backward. This is the way they look on all dark skinned people. As if they are dumb.

    I have 3 Mexican grand-daughters, who are all very beautiful, one is blond, one brunette, one is a redhead, all 3 have blue or green eyes and fair skin. The blond is considered the "beauty" of the family by many cousins, neighbors, etc. To the point that the brunette is left feeling ugly. Their mom has a very difficult time instilling in her that she is just as beautiful as her sister. The redhead is to young to know the difference yet.

    I think a Mexican man will be upset about a white woman who broke up with him dating a black guy, like an educated fit white woman might get upset if she were dumped for a "fat, ugly piece of white trash, high school dropout" (excuse my expression)! What I'm trying to say is that since the issue of skin color is so big within their own culture and amongst their own people, they feel like you chose someone "uglier" than them when you date a black guy. That makes them feel very ugly! And we know no one likes that.

    My poor Mexican ex-husband has a big ego problem coming his way!!!:smt072

    Mexican men may also dislike black men dating white women, because they think they are better looking and they don't know why their own luck is so bad when it comes to the ww that they have so desired. (They really don't have a clue how to treat a woman. It's not their fault, their culture also venerates machismo!):smt028

    Maybe white women love black men partly because we see their skin as so very sensual and beautiful, partly because, we have a fascination with always getting a better tan! Think about it! I know most white women who date black men also think black women are beautiful. (Maybe I'll start another thread on that.) Personally I know I prefer darker skinned people, if I were a judge in a beauty contest, I'd vote often for the darker person.
  15. V777

    V777 New Member

    What did you see in your husband? Why did you get divorced?

    I did not go looking for ww, i only met my finacee by chance on a blind date. I rarely date because i had too much time put in school. Why are Mexicans and everyone else think Blonde hair is so beautiful? My finacee is blond; but she dyes her hair dark colors. I don't really care so much about her hair color.

    I hear the same happens to dark skinned Indians and light skinned Indians from India.
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I met him when I was 7 and we always liked each other, I used to say he was so ugly he was cute. I really can't tell you what I saw in him, we did have some chemistry but those things don't make a lasting marriage.

    I think people notoriously like what they can't or don't have. You are probably doing it also in many ways. Women with curls like straight hair, thick women want to be thin, and women with a B cup want a D cup. Women with a D cup want a B cup, or at least a C. Blonds want dark hair and fair skinned people want a sun tan.

    Personally I would try to get a tan if I didn't worry about skin cancer, I don't tan well either, I tend to get dark spots but not an even tan. So I stay out of the sun as much as possible. But I do think dark skinned women are beautiful. I have a sister who is blond with freckles, and another who is dark skinned. I always thought the dark skinned one was prettier, but many people think my lighter skinned sister with freckles is prettier.
  17. V777

    V777 New Member

    Most Blonds I know love their hair and the "status" of being Blond. They say Blonds have more fun. I don't know if it is true? One Blond person i know in church told me that even though they may have all the fun, but most get divorced because they are still immature throughout their age of living. They have unrealistic goals in life and they say they want the tall "dark" handsome man. I always wonder why most blondes say they want "dark" men and they only date white guys. My Finacee's friend is blond and wants a "Tall Dark" man but who is of the white race. I get confused by her. What say you?

    What color is your hair tinkerbell?
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I was a blond as a child, I am now a brunette, I know many blonds who don't think they are blond enough, most blonds I know actually bleach their hair more. Some prefer to go with black hair, or like your fiancee they may change it often. Being blond comes with a stigma of being stupid!
  19. V777

    V777 New Member

    Tinkerbell, since you were married to a Mexican; what the deal with so many mexican illegals in America? Someone told me that they want to reclaim America or take it over. Is it true? I think so.
  20. V777

    V777 New Member

    Many blonds are stupid but not all. It depends were you grew up and how your up bringing was. It depends which part of the world you come from too. My Finacee is from Ukraine and she didn't think anything special about herself being blond. Only when she came to America, everyone made a big deal that she was good looking blond and with a Black guy. She tells me everything her girlfriends say. I have loads of stories to tell too. lol ;)

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