White Jewish Discrimination….

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    I found a thread on this two weeks ago and can’t find it anymore, so I’ll start it again. I used to work in a Hollywood studio couple of years ago. It was Paramount Studios to be more exact. Most of the Hollywood studios are full of white Jews. When I was at the studio there were only two black guys including me out of hundreds to thousands of people. The Jewish women and men would give us both dirty looks almost everyday. I worked on the corporate side of the studio. It was a college internship and I only got in because of my professor. One Jewish lady in the studio was very honest with me and the other Black guy that most of the other people in the studio resented us being there. They considered us Hogs.

    So I went to my uncle who is a white Jew who married into the family with my aunt. He told me most Jews think very low of Africans and just use Africans when they want something. Mostly money and power. My Aunt converted to Judaism; and when she would go to the synagogue; she would get cold stares and dirty looks and was never really accepted there.

    So anyone ever get any discrimination or attitudes from Jews like me and my aunt?
  2. malikom

    malikom Banned

    This is what Farrakhan,and even Malcom x himself said.Dont mean to generalize,at all,but that is why there is alot of anti semitic rhetoric in the Black community.I remember Obama speaking out against that at a church.
    Just look at how ethiopian jews,and other Africans are treated in Isreal

    Enough said.
  3. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    So Jews are responsible fpr antisemitism and interested in money and power? I beg you.
  4. V777

    V777 New Member

    no. not all Jews. My uncle is not like that nor are his friends.
  5. V777

    V777 New Member

    My friend is Ethiopian jew and he says when he went to Isreal he wasn't treated the same as the white jews it. He was very sad about. Then the white jews wonder why they are hated in the Black community. But other people love Jews. America protects Isreal. White Jew are well protected.
  6. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I heard that white muslims do discriminate black muslims as well.
    Racism does not depend on religion.
  7. shion

    shion New Member

    Don't forget the Christians.....I never understood how the KKK can call themselves the only true Christians but they burn churches....even if it is a Black church why burn one down and set crosses aflame?
    Mofos want to go to hell but don't want to stand in line.
  8. V777

    V777 New Member

    Those so called "Christians" aren't real believers. They are just hiding behind their twisted Christanity. They are going to hell on the fast bus to hell.
  9. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    I've never had that problem. But I do notice that quite a number of Jews seemed apprehensive about Obama. I think it was because of his color.
  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    It was.Part of it was because alot questioned his loyalty to Isreal.

    Put part of it WAS about race with the older generation.On t.v they were interviewing elderly jews down in florida
    Granted,there were old jews down there who were strongly for obama

    than there were the ones who were just blatant racist.I remember a journalist asking an elderly jewish guy if Obamas race was a factor in their choice and he had said yeah
    I just shook my head.I thought them,more than anybody,should know that racism and being prejudice is bad.
  11. V777

    V777 New Member

    I agree with that statement. Out of all the people and after the holocaust, I thought they would be more open to other races since they were killed because of their race.

    If there was another holocaust; they would almost be wiped out. I read on wikipedia that there are only less than 14 millions jew in the world.

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