It makes so much more since now. Considering all of the trolls that have been kicked off of the site in the past several years and the fact that one still remains...this is the only logical conclusion. Tell me that I'm wrong.
I don't think the Webmaster would sabotage the site but it seems as though he favor's BlackMasterJay's comments over the other trolls. I still don't get it but... ok? Webbie needs to nominate moderators w/ respectful and relatively fair post records.
BMJ was over on colorblynd, just cant recall his name there. He just likes attention and it doesnt matter to him if it is positive or negative. Each time yall dedicate threads to him or react to his BS you are giving him what he wants. As long as he keeps getting the results he wants from his nasty behavior, he will continue. I cant recall all the history of this site, but I believe Mindkandy use to know the owner and then it was sold to a company. I dont believe there is just one "webmaster". I believe whoever is on duty signs in on that nic. I dont even believe it is always a black man who uses it.
Thanks! THat's what I've been trying to get across for awhile now. My 6-year old was throwing temper tantrums alot over the course of 2 months, and I finally hit on some research that worked. It almost completely got rid of the tantrums and now when the tantrums happen, they last for a very short amount of time. The solution? Ignore the tantrumy child. Don't give them attention of any kind. It totally worked. And I've been equating BMJ's behavior the same way. He will stop making horrible flaming posts if we ignore those posts. He can contribute to the board in positive ways and has done so. He has his worth. Just ignore the bad and only respond to his more positive posts and eventually, he'll stop the bad, when he stops getting the reactions that he loves. That's my opinion anyway!