Have you ever been rejected by a WW because you were Black?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    I remember i was friends with a white girl in my High School many years ago and we were friends. We were just buddies and i have known her for 2 years and liked her very much but when i decided to ask her out on a date; she told me she doesn't date Black guys. I punched her in her face. We never talked again. Has this ever happen to you and what did you do?
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You punched her?! What the fuck, dude?!

    Just because she said she doesn't date black guys doesn't mean she's a racist. She was just being honest.

    That's like punching a girl who rejects you for ANY reason. That's fucking stupid.

    It's one thing if a girl hits you first. Then you have every right to punch that bitch back. But violence against women is NOT ok, especially if it's over something stupid like her not wanting to date you. You were friends with a girl for TWO YEARS and ended the friendship like that?!
  3. V777

    V777 New Member

    I punched her because I felt betrayed. I opened my heart to her and she crushed it. I wrote her a song and a poem when I asked her out on a date. I don’t remember the song nor the poem.

    She is a racist because I saw her best friend two years ago and I asked her whatever happened to her and she told me she joined some racist organization in Idaho. So her best friend doesn’t like her anymore because of her radical views.

    I never hit a women since her. I just walk away now.
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    So you were friends with her for two years and never knew she was racist?

    Ever think that maybe you might've helped change her views? I know I might change my opinion of black guys if they start punching me in the face for not wanting to date them.
  5. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    u r right sista.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Makes me wonder if I should punch the next black guy who tells me he doesn't date white girls.
  7. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    Don't believe a single thing V777 says, he is a motherfucking liar. Everything he says is made up.
  8. V777

    V777 New Member

    i didn't know because she was a quiet one and we mostly talked about movies, tv shows, and music. Some people can harbor some hate and still be friends with you. It's weird.
  9. V777

    V777 New Member

    why be so mean spirted. I'm not a liar. Don't hate.
  10. V777

    V777 New Member

    it's up to you if you want to punch or not??? If i were a white women who asked a black guy out and he said no because i were white; i would be pissed off.
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Look, let me explain something to you. I grew up in a small white town that was populated with racists.

    None of those fuckers would have EVER been friends with someone who is black. Ever. If they were to talk to a black person they would make the conversation as quick as possible and get away from them just as quickly. Some would sling racist comments, others would keep it to themselves, but none would be friends with a black person if they are racist.

    Some racists are born, and others are made. The ones who don't come up with these thoughts on their own either get their views from their family and community, or because they decide to let one person color their views on an entire group of people. Honestly, I can easily see how this girl could've started hating on all black guys just because of the one who punched her in the face for rejecting him.

    It's not racism to prefer to date within your race. I'm not saying the girl is a genius for allowing something like that to make her hate anyone but you, but it's really hard for me to see how she would've been so hateful and still be able to be your friend for 2 years prior to the incident. And it's kinda coincidental that she "came out of the closet" as a racist AFTER you punched her.
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    We have every right to hate if you punch a woman, especially for some bullshit like that. You fail hard man.

    I've never had the chance to be rejected, but I'm not gonna hit anyone when I do. That's hella fucked up.
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    No, I wouldn't be pissed because that's his prerogative. It's up to each person to decide who they want to date. It's the same as if a guy doesn't want to date me because he doesn't find me attractive, doesn't like my personality, or goals in life, whatever. It's as superficial as not wanting to date someone because of their hair color, or eye color, or how they dress, or what they look like.

    It's called attraction. Some people will be attracted to you, some won't, and regardless of the reasoning behind it...it's not always racism that drives it. I don't throw a hissy fit and get violent every time a guy doesn't want to date me because my ass is big. I just go find a guy who likes a big ass! It's a simple as that.
  14. V777

    V777 New Member

    I'm so dissapointed in you disposableheroine! I thought you would understand out of all the people on this site. Well we both in California and things are different. Where did you grow up? It's all about image and perception. I don't know why came out of the closet after i punched her. Maybe she was very mad that i punched her and she didn't want to be nice person anymore.
  15. V777

    V777 New Member

    They should least give you a chance for one date or something. i would still date someone who is unacttractive. To me everyone is beautiful. i only hit someone once in my life. Even my finacee agrees with me.
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You can be disappointed in me all you want. I'm appalled that anyone would react that way in the situation. Absolutely appalled. It is not ok to hit a girl just because she doesn't want to date you. Unless the bitch started spouting off racial slurs and screamed "Hell no I won't date no n***er!!!!" then you have no way of proving she was a racist prior to the incident.

    I'm no racist, but I'm also pretty sure part of the reason I'm not that attracted to white men anymore is because of the things my ex husband did to me. I try not to let anything someone does to me change my views of an entire race of people, but I believe if my ex husband would not have did so many horrid things to me that my attraction for white guys wouldn't be so low. I don't hate them, I just don't want to sleep with them. A lot of white guys are my friends. But if my homeboy Kyle tried to get with me I would tell him "sorry, but I don't really like white guys". Now, should he punch me and assume I'm racist? We can't change our attractions at will. I love Kyle, and we chill all the time at school, but I would never date him because I am not attracted to him in the least.

    So that makes me a racist?
  17. V777

    V777 New Member

    i'm not sure. Your both white, so i don't think so. I get what you are saying now. thank you. maybe it was stupid. But it happened many many years ago.
  18. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    Lol, what have I gotten myself into with this site. there are more issues here than a subscription to New York Times.
  19. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Racism is not a black and white thing. Racism can, and does, exist -within- races. Watch The Boondocks, and pay attention to Uncle Ruckus, and then tell me that character is not racist. He's so deluded he doesn't even believe he's really black, and constantly says horrible things about black people, all while extolling the virtues of white people. He's only a cartoon character, of course, but if a living, breathing person had the same views I'd call him a racist regardless of what color his skin was, or the color of the skin of the people he's hating on.

    If I hated white people without giving them a chance as individuals, I'd be as much a racist as if I hated black people, or asian people, or whatever without giving them a chance as individuals.

    Hating -any- race -because of their race- is racism, no matter what color -you- happen to be.

    I have been called racist by both black and white people because of my preference in who I date. White guys get pissed and call me racist because I don't want to date them, because I'm physically attracted to men with much darker skin tones than my own. It's the same bloody situation as the one you described, only these guys know better than to punch me over it. Because that's assault, and they asses would be in jail quite quickly, if I didn't break their nose instead.
  20. V777

    V777 New Member

    Truthfully I didn’t want to offend you with this and I forgot about the boondocks. I never only saw the show once. But I get you now, thank you.

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