Who is the richest minority in America…

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    I just talked to my Indian friend on the phone and I told him about the wall street journal article and he was a little surprised. But he did say that most indians feel that most Americans are afraid of them. Is anyone here have any fears of Indians for some odd reason??? I have heard of some discrimination against Indians though.
  2. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    You're a motherfucking liar, because only a motherfucking liar would make an assertion like that without providing any evidence to corroborate it.

    You don't have such evidence because you know you're lying, but are also trying to save face.
  3. V777

    V777 New Member

    I saw it on CNN. Didn't you read what tinkerbell wrote too? Please, no profanity. Not Nice. Even Larry Elder reported this on his radio show and he's Black! I'm not a liar!

    Call Larry Elder on Monday.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Yeah they have helped to divide America along class and racial lines by pointing out the differences between evil liberals and "real, true hardworking blue blooded people of middle America." Wait....i'm confusing them with somebody...

    The fact people always miss is that you are trying to compare the average American to the most hardworking and motivated people of other countries. If you took the most driven (not wealthiest...just the most driven and determined) Americans and placed them in Europe or Asia...they would greatly outperform the average person in those places. There are plenty of lazy Indians, East Asians etc. but they generally aren't the ones that make it over here.
  5. V777

    V777 New Member

    But most of these Indians who come here become Americans by citzenship.Yes there are plenty of lazy Indians. Most of the Indians in India are hardworking. There is over 1 billion Indians in India. Most of them want to come here and work hard to make a nice living and such. When they come here they struggle in the first few years; but they make it to millionare status in just five years or more.
  6. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Well there are many contributing factors but I will go over a few. First of all the minorities that come to this country (Africans, Indians, Asians etc) Are the cream of the crop from their countries to begin with. For example you could take the top 5% of Americans and place them in another country and statistically they would be doing better off than the generally population.

    Also The black inner city community has alot of problems. Drugs began tearing into the community in the 1970's which led directly to a huge fallout of other problems -- (babies being born out of wedlock, addict mothers, drug dealer fathers dead and in jail, violent chaos in general) and then gangsta rap comming along to tell them it was all completely normal and even cool. In the matter of a decade the black community went from a cohesive, organzied unit that got bill after bill for fair rights passed in the 1960's chanting "I have a dream" to " IMMA bust yo' weak ass up and chaze dem HoEZ". You get the picture.

    After the civil rights era many blacks still found themselves getting descriminated against only in a not so overt manner. Many were still poor, depressed etc. Then drugs came along, dealers become rich in the matter of months and depressed folks found themselves full blown addicts before the real dangers of drugs even became publicly prevelant in the 1980's.

    And as I stated above you then have gangster rap comming along and telling young kids that this dysfunctional behavior is normal and even cool which in turn causes problems because many dont see it as just enterntainment but a way of life. Alot of black people have been able to rise above this dysfunctional mindset but alot havent. I digress a little but you see where this ties in.

    Things for the inner city black community have gotten slightly better but now even in 2008 you still see the effects in the statistics we are discussing.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I agree 100%!

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