Have you received any racial slurs since the election?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bryant, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Bryant

    Bryant New Member


    I personally received a racial slur only a day after the election from a couple white guys in a pickup truck who were passing by as i was walking on campus. It wasn't totally unusual, as i've had that happen before, but since the election, the tension has been so thick in the air, you could almost cut it with a knife. My mom is even afraid for me going out alone now.

    Who here, besides me, has experienced any hatred/racial slurs from white people post-election? And even if you haven't experienced anything along those lines, what are your general observations about race relations after the election? I thought things would be better, but it seems as though things have gotten much worse.:smt102
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Sorry to hear about that, dude. Haven't noticed anything personally directed toward me since the election (if anything else I was called cracker more prior) though I have noticed the tension as well. Not really in this area, but I talk to people all over the country and it's either been expressed, or implied quite often. It makes me sad.
  3. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    It makes me sad too DH. If it weren't for the white votes that Obama got, he probably wouldn't have been elected. But it seems as though the closet racists, who were afraid of being politically incorrect, have come out in full force now.
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I don't know which flavor of racist I despise more...those open with it, or those in the closet. Either way it's nowhere near ok, but sometimes I wonder if the ones who hide it end up cutting deeper in the end. At least with the outspoken racists you know where you stand.

    I'll just never understand how there can be so much hatred towards someone who's different. There's nothing wrong with being different. I love being different!

    People always gotta fear what they don't understand, and then twist that fear into hatred.

    Fuck those pricks. They try anything with you, gimme a call, I'll round up my ex-thug and mexican gangbanger friends and we'll come up there and show some asshole rednecks not to be fucking with people no more! :smt067
  5. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    That's something i've always wondered myself. Do i prefer the closet racists (because at least they're telling it like it is) or do i prefer the ones who keep that nonsense to themselves? But yeah, if this election was able to bring all the closet racists out in the open, which makes them more easily identifiable, then i am okay with that.

    I'm the same as you. I love diversity, and can never understand hatred for somebody who isn't like you. Diversity is something that makes the world so great IMO.

    lol cool, if i have any more trouble with guys in pickup trucks acting retarded, i'm gonna be on the lookout for your boys, so they can lend me some necessary assistance.:cool:
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    That's shitty man. Sad people actually go out of their way to shout racist bullshit because of the election. I haven't really noticed anything different when it comes to races.
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I've loved diversity since before I'd ever really experienced it! I'd never lived anywhere with more than just white people until I moved to Houston last fall. It was a culture shock, but I loved it! And I knew I would. It just basically affirmed my idea that people are people regardless. There are assholes of every color, religion, gender, and orientation, just as there are awesome people in all categories.

    Way I see it...if you cut both me and you open, our hearts will still look the same. The outside packaging has little to do with it.

    But some people are just ignorant. Others are just stupid. Still others are too prone to listening to the community around them, and allow their thoughts to be skewed by how everyone else thinks. No matter what the cause, I really don't feel anyone is founded in being a racist. I hate hearing that "well, some people just don't know any better, that's how they were raised" crap. Bullshit. I wasn't raised to love everyone, I was told as I was growing up that black people weren't even human, and yet I don't believe that. Everyone has the ability to see the truth, most people just turn a blind eye to it because it's hard to be different, and they know they will be hated just as much if they speak out against this crap. So they go along with it so -they- aren't singled out. Being ostracized isn't fun, and most of these ignorant racists (more specifically, the ones from small white towns and similar places) don't have the balls to think for themselves.

    ...woo, rant time I guess!! *L*

    As for my boys...they could do some serious damage! My friends lie all across the socio-economic ladder, but the ones in question gots some serious fire power...and police records to prove it! *L*
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Haven't had a problem. All the whites around here voted Obama as far as I know.
  9. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

  10. V777

    V777 New Member

    ya. someone on this site called me a "sellout negro" for being a Republican who voted for Obama.
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    No, just for being a Republican :smt081
  12. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I haven't noticed any problems with racism. Most people I know voted for Obama. I did have one friend who voted for McCain but he didn't jump off a bridge when Obama won
  13. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Nah B nothing on this side of the moon...

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