I'm sorry, I'm all for I/R relationships but this seems vampish...bloodsucker...Priscilla Presley, Yoko Ono, Courtney Love drain your blood shit. Ol' girl is hot..don't get me wrong but...THEY JUST DON'T LOOK RIGHT!!!! At least Hugh Hefner pays those otha hoes..that's his image...Don C. wifed this.... Just smells funny. Fuck it ...don't wife it. http://www.hater site.com/wp-content/uploads/pregrammydoncornelius.jpg See Noble's post in the celeb section
It's just the hideous dress and the bad hair color. They'd look at lot better if she were dressed in nice clothes and smiled.
Don C. looks lost!!!! Mofo looks like he don't know where he's at.He's partied all his life...he's too old to go out anymore...just want to stay at home and watch the game....but his wife wants to be seen...the only way she'll get into these functions if she's on his arm. She begs him to come along probably felt on his balls a lil' bit before they left the house just to remind him what he'll get afterwards. Ain't buyin' it. They don't look yoked.
I could see him having some bad days or having pics snapped at a bad time, but the majority of pics with his wife he just looks sad. His body language is not good.
http://www.hater site.com/wp-content/uploads/don-corneluis2.jpg damn sad...domerstic abuse is never okay...but I got a filling 'ol girl ain't moving out too soon....might need a retouch on them BREASTES. She stick around long enuff for Soul Train to kick the bucket. That picture is wrong on so many levels.
You can tell Don aint happy by all the pics of them together. Q and Kimberly Conrad Heffner are about the same age difference and look for their pics together, you can tell he is happy. Both look happy in pretty much all their pics together.
More pics of Don and Viktoria on IMDB under HER account. None of them under his.... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0152549/
I think old Don has done quite well for himself. As a watcher of Soul Train since the early seventies, I can tell you Don Cornelius has never been much of a smiler. I just hope he signed a pre-nup.
Maybe hes just a moody looking man naturally, ive known a few guys who have a face like a smacked ar*e and when you actually speak to them there pretty chipper lol.
Here is a link to Dons IMDB pics, you can see without her he is happier looking. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3760429568/nm0004843
Good csi work flygirl.......all she pretty has done is softporn...more skinimax than anything. Yep, the pix with Quincy look better...its all in the demeanor.