President Obama in the White House,are African stupid?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by dossou, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi all
    How are you my dear chewing Karma, coma(lol)
    Now a question for those concern,
    Are african still stupid - a movie like Next Friday with Ice T the scene in the mall with the African guy- or are we still stupid?
    Ô Save our Souls Obama's opponent , we're all stupid

    To be serious that's was true.I did not feel when I was in NYC United States in 1993, but even recently a friend of mine coming from Chicago a woman was:smt081 and :confused: when she said she was from Cote d'Ivoire.
    Too much pretty class and may be well educated to be an african women only.She heard:
    "I mean how can you be African there're so stupid " or what I saw on this site on living in traditionaly and archaic regions of the world and the like I unfortunately read

    To african guys here it's true, I do not lie

    Ah, but the grand mother of Pdt Obama is living in a village
    The Great mother of Pdt Obama living in a village - traditional area...something wrong here.


    Times change and you're all here frozen in tha past of the20 century.

    The sole African roots known are from Kenya A developing african country???

    Where do you fit in guys?

    A Pdt which is "stupid" Sth wrong here?

    Hmm the last thing stands for HUMILITY something found in life- experience and history teaches it

    Look for it .It's precious.

    To end the "speech" WE NEED UNITY instead of being divided.
    We need unity either we're from the african continent or have african roots and extended to people of the world need to learn how to live together.

    So from now Change your behaviour towards african otherwise you'll be totally unplugged.

    Share this post, if you want to the others of the african american community.

    The Voice of Africa Sport.



    :smt105 Can someone translate dossou's post?
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Ohhhhhhhhhh, so it was Ice T who was in Next Friday, rather than Cube. OK.:shock:
  4. dossou

    dossou Member

    It was Ice T or Ice Cube.I've forgotten ...Some hip hop maker was starring in ' fryday ' and 'next fryday'

    And Again, listen to
    'Don't believe the hype' soundtrack-Chuck D and Flavor Flave...P.E
    Old school Hip Hop , classic hip hop the best , forever.
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I was being sarcastic about the Ice T, Ice Cube thing. I know it was Cube who starred in the Fridays. Is don't believe the hype a soundtrack as well? The song is originally on Nation on Millions.
  6. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    The African in that movie was not portrayed as stupid, he was portrayed as a jerk lol. I for one think most Africans are smart well the ones I know.
  7. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    Africans are generally smart, but you aren't one of them.
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    am i idiot or is it normal not to understand what he tries to say? :partyman:
  9. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member


    I think I get what he says.

    He is saying that he gets the impression that some Americans think Africans are supid and in his defense he is explaining Obamas Kenyan roots.

    He gives an example of a friend of his that visited USA and had a condescending remark made to her about Africans. He then goes on to explain how it is true that daily life in Africa is more traditional but their value shouldnt be any less than other human beings.

    He is also saying that he sometimes feels that Obama is "unplugged" from his Kenyan roots and he talks of how he believes that Obama has family members living in less advantaged parts of Kenya. He likes Obama but thinks he should reach out to his Kenyan roots a little more. In fact, he thinks a lot of African Americans are unplugged from there African roots.

    The rest of the post is basically a moral lecture on the importance of humility and faith in humanity. lmfao.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2008
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yeah you're right it is hard going trying to understand, but i think hes trying to say that us english speakers or american film makers and so on, have a general negative view on africans intelligence when there own president still has family living in africa.

    For the record ive never met an unintelligent african, educated or not educated they all seem to have a nack for making money, exstremely resourceful.

    thats just my opinion:smt001
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    What I wanna know is why he's so fixated on me.
  12. veema

    veema Member

    Because you are just so adorable.
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Sir Scott, I have deemed you translator of all of Dossou's posts! :D :smt038
  14. dossou

    dossou Member

    Xerxres another chewing gumin my mouth to chew...
    Welcome you had better need to be re -arranged
    My dear chewing gum you have re ignited an old issue which will be my pet leisure punching ball here.And for that YOU are the perfect punching ball to kick on for relief.
    If you read my original post YOU WOULD NOT BE SO SHORT MINDED
    I talked about UNITY:cool:
    Troubles of sight , did not learn how to read, want my glasses to read?
    You are the sole to accuse YOURSELF of being not smart.
    Ya you're right.
    But if you knew the laws of thinking or reflection you would discover that you're what you're saying when saying I am not smart.
    I rather thinkYOU are talikng about yourself .As simple as that
    Plus later foryou're lucjy i'm moving because of other task .
    But I'll be back in time and you'll see how short minded you ARE.


    :smt101Quick! Activate the scott1618 signal!
  16. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Dossou. :smt038
    Always fun and always emphazing on humanity and love.
  17. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    You are the chewing gum, remember?
  18. Madiba

    Madiba New Member is xerxes..
  19. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I thought dossou was saying that a lot of people think Africans are stupid, but how can they think that now that the president of the USA is half African...and is not only half african, but has family still living a very traditional african lifestyle...IE - he's very close to that less developed way of life.

    Furthermore, I thought he was saying that Kenya, where Obama is from, is one of the supposed options for the beginning of humanity. How can people call Africans stupid when humanity began there...and about his friend - who was an intelligent and beautiful woman - and when people found out she was African, they were surprised.

    I just thought he was standing up for Africa and looking for unity in relations becuase in Obama, we can see that the idea africans are stupid is not only untrue, but competely false in all senses and that perhaps people can look at the continent in a different way now...with brotherhood and unity.

    Am I correct Dossou?
  20. sxxxy_G

    sxxxy_G New Member

    Everyone needs to stop thinkning of Obama as black, or Kenyan or whatever...He is the POTUS-elect, not the leader of some quasi-pro-black revolution. He is the president of the whole country, not justs Watts, Harlem and every 'hood in between. The man has enough to do for the next four years undoing the damage that Shrub has caused, so the last thing Obama needs is undue pressure from anyone telling him to be true to his roots. He's AMERICAN, born and raised and that's where his allegiance is, not to Kenya.

    One of the best points of his acceptance speech was that we ALL have our own part to play, so if you're mad because people have misconceptions about Africans, just be the best representative of your nation that you can be; don't expect Obama to be the standard bearer of your heritage.

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