WW that exclusively are attracted to BM be attracted to a man like Obama IYO?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by scott1618, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    WW would take Barack Obama's voice, education and his essence and pair it up with Idris Elba's looks....I don't know that to be factually true...that's just a hunch.
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I am not attracted to thug's of any color! I do not expect a man to be anything he is not, if he has a dream and goes for it, chances are he will get some eduction, and probably dress in a more conservative manner, that's what makes for success, in most circles, because first impressions count!

    It's not because it's white, its just that dressing/acting conservatively eliminates distractions. If you want to impress people with who you are, you will not dress/act so that all they can see is how you dress/act.

    As to the original question, I would never date Obama! Now because I feel I couldn't agree with his world view, but before I knew that, because he's just way too tall, and he's married!

    I think he makes a great first impression and that is why America elected him. Now, he's got the job, I hope he makes history remember him as on of the truly great presidents.
  3. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yeah I agree. And I don't like comments such as "white women go for..." We all go for different types of men.

    I don't go for the thug stereotype or even just the 'homeboy' stereotype. I just think, pull your fucking pants up and buy some nice gold ;)

    I don't generally tend to be attracted to super preppy men of any colour, either. I like artistic, relaxed types.

    Of course- there are some (young or narrow minded) women who just want a black man to fit a stereotype. I'm not denying that. I wouldn't say it's 'most' of us..
    I have seen my young brother in law struggle sometimes because he is just a sweet, decently dressed young man who doesn't fit into one of the little boxes. As soon as they grow up a little though it will be a different story, or when he runs into an enlightened girl. Admittedly I have seen some girls go on with some really stupid crap, but it is not most of us.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    That's the expressions I have been looking for all this time to describe his lips! lol. Great. And anyways, talking only about his appearence, he is not my type but I still find him charming, he has a great smile. (Smile is one of the most important things I notice in men).
    And his brain... if I could have a sexy man with Barack's smartness I would be happy. :)
  5. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Wrong. I'm one of these 'corporate women' you speak about and I sure as hell don't, and I'm not afraid about who I am seen with because the only person that runs my life is me.

    How can you expect to get on seriously with a ww if you think you already know everything about us and having nothing to learn?

    Only place I want my man- black or white or latino or anything else- to be a thug is in the bedroom.

    Many a day I have had to suppress laughter as some man who has decided I want a thug, tries to act like a thug..hilarious.
  6. Smith

    Smith New Member

    okay I'll rephrase..Some white women like thugs...Not all. Maybe the one's you date don't like or they say they don't like. They are all curious...

    Go Obama!
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Not even curious. Not at all!
  8. Complex

    Complex New Member

    I think it is common for all to assume, what happens to you, will happen to others as well. I tend to fall outside what many (Not all) African American Men claim to be true based on their real-world experiences. This is due to having a whole different lifestyle (Remember I was born in England) than what is considered common in America.

    In the case of the opposite sex, one just needs see my attire and, how I pronounce certain syllables to know I offer no characteristics of a thug, which takes less than one minute to distinguish. I’ve encountered anywhere from good compliments to rude jesters from women of various shades based on the image I project in the States. I would imagine the negativity stems from many born in the States assuming the whole world follows the same routine as America why they find my demeanour so bizarre.

    I would say 99% of all the white women I’ve dated in the States know, whether attire or mentality, I offer no characteristics of a thug. Our conversation is not even based on the difference of our skin tone.

    The majority of Women in England who date outside their complexion do not make a big deal on one’s skin colour. Nor, is it a huge taboo like it is in the States when it comes to interracial marriage. What can sever ties amongst the two is, insinuating one needs to project a certain characteristic that co-insides with the colour of his or her skin.

    Sometimes it is best to ask when there is uncertainty than, assume or insinuate various personalities that reside from all across the globe are the same. You’ll find a whole different frame a thought once you go beyond the Atlantic my friend. ;)

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  9. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Very wise words Complex, and those that resonate in some ways with my Australian and European experience.

    I want a man who matches me intellectually, sexually, everything else. I sure as hell don't want to spend the whole time yapping about our varied colours, although obviously I am attracted to bm.
  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Odd. I have yet to spend any time yapping about skin color with my husband. Or even friends. Come to think of it, only place it gets discussed (or should I say dissected?) is the internet forums.

    As for thugs, well I am a little old for anyone who plays at being anything. And I certainly could never be with anyone who I thought was making the world a harder place to live in, like gang bangers. But I am not gonna lie and try to pretend I have never been with someone who is rough around the edges. If I like you, I like you and fortunately for me, I am secure enough in myself to be able to hang with people who are both above and below my social-economic standing.

    If I could pick a perfect mate, it would be someone who works with their hands in my salary range. But it never works that way. I have yet to find myself in a relationship with anyone I thought was my best match. And I wouldnt have it any othe way. Typical true aquarian that I am, I love different people, sameness bores me.
  11. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Thanks for the responses and some good discussion going on here but 9 out of 10 people didnt even aswer what I asked.

    1. I didnt ask anything about looks.

    2. I clearly said Obama "without the iconic status".

    90% of this thread is blabbing on and on about whether women thought Obama was physically attractive or not and/or why or why not they would be attracted to "politician/presidential" status. The exact two things I disqualified in the original post, never answering what I actually did ask.

    Thanks to the 2-3 people that actually did answer what I did ask within the 5 pages lol.
  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Internet forum threads, unlike college examination questions and answers, take whatever direction they please, very often turning into "blabbing" and deviating from what the author "clearly said" or "did ask".
  13. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Well is that right?:eek: Thank you for that.

    Care to actually give an answer?
  14. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    1. You did not rule out looks in your original post.
    2. You edited your own original post, so who knows what you said the first time, after folks already answered.
    3. If you're going to get an attitude after people take the time to respond to your ambiguous musings, don't post them anymore or learn to be more precise.
  15. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Enough already with the bullshit comments. The statement Smith has made has a lot of TRUTH to it. He also never stated all WW, of course he's generalizing, we all do from time to time. Look beyond his statement in regards to thugs. What I believe he means is, and not just WW all women like a little grim in their man, a little crass, rigid and rough. A rappers rep as a bad boy is exactly what most women don't see or interact with from day to day, but women like the attitude because it's cavemen. In other words this is my shit, fuck you, and I fuck you, with a smack on the ass from time to time. Instead of the rampant amount of pussy-men running around this world, as much as they like you to be crass, cursing and drink a little, they want you to listen, understand, say sorry and be thoughtful, and put them to sleep by blowing out their back! That's a MAN
  16. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    I edited my post an hour and a half after I made it. You can look right at the originianl post time and edit time and see that. Hardly anyone had posted yet.

    Calm down, I wasnt getting an attitude just trying to get the thread back on track. Take a seat.
  17. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Take a hike.:roll:
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    To answer you original question, There are a lot of well dressed, well versed, decent looking jerks. As to personality, I'm not sure I know what Obama's personality is, so I can't answer that.

    I would not be attracted to anyone based solely on looks or style as you put it. I do think dressing well is important, so chances are I would not be attracted to anyone who was dressed as a punk, or thug, as this thread thread has explored.

    So maybe that is why we are not able to answer your questions as you would like. I also find it strange that you are asking the men, when they couldn't possibly give you a real answer, they can only give you an opinion.
  19. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    sorry, had to take it back cause I date all ethnicities.
  20. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    That time of the month?

    No, you answered correctly. Thanks. As for the bolded part not really sure why you find it strange since "opinion" is the exact word I used in the original post.

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