Hey everybody. As said close to my nickname I am italian. Yesterday italian Prime Minister Berlusconi said that Obama is "young, handsome and SUNTANNED" (Go on New York Times website, on the blog section, if u want to learn more). There is no limit to things that that half-man can say. He is an idiot :smt067 and I guess that leaders of every country (besides Bush) hate him and make fun of him. The fact that I didn't vote for him doesn't make me feel less ashamed about his actions. Sorry for that. I apologize. Italian ppl is not all like that (Just the main part...lol jk). From this news I thought I'd create a thread about embarassing things that white ppl happen to say about black ppl and, why not, viceversa. If I write something that might offend anybody (there's always someone who is more sensitive about this tipic), I apologize, that's not my intention and I wouldn't even be here if I didn't respect black ppl. I just thought we could talk about that. Sometimes it happens to me to tell some black guys that they r tanned, that I can't see them in the dark, that I would make them white, that they remind me chocolate or coffee, stuff like that, but we r very close friends: I know their personality, they have a great sense of humour and don't get offended for stuff like that, especially since they know about my passion for black guys :smt060 and about my love for them as friends, so they know it's something innocent. For instance, I've been called Snow White, Blanche Neige, Vanilla girl myself. They told me I'm whiter than mozzarella, that white ppl smell like wet chicken (lol) etc, but I like making fun of myself, I laugh and so do my friends. Still, I would never do such jokes with someone I don't know well, and u can't say such things in the political world. Anyways, what is your opinion? Do u black guys and white girls get mad when somebody even close to u jokes about your color? Does it happen? Do u think, like my friends, that between friends everything is ok or u don't like it anyways? Share! (sorry for language mistakes, u r free to correct me :smt002)
I heard that on the news. I think we'll be hearing a lot more about that sort of thing going forward, with a black man soon to be the leader of the strongest nation on earth, and therefore probably the most influential man on the planet right now. I have never cared if anyone referred to my color in a joke. What bothers me is to be teased about my weight. I think what might bother anyone, is to be teased about a sensitive subject. I think some black people are more sensitive than others due to history, upbringing and personal experience about their color. I believe it also depends on the person doing the teasing. To be told I am a "pretty little round girl" by my father, for instance, doesn't sting near as bad as if my boyfriend were to say the same thing. If I get called "guera" in Mexico I know it's a complement, if a Pocha here in the states calls me "guera", I know she is probably trying to insult me. It could also be worse when the teasing has an inappropriate audience, or it is meant to demean, as in a short person being called "shorty" or "shrimp" when they just couldn't reach something vs. a small man being called "shrimp" because he doesn't have acceptable muscle mass.
well... I don't care about what he says, but still i live in Italy and I have the right to be worried about how he damage my imagine in the rest of the world
lol.. u don't know berlusconi... do u want to know what he said to journalists right after Barack's election? someting like "I'll have to give him some advices because obviously I have much mooore experience than him". They showed this part only in the 01.00 pm news. probably they saw that it was a little too much and decided to censurate it in the 8 pm version of the news of the same day. Fucking dictator. I want an Obama toooo
I guess I've been desensitized by all of the nonsense that has been spewed about Obama on talk radio and television by political operatives here in the States for the last two years because I'm not even slightly bothered by this comment. Additionally, I agree with LaydeezmanCris. Berlusconi is a right wing clown. I don't give a shit about what he says or thinks. I'm sure Obama is going to have to deal with much worse here and abroad once the honeymoon is over.
ahahahaha I wonder who would win.... his Highness Berlusconi maybe? lol. i mean... he uses heels doesn't he lol.
Polish Lawmaker Slurs Obama: Left's 'Black Messiah ... End Of White Civilization' WARSAW, Poland — Poland's Foreign Ministry has condemned a conservative lawmaker who called U.S. president-elect Barack Obama the "black messiah of the new left" and said his victory marks the "end of the civilization of the white man." Artur Gorski is a little-known member of the opposition right-wing Law and Justice party. He made the remark to parliament on Wednesday, a day after Obama's historic victory as America's first African-American president. The Foreign Ministry condemned the remark in a statement Sunday and said it will urge Parliament's Ethics Committee to review the case. Ministry spokesman Piotr Paszkowski says he doesn't know what kind of punishment Gorski could face, but said the government wants to emphasize that it regards the remark as unacceptable. _________________
Hey TS, check this out. I guess Obama has never been a big fan of Berlusconi, either. Can you tell me what is the meaning of the last frame that is a black and white pic? Maybe there is some bad blood there, we will see at the next G8 meeting I guess. http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=WiYppEt5QSY
ahaha Sir Nose, the video id great, I've never seen it. In the last frame there is a pic of Obama with Walter Veltroni (on the left with glasses) which is the leader of the opposition (democratic party). Veltroni is a big fan of Obama and I think he met him to take some suggestions for Italy. Infact for his campain in the April elections he used the slogan "Si può fare" which is a (bad, i must admit) translation for the english "yes, we can". In the video they say that Obama doesn't clap his hands to Berlusca's speech and that he doesn't stand up like most of other senators. And of course I appreciate his honesty. At the end it kinds says that Obama doesn't like Berlusconi but he likes Veltroni (of course, it's democratic...). If u r interested in knowing more about Berlusconi's shames, there is a documentary (censured in italy, it's only on youtube) in 6 parts. Most of it is in english. I found out incredible things about him. it's called "Citizen Berlusconi". Here r the links in orther. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl-yIkUh5fg&feature=related 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgzrOkNeBHc&feature=related 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv0NkBZnLBs&feature=related 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMEF9_W5Dhk&feature=related 5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7PFI192-O8&NR=1 6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwdc_ildAfo&feature=related
Another one. New Obama race row as Austrian TV pundit says black people 'are not civilised enough to rule' By Daily Mail Reporter 08th November 2008 Austria's official state broadcaster is refusing to sack a senior political commentator who said blacks were not civilised enough to rule. Klaus Emmerich, the retired editor-in-chief of Austrian broadcaster ORF's news and current affairs service, is the station's top political commentator for U.S. affairs. Der Spiegel likened him to Wolf Blitzer, CNN's legendary political commentator. But covering the election in which Barack Obama was elected American president, Emmerich said: 'I do not want the western world being directed by a black man. And if you say this is a racist remark, I say you are damn right it is.' Following his outburst, the moderator prevented Emmerich from speaking again. But Emmerich took an even harder line in newspaper interviews later, calling Mr Obama's victory 'a highly disturbing development' because 'blacks are not as far advanced in the civilisation process nor in their political progress'. He went on to tell Die Presse that Mr Obama has 'a devil-like talent to present his rhetoric so effectively'. Emmerich, who has worked in the news for 61 years, made his incendiary remarks just five weeks after Austria drew international condemnation when two far-right parties won 29 per cent of the vote in national elections. The row over his comments comes as Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi was blasted for calling Mr Obama 'tanned', apparently in an inept attempt at humour. The 80-year-old pundit called Obama a 'talented man, but a branded man' - apparently referring to the president-elect's skin colour. ORF bosses disassociated themselves from Emmerich's remarks but have refused to ban him from future work. They say they are still reviewing the situation. 'We have never had any comments from Mr. Emmerich which would indicate he has such opinions,' said Pius Strobl, head of communications at the channel.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/10/AR2008111002810.html Yep, like I wrote earlier. Berlusconi's remarks were pretty tame compared to the others, and I still expect worse to come.