White guys paranoia over Obamas presidency

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I wouldn't know about the last half century, I only know how I feel and believe. I don't think we should be the watch dog of the Middle East in any way, using Israel or not. I have mixed feelings about how much we interfere with other countries rights. Yet I feel sometimes the issues may justify it.

    I do think Hitler helped people to rethink their love for the Jews. I have a very dear friend who is a holocaust survivor. She's in her 70's now, and has taught me a lot. Maybe that's where it came from, and now it's been growing. Who knows?
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I think that is great. I'm not trying to be combative...I'm a man of faith and I can understand the argument from a fellow Christian's perspective. I just have a difficult time understanding how politicians that aren't 150% Israel can be considered "questionable." Where were these people ( Bill Clinton..he screwed that up) when 800,000 Rwandans got killed 14 years ago....or in Darfur where the Janjaweed is butchering everyone in sight and China is starting to puts some roots down....or even in a nation just south of us. Haiti has had more conflict than any nation in the Western Hemisphere and yet we haven't so much as batted an eye whether it was during Duvalier's time in office or when Jean-Bertrand Aristide was there. We are too busy trying to win ideological wars with Castro, Hugo Chavez and trying to both pimp Mexico and let them pimp us.

    I guess my point of contention is that we want to punish Palestinians or any other group of Middle Easterners for even breathing on Israel yet to me...Europeans got off of the hook when it comes to all of the crap they did to the Jews...even before the Holocaust. It would be like the U.S. stepping in and taking all of the American black people and rewarding them with land in Nigeria by forcing the 100 million people that live there to occupy half of the land while the roughly 38-40 million black Americans occupy the other half. Then to top it off...the U.S. would turn around and give us all of the best military technology. The Hausa, Ibo, Yoruba, Edo etc. peoples that live there wouldn't be too pleased. And while many of their ancestors may have had a hand in sending us to the slave ships...they are going to wonder how come a nation that has had blacks in it's borders since 1619....and stood watch to all sorts of atrocities....can't find a way to pay them back without displacing so many people.
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I can't say I disagree with you at all, a lot of terrible things get over looked.

    But a lot of Christians are in it for the "blessing" if you know what I mean. They believe, and perhaps rightly so, that America has been a blessed nation because we have stood by Israel. Due to the above mentioned statements. Therefore, should we "turn our back on Israel" they believe we may be at risk of losing that "blessing" meaning disaster may strike.

    I do not fully agree with that, because I stand on a scripture that says, "God is, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." I am also not so sure that the current nation of Israel holds that "preferred" status with God, as they did before Christ.

    I feel we should do what we can to support anyone who is being persecuted for their faith, or simply over-run by a World Class Bully, and this alone will bring the blessing of God into our lives. (This could include Palestinians.)

    I also believe that those who have faith in Christ are now, "the seed of Abraham" and have access to all the promises of scripture. So we are in effect the children of the promise, and the scripture saying "He will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" now applies to Christians. That's the way I understand it anyway.
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    As to the remainder of you post. I agree we should probably do a lot more for people all over the world. If I could chose, no one would ever hurt anyone. But how do we do it? Are we to be the World's cops? I honestly don't know where the ethical boundary lies. Do we have the right just because we can?

    If we start trying to right all the wrongs of history I've got a delima I need to start with and that would be my ex husband, and what does he owe me and his children? I honestly don't want anything from him.

    The Blacks could sue whites, for slavery, then they'd have to sue the African's that sold them, then the white Americans could sue the English for religeous persecution, and some who came to America as exiles, the same could happen in Australia. The jews could sue the Egyptions for slavery. And the American Indian could sue us all for taking over. But then the Aztecs would get sued for human sacrifice of their people and ... and ... and ...

    Since I have white ancestors who were slave owners, do I personally owe the black community in America something? I haven't done anything racist in my life. I think if I end up marrying a black man that should be payback enough, don't you!:smt056

    I say lets go forward instead.
  5. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I agree. I also think everyone is also interested in jobs. I don`t think that there would be an increase in white/black relationship. Those who wanted to date blacks will continue to do so.
  6. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    I think that having Obama as our president will help to normalize relations between black and white people and help everyone to see that the only race is the human race. We are people, not races. If interracial unions increase, so be it. If white men can go out and mix with Asian women, Latinas, black women, and Indian women, then there is no reason why black men cannot do the same.

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