Keeping fit and in shape

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Leksola, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    What's your game plan?

    Personally I just do something every day but Sunday, but always make sure I'm doing something I enjoy.

    I usually go to the gym four times a week, and do a mix of high intensity and regular cardio as well as weights. I think you really need to enjoy it too though, so I like to go for a walk along some of our beautiful beaches or do dance class or drumming as well.. latter being good for mind, body and soul.

    It's not so much just looks, it's about being healthy as well. I set fitness goals usually.

    Frequently I see skinny as hell chicks on the treadmill at the gym... they can't even run for fifteen minutes or even five minutes.. so I guess they aren't eating.

    What kind of exercise does all like to do ?
  2. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Sounds like a good routine! I also like to lift weights, usually 2-3 times per week. For cardio I either run or do a high-intensity session on the stationary bike.

    I play basketball at lunch on Tuesdays and I like to rollerblade or play golf on the weekends!
  3. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    I eat meals that contain proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber and healthy fats frequently throughout the day to keep the hunger suppressed.

    My workouts consist mainly of resistance exercises that allow me to use my own bodyweight. Once or twice per week, I jump rope for about 45 minutes.

    Variety is the key for me. I like to change my routine and exercise schedule every so often to keep things fresh and challenging.
  4. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Well, when I'm settled, which is not currently the case..

    I usually work out before work every day. 45-60 mins of interval cardio 5 days a week and weights 4ish days a week, working on a different muscle group every day. I do situps every gym day.

    I also do dancing 1 night a week and ride my bike for fun on the weekends. When I settle again, I will probably not have a car, so I will be riding and walking a lot.

    I also change my program every 6 - 8 keep my body surprised and to try and achieve the best results.

    I eat food that I mostly make myself. I try to use food that doesn't come from bottles...but there has to be a limit..
    I try and eat the least processed food possible for the majority of the time.
    Drink a lot of water, up to about 3 litres a day. Complex carbs, lots of veggies. Reasonable amounts of meat. If I'm being really good, I cut out all dairy, caffeine and wheat/gluten....just because I feel my best when I do that, but it's really difficult to maintain all the time.

    I like looking good, but I much prefer to feel good which is the most important thing.
  5. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    wow guys, I admire u. i'm too lazy for that stuff. everytime i promise to myself i will do some workout etc, but i don't have costance. i just bellydance.
  6. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    When I was in high school I did; football, track and off-season weightlifting still weight lift and jog about 5 miles every week.
  7. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    I jumprope, do pushups and leg squats about 5 days a week.

    I refuse to join a gym, because they're completely unnecessary.
  8. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    I should do more actually.
  9. Complex

    Complex New Member

    I'm an avid gym rat.

  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    leg press
    push ups (only skinny dudes need a bench press)
    hamstring curls
    jump rope

    and anything else that comes to mind
  11. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I take classes down at the mosque for some breathing, movement and meditation exercizes. Sorta like tai chi and yoga mixed in with some Sufi chant/meditation.

    20-25 miles a week on a bike, usually in one or two long rides. In the summer, I will lead saturday rides for the neighbor kids. This is probably the most important thing I do to keep the sag out of my ass.

    At the gym I do weights 3x a week. I love the handbike and do a lot of cardio on it also.

    At home I have a resistance pool I swim in year round.

    As for diet, I eat several low carb meals spread thru out the day.
  12. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I work out every other day at the rec center of the college I attend. I go about 45 minutes. I work my arms, chest, abs, and my legs. After that, I make a whey protein shake and drink that up

    I've been pretty dedicated about exercise for the past four years now. It happened when I got my own place. I didn't have much money for food so I dropped alot of weight. I went from 270 lbs. down to 215 lbs. in the space of five months. That inspired me to start working out
  13. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member


    I do a three day a week power training program. I perform stretching exercises daily. I run or jog four days a week for five miles. I have recently joined a martial arts program. I do handball on the weekends to develop my stamina. I'm a member at a fitness club (Gold's Gym). I do have my own gym at home that my wife bought for me in a Bowflex, a stationary bike and threadmill, stepper, elliptical machine, and incline machine in Total Fitness.
  14. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yes I noticed your gold playing pic ;)

    Well I try, unfortunately I have a condition that can affect hormonal balance and then weight gain.. fertility etc. So it's important for my health as when you don't use your insulin as effectively it makes you at risk of diabetes, infertility.. i just try and be reasonable with it.

    IT's good to do a few weights though, good for your bones in later life too
  15. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Good for you, not enough women lift weights, IMO
  16. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I usually work out Monday through Saturday and rest on Sunday. I do weight training 5 days during the week and do cardio 2-3 times. I lost over 100 lbs when I was 22, and I've managed to keep the fat off and put on about 50 lbs of muscle over the past five years.
  17. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I lost 60 pounds over the last year using deep breathing exercises, walking a couple of miles 3 to 4 times a week, and eating a high protein, low carb diet.

    I admit, I got busy, and stopped though, and I need to kick it back up.
  18. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yeah, they are all paranoid about getting 'bulky' I think. Bulky? Hah! It is hard enough work just trying to look toned and get those curves poppin.
    Even that is an ongoing project for me.

    Women aren't designed to look that way, and even if if you wanted to, you would have to work damned hard at it and be a gym rat who eats nothing but protein powder.

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