Yes I'm a PS3, Wii or Xbox 360?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    It's holiday season and I had been enjoying the hell out of my ancient Xbox until late summer when it finally broke down. I have yet to splurge on the next-gen systems and can't decide which to buy.

    Most people say get the 360 for superior online play (even though you have to pay for it). Others say get the PS3 because of the fact that it has more room to grow and will end up being a better choice in the long run.

    I mostly play sporting games and fighting games with a Grand Theft Auto or a Metal Gear Solid thrown in...haven't really missed games all that much since I've been in school...which makes me hesitant to drop money on something that I may no longer be interested in even using.

    What is an overgrown kid to do?
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Dork for what? Game nerds for life!!!!!!!!!

    360......even though the piece of shit died on me. Conveniently right before the biggest release of high profile games in the console's history. Saint's Row 2, Gears 2, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Dead Space. FUCK, I have no money to get my system fixed either.

    360 has a way better game library. PS3 has been out for 3 years, and it's still nothing but a chap blu-ray player. Only reason i want to get one is because of MGS4. People said PS3 would get better games like a year or 2 after it's release.......still ain't shit for it.
  3. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    PS3 easily. 360 has a little better game library but PS3 is catching up quickly with solid exclusive releases like ( MGS4, Little big planet, motorstorm 2, Resistance 2 and soon playstation home) PS3 also offers a blu-ray player which is the next generation once DVDs are phased like VHS. You can also browse the internet on a PS3.

    For online gaming the 360 is slightly better/smoother and I stress slightly but then again you have to pay for it. PS3's online is free. PS3 is also blutooth compatitable.

    Also the 360 has a much higher failure rate. The red ring of death is almost expected.
  4. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member


    I have both and my 360 will sit completely unused until Left 4 Dead comes out (also a PC title, but I prefer consoles).

    For PS3, a lot of my titles are cross platform, but many are not.

    There are all of the titles that the previous poster mentioned, plus a few more older exclusives such as Folklore and Uncharted which did not receive the credit that they deserved due to the lack of PS3 sales in it's infancy stage.
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It really depends on what you want. As usual, it goes the same way everytime there are new consoles.

    Microsoft has the market cornered on games available and graphics.

    Sony has exclusive rights to some fucking awesome games.

    Nintendo has more kid friendly stuff, though this time they amped it up with the motion sense technology. The Wii is quite fun, and very addictive, but only with certain games. I found the controls to be too annoying for first person shooters, though Resident Evil 4 was fun. I enjoyed the damn simple ass Wii Sports the most, though. Racing games were kind of interesting, but the controls again got a little annoying.

    But you can't beat a Wii on price, compared to the others.

    Really, though, if you're not sure, just play old games and get a new Xbox. It'd be the safest bet if you're not even sure you're going to play with a new console.

    Or get a PS2 and Guitar Hero 1-3 and let me pwn your ass. :D That's always an option, too.
  6. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    You said it perfectly:) I have nothing to add
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I'll play guitar hero if you play madden...we've got to create some "incentives" for winning
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member


    I'll give it a shot, but you know I'll lose! And be lost the whole time I'm playing the game! *L*
  9. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    I agree:rolleyes:
  10. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Hearing so much about this red ring of death is starting to scare me. I'm thinking i should sell my XBOX before i get the red ring. I want a PS3 anyway, so i can play God of War III (the GOW trilogy is the best) and the new Resident Evil game when it finally comes out.
  11. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I play Madden 08 all the time with my best friend (heard Madden 09 sucks), but maaan, that game really knows how to cheat! i can't recover an onside kick to save my life! my coverage team just stands there watching the ball bounce around on the ground, while the kicking team recovers it every time!
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I've heard so many good things about the God of War games. I've been dying to play one of em! I just don't even have money for a tv, let alone a console and a game! *L*

    I keep getting disappointed with the RE games. I dunno. I think maybe the allure of them wore off after the first gajillion releases. I usually never get sick of zombies though!
  13. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    All the good stuff you've been hearing about the GOW games is absolutely true. Besides the obvious classics on Nintendo, SEGA, and N64, i've never played a better video game than God of War. In my opinion, it's that good. But i'm shocked that you're not a fan of RE4. Besides God of War, the Resident Evil 4 game was one of the best games i've played in years. Have you tried playing it on PS2, or just the Wii?
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    That's the truth. My best friend loves Madden 08 but he says that '09 isn't as good by comparison. His complaint is that the passing game lacks the zip that it's had in the past. Honestly...I think Madden was better when 989 Sports and ESPN 2K sports were pushing them to be better. Madden would outsell the other games by large margins but EA Sports couldn't afford to be lazy and recycle the same garbage year in and year out.
  15. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I was watching a review on X-Play that said fans of past maddens would like the extra features more than casual gamers. But yeah, every year it's recycled bullshit from EA, not the only EA criticism.
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It was a good game, don't get me wrong, and I enjoyed it, but I was disappointed. The 'zombies" in the games were kinda...too non-zombie like for my taste. It just didn't feel like the same series anymore, ya feel?
  17. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Oh yeah, i get ya. They weren't zombie looking at all. They looked like regular people, and that to me, is what made it so great. You're walking through the village with a bunch of farmers who are doing chores, then all of a sudden they creep up behind you and shove a pitchfork up your behind lol.
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Yep, my buddy is one of the most avid Madden players i know, and he said he literally returned Madden 09 to the video rental store a day after he rented it. he didn't even care if he got a refund or not, it was just that bad of a game. the creators of Madden sold their souls to the casual gamer, in an attempt to please "everybody" which was a HUGE mistake. what made the game great was the fact that they always tried to appeal to the hardcore gamers, not the casual gamers. in Madden 09, i hear the controls can't be altered (everybody has the exact same controls), the no huddle offense has been pretty much thrown out the window (to take away any advantage that people may have) and the vision cone has been completely removed. i was never a fan of the cone to begin with, but it was a feature that was popular among the hardcore Madden gamers. the Madden series is pretty much a series that strictly appeals to little kids now. maan, EA really flushed a great game down the toilet in an attempt to make the game playable for everybody. huge mistake. and i totally agree that the lack of competition has everything to do with this.
  19. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    By the way, any Marvel vs. Capcom lovers in here? Man, that's one of the best of all-time right there.
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Not Marvel vs. Capcom exactly, but Campom vs. SNK. I will shit on anyone in that game, no joke. I did like being Iceman in Marvel vs. Capcom and use that cheap ass raining Ice move. I'm not into the whole superhero fighting thing, more of the SF, King of Fighters, Samurai Showdown type fighters.

    Capcom vs SNK 2 is the best fighter as far as 2d fighters go.

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