WW that exclusively are attracted to BM be attracted to a man like Obama IYO?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by scott1618, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    I hate to generalize but I am only looking for personal opinions here.

    In your opinion is the average ww that is exclusively attracted to or strongly prefer BM (and I emphasize strongly attacted to or prefer) be attracted to a man whos personalitly, style etc is akin to Barack Obama? IF you're younger than a younger Obama? Oviously minus the iconic status.

    I especially want to hear the fellas opinion on this. Ladies feel free to add as well.

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2008
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Well, since it's personal opinions...
    I'm not jumping out of my skin thinking he's amazing or attractive.
    He doesn't do anything to me...but he does have charisma and personality and, above all...is very intelligent.
    He's the kind of guy I would like to get to know more...but i don't find any instant attraction.
    But, I prefer a guy like that over a smooth talking guy who's got the moves and has no substance....
    It's all about the conversation...an intelligent person can keep me interested forever...enough said.
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I respect him as a man but to be honest as a mate he does nothing for me! i think its because its hard to place him looks wise.
    Hes not a pretty boy, and hes not ruggedly handsome, he neither pleases nor offends me lookwise hes slap in the middle of everything, maybe too perfect.

    thats my judgement based on looks and im sure intelligence wise hed get beyond me so therefore i do not fantasize about him.
  4. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Women, like Men have their preferences. What one prefers another will not. When I eliminate all the other Women I date and, just analyse my experience with White Women, they are no different than Asian, Black, Latina and, Middle Eastern Women (I know I’m forgetting someone here.. :smt017 ) when taking their preferences in consideration.

    Some will prefer a clean-cut polished type of individual where others will move towards a more rebellious or as Americans say, more "Bad Boy" type. Of course, there is the bloke in the middle who has his fair share of ladies as well.

    I would imagine what Mr. Barack brings to the table is a more “middle class” persona in which many White American Women may not have encountered before. He does contradict the Stereotypical nonsense the American media portrays on Black American Men. My apologies. African American Men. So, even if there was a slight bit of curiosity from a White American Woman, he opened the door a little wider, before, he chose to run for the Presidency.

    Bear in mind that I am British and, the whole American culture differs from England greatly. So, I may not be the right person to answer such a question.


    I’m off to class…..
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2008
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    With a lot of these women, they only want a guy who

    a) looks like he just came off a slave ship (tyrese mandingo look)
    b) looks like he just got out of jail (any rapper)

  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Thats not fair alot of women i think just prefer a man that hasnt been polished within an inch of his life thats all.
    theres alot to admire about this man but how real will this particular man get for us normal women.
    Ive known quite a few what i would call successful black men career wise and they all have there own style.
    The thing with a politician is im sure he has advisors for every single thing his hair what he wears i mean everything ! so he can plz everyone and by pleasing everyone people can end up pleasing no one in particular!
    Same with the buff guys you see in porno movies so not real always look a lil bit plastic to me.
  7. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Karma...what women have you been hanging around with.
    It's all about personality...Looks only keep me interested for so long (usually a short amount of time)...but an intelligent conversation...phew. It that case, it matters very little what he looks like.
  8. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    My wife finds black men attractive, but she thinks Obama´s lips are weird because they are blacker than his skin. She says one of the things that attracted her to me is my lips.

    She of course thinks he´s a great guy though. A guy of his stature transcends looks, I would imagine. He´ll have to fend off a few Monica Lewinsky´s if he gets elected.
  9. veema

    veema Member

    I'd have to agree with your wife. I'm not being critical here but Obama's lips do look like he just popped out of ice cold water. Nevertheless, the combination of how he carries himself, his intelligence and ability to relate to people, and of course what he stands for are what make it easy to look past the lips. *laughing*
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    WW aren't that fond of Obama from a purely physical standpoint because....he is one of them. Barack's momma was white and if you look at the pictures closely...he has a LOT of her features. Most WW that prefer BM...feel that way because they ENJOY the CONTRAST. Obama doesn't offer up much of a contrast relative to a darker, more "Negro" looking BM.

    Let's think of it this way...on TheChosenOne's Famous Black Men Most Likely to be Loved by WW List: (solely on appearance)

    High Score: Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable, Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey, Paul Robeson, Ken Norton Sr. (boxer nicknamed Black Hercules and the actor from the 70's film Mandingo), Bobby Seale

    Middle Score: Booker T. Washington, Jessie Jackson (in his prime), WEB DuBois, Frederick Douglass, Fred Hampton, Jim Brown, Nat Turner

    Low Score: Barack Obama, Malcolm X, Huey Newton
  11. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    You usually go wrong when you start to generalize. Consider these famous IR products who are in or have been in mutual love with WW: Tiger Woods, Cash Warren, Tony Parker, Prince, Derek Jeter, Lenny Kravitz...
  12. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    Obama would take the votes of white women over any romantic feelings. I doubt that he cares what most white, black or Chinese women think of him looks-wise.
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I stand by my statement until proven otherwise
  14. DI

    DI New Member

    he has very open, beautiful smile! and yes, his IQ level makes him being attractive!
  15. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Wow good taste in men. You're Russian that explains it.
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Considering he's smart? Smart is hot. I prefer brains to looks anyway, and I'm sure I could have some fantastic conversations with Barack Obama.

    However.. his job just doesn't do it for me. I don't know if I could be interested in a politician romantically because I could never be with a politician. Not by my choice, but theirs, because I can't behave like a politician's wife. *L* It wouldn't look well on Barack if the media kept getting hold of info about Michelle smoking weed, going to karaoke bars and drinking, etc.

    Plus I'm too mouthy, and I'd likely tell off reporters if they got on my nerves. It's a relationship that wouldn't work out because of career choices, so unless I fall in love with a guy who eventually becomes a politician after we're together, I couldn't see myself with any politician.

    As far as looks go...I do think he's cute. He's not overwhelmingly hot because he doesn't have some of my favorite features (It's all about the plump, juicy lips. mmm) but he looks nice. If he was just a regular guy instead of a politician I'd so go for him.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    He has a great smile! But, other than that, I don't really find him attractive. I like the cadence of his voice, too. :lol:
  18. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    There are different types of masculinities that are attractive, no matter the race. Of course, the ww are fascinated by the "ultra" masculine black male, but then a lot of ww like the "sensitive" type too. I don't think one can state it's just the "mandingo" type that ww gravitate towards. There's a bit of idealisation there.

    Obama is admirable and he will definitely draw more ww to bm, it's already evident. And it will be a different type of attraction than the "classic, naturalistic dynamic.

    There's attraction in both types (depends on the person), however I generally prefer the New man, and why can't he be black?
  19. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Sorry, I think you're wrong, I do not think women in general are as much attracted to the way a man looks. I honestly think women are attracted to the way they are treated. BM tend to be more "masculine" and to treat their ladies more "feminine". So we feel like women when in their presence. Does that make since. I don't think Obama does that, I think his wife is in charge.
  20. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Polished within an inch of their life? This statement interest me a whole lot. Please elaborate with concerning the subject.

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