White Female Racists

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone here who is a black male ever experienced an encounter with a white female who proudly admitted that she was a racist and that she belong to a racist organization or group? I have not, but i have a friend who once had such an encounter which scared the hell out of him because of how disarming she was to him. He called her the stealth racist in that he believes that if she wanted to do harm to him she could have done so because he allowed her to be so close to him until she revealed what she was to him. I have always felt that the most dangerous racists are female. Imagine a white female who has skinhead tendencies. Talk about the perfect killer.
  2. drow

    drow New Member

    Codename: Ghostface Killah
  3. shion

    shion New Member

    Go drinking with them...liqour don't lie.
    Honestly,they say sex,politics and religion shouldn't be discuss in the workplace but what does the local news talk about?
    You can generally form an opinion about someone when they give their viewpoints on the daily news topic.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    When i come across racist white women,and by racist i mean full blown racist,i always get the feeling that they didnt end up like that on their own.You can almost always tell that the way they think was due to some brainwashing from some white guy/s

    Dont get me wrong,im sure there are many racist white women out there who have developed their beliefs on their own.

    I get the feeling that women in general are more vulnerable to "brainwashing" than men,especially when it comes to relationships.Females often are influenced by their men....

    Just go to those white supremacist sites,and you will see threads made by racist white guys,asking advice on how to deal with their girlfriends/wives who need help bringing them over to "their side".

    On interracial websites and etc,you often do see white women talking about how their ex white boyfriends were racist,and or how their family members are racist

    I remember some white guy on stromfront asking for advice because he had a huge nazi flag on his in his living room,and all of the girls he brought to his apartment/home got freaked out looking at the flag and didnt want anything to do with him;so he was asking for advice on how to talk to the females and etc.Alot of those white supremacist sites have "dating sections",where white guys dont have to worry about a white girls reaction to their beliefs................
  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Is this how fed up of the elections we truly are?
  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Why. Would. I. Do. That.
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    dude that is scary...i had the exact same thought...LOL
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Osama Blond Laden

    Pol "Molly" Pot

    I don't think there is considerable difference between WW and WM in terms of percentages of those that are not particularly racist towards blacks versus those that are. It is just more shocking because we don't really expect WW to say certain things...we expect BW, WM, BM to be relatively loud but WW are generally thought to be more demure than most with only AW being the most silent...(this is all stereotyping of course..but it is what it is).

    We think that WW that are racist...act that way because of their upbrining and social conditioning but that's the same case for WM. Little white boys have no inkling of racism until their fathers, mothers, uncles etc. put ideas into their head. Children see no color...if only we could all see the world as the kids do.
  9. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Is it possible for a white female who has a racist view of men of color to change in that she would fall in love with a non-white male in some circumstance in which she realize that he is not what she was brainwashed to believe? Has anyone heard of such a case or have read that this has actually happened. To go from hate to love requires a tremendous shakeup in ones belief system that is not easy for many. I would love to hear from a female here, if she is honest, who once had racist beliefs before going IR. How did you overcome your hate?
  10. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Most white power girls are teenagers. Most of them change as time goes by, but there are a few women that remain racist. They would never attack black ppl, they just stay away. Women don't usually kill or hurt anybody. It's usually older white males who are the most racist, for a reason.
  11. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I think most people in general mellow as they grow older, and really begin to form their own views in life based on personal experiences and preferences.

    There may very well be some people who acted racist when younger and then changed their views. This only happens, in my opinion, when the person acting racist did so to please pears or family. They didn't have any personal hatred toward another race. When they grow up they realize the error of their way. These people tend to be very strong in their anit-racist views later on. Even crusading for other races.

    I should think such a WW could indeed truly Love a BM. I don't think he would have any doubt about it either.

    I think too that people who were not raised to be racist can turn so later in life, due to the wrong association, and brainwashing, or an unfortunate personal tragedy that was perpetrated by some idiot of said race, causing hatred. (EXAMPLE: Drunk driver kills loved one of white person, drunk driver happens to be black.)

    It's all about personal thought process.
  12. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    This has nothing to do with what you're talking about but I'm going to see Ghostface in a couple weeks at a club in Glasgow. I love going totally off topic.

    On topic though, I've come accross a few white racist females, but more males. They are just mad at you guys because we like you though :p

    The female racists I've met are like into black metal and are really gothish. I know that's a stereotype but that's the kind over here that are very open about it.

    I've been on racist site, I got banned after one post because some guy said why do women go for skinny guys and then spoke about how they wanted to puke when they saw BM/WW :S... my thing actually got posted, then I got banned. Basically tried to annoy them by telling them sexually explicit reasons why I like black men. They weren't impressed. Lol I was totally milking it to annoy them.

    There's no point in even trying to reason with those kind of people because they don't actually listen to anything you say. They're just a bunch of losers who are obsessed with Hitler and denying the Holocaust :| Bah, they really annoy me.

    Funny thing on that racist site bullshit was I saw a guy say "I'm 23 and I'm a virgin and never kissed a girl, do I fail?" :|
  13. drow

    drow New Member

    I have heard of that term somewhere and it just popped into my head after reading the OP. Seemed somehow appropriate... :p
  14. drow

    drow New Member

    Indeed, I watch that site on occasion to see what sort of bs they are spewing at the moment. They absolutely HATE mixed relations, especially between black and white. It is the one thing you will be banned hands down on for expressing.

    But yes, that site is basically just a sounding board for them to pat themselves on the back for being caucasoid while denigrating others. I don't even know why they have an opposing views section since they already have their minds made up know matter what sort of facts one presents.
  15. gladiator423

    gladiator423 New Member

    YES, you see that on college campuses ALL the time.

    A white woman I've just started dating now was scared too death of me at first because I was from a dangerous inner city area. Most white women are attracted to intelligent men. A lot of times, they can tell by the way you talk and pronounce your words.

    What attracted her to me was how I pronounced my words clearly but I didn't sound "white". Its a natural flow with me and its not like I'm forcing it. Over the telephone, you wouldn't be able to tell what I am even though I'm African-American. Once she found out my education background, she was impressed.

    Once we got to know each other, she's become very comfortable around me because we can talk about a wide range of subjects. We went to rival colleges and when our shools play each other in football, we have a lot of fun. She yells at the tv screen, does the funcky chicken dance in front of me when her team scores. Gets in my face, be nose to nose and be yelling...WHAT??....WHAT??....HUH??....WHAT??...that school of yours, bunch of PUSSIES !!.

    We had sex recently and now she wants a committed relationship.
  16. quato102

    quato102 New Member

  17. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Very good analysis. Excellent!!!:smt023
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Thanks Tony

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