What Makes a House Negro?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SmoothDaddy101, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    To me a "house negro" is one who will pump up other folks who do not have his/her best interests at heart while putting down those that do, period. One who will give aid and comfort to the enemy, and be assured we do have enemies. You will never, ever hear a Jew say anything good about the Nazi Party for example, yet we have African-Americans who will back McCain, a guy who tried to block the MLK holiday in his home state. Other groups present a united front in public but when it's time for us to do it, we start crying about "rights" and "pluralism." Two words you wouldn't have even heard 50 years ago when it came to blacks. A "house negro" has nothing to do with your interests or who you date/marry, IMO. It's when you forget your ancestors' painful sacrifices and refuse to acknowledge history that the problem arises. Again, IMO.
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    A "house Negro" is an older black person that owns their own house!

    Seriously, part of the problem is that most people view the house negro as something akin to Alfonso Ribiero's character of 'Carlton' on Will Smith's show "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." (if you don't know..ask someone on the message board)

    To me..a field Negro is just as screwed up as a house Negro...you wanna know why? Because both of your asses are still on the plantation. The house Negro seeks acceptance by going out of his way to disassociate himself from traditional black culture as well as the positive and negative stereotypes that are placed on black people. By aligning himself with more mainstream WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) values...he feels that somehow...he won't be seen the way "other" Negroes are and that he is "different" and immune to the overt and subvert racism that he may likely face.

    The field Negro has the slave mind...only he thinks that his "rebellion" and ghetto mentality makes him more "black." The field Negro, unlike the house Negro..shuns education and prefers surviving on anything but his brain. The field Negro mocks the house Negro because the house Negro wears tighter jeans, button down shirts and pronounces the -ing's on the ends of his words. Meanwhile...the white man mocks the field Negro and is amazed at his ignorance...ignorance that the field Negro rellishes in.

    The house Negro sees the overall problem but he incorrectly diagnoses it and applies the wrong treatment for the problem. (Education and empowerment are best...assmilation and carrying on like an educated Steppin Fetchit...isn't the way). The field Negro doesn't even see that there is a problem but he at least is comfortable being himself.

    Moral of the story: House Negro and field Negro are both slaves...it's just that one realizes he is a slave and tries to become like his master...the other one doesn't even know he is in bondage..and doesn't too much care.

    Rather than live on the plantation...kill the massa...or runaway!
  3. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Carlton's a bit overrated. It's about this guy here.

  4. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I am in AZ, I voted against that and other holidays since I've been here. My reason was NEVER a reason of race. It's simple economics. Why should be pay for people not to work on yet another State Holiday? There has to be a better way to honor our heroes than to give State and Federal workers another day off with pay!

    Let's find a real way to celebrate the lives of those who made a difference, Let's do something that truly honors them. In my opinion, another paid Holiday doesn't do it! (Anyway there are a limited number of days per year, we can't honor every great hero with a special day in their name!)

    We used to have Abraham Lincoln's Birthday and George Washington's birthday, but they made "President's Day" instead! That was stupid, because it does nothing to honor anyone, and we all have to pay for government EE's to get a paid day off.

    Let's have memorials, and museums, lets teach the true history in schools, let's truly honor our heroes. Let's not accuse someone of racism because they don't want to pay some government EE to do less than they already do!! Please!!
  6. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Bla bla bla. I'll bet if they proposed a "Barry Goldwater Day" (conservative hero from your home state) and it gave you the day off you'd be all for it. How you can pursue Black men yet not respect a Black, no, American hero like MLK says a lot about you.
  7. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    What you`re gping thru is the exact same things I went thru in the early-to -mid 70`s after they intergrated the schools.I was blessed to go to a school where over half the student body was from the nearby Air Force base.This was also the time when alot of "blaxploitation" films came out ( Superfly,Shaft,Foxy Brown,etc).On the one-side.it was atime of learning because I became friends with people who`d lived in different parts of Europe and Asia and shared their experiences with me,inclusive their music,from rock to country to classical.....and THAT in the 7th and 8th grade.
    On the other side were tghe people whom I`d grown up with who watched those films glorifying the Ghetto lifestyle who started skipping school,being disruptive in class,smoking weed,and looking down on me for not skipping with them,and not blaming the "Man" when things happed to me.For awhile I was even called a "rabbit-lover"(opposite of a n****r lover). The result of all this is I tried to be true to myself and at the same time "prove" I wasn`t a house negro or uncle tom. I didn´t follow my goals,or what I wanted to accomplish in life,and I missed many ooportunities because I wasn`t prepared.

    Long story short.BE YOU!! follow what makes You happy.Go after YOUR interests!! If you try to please people who arn`t going anywhere just to "prove" you are not......WHATEVER,in the end,You`ll be the one kicking yourself for not at least trying to experiencing all the society and life has to offer.And by the way...If people can`t accept you the way you are with your interests,especially if you`re comfortable with them,.........maybe you need to evaluate the importance of those people in your "circle of friends and acquantances".
    just my $0.02
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Great post! :smt023

    It's so true. Be careful of people who throw negative comments your way...chances are they're jealous that you're going somewhere and they're not and they're trying to keep you down with them. I'm not just talking about what this thread is about, but about life and people in general. You'll always encounter people who don't want to see you succeed because they haven't.

    Just be yourself in all that you do, and the rest will most certainly follow...

    Thought for Today
    “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me
    and 90 % how I react to it.”
    ~Charles Swindell~
  9. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Now let me see if I fall into any of these catagories because I know for a fact that I am not a house negro nor am I a sell-out. I just love me some white women, that's all.

    I don't like today's "hip hop" (I'm all about the old school).

    Same here, I bump the old-school like it just came out the other day. Music from today sucks.

    I'm always trying to better myself as a person.

    I always try to learn something new everyday, and I'm an eternal optimist.

    I like to listen to rock and other "non-Black" music.

    I listen to all music. And I love classic rock from the 60's & 70's

    I'm not an athlete - I don't hoop.

    I haven't an ounce of pure athleticism and I never had.

    I try to act like I have sense when I'm out in public.

    All day, everyday.

    I try to treat women with respect.

    I was raised by a strong woman who had to overcome a lot in her life.

    I try to respect others.

    i respect those who respect me, if they don't then I simply ignore them.

    I'm not as radical or militant as some of the other brothers out there.

    I'm not either, but I believe that the only way to progress is racial equality for both balck and white. I don't see one race as being superior over another.

    I'm not an extreme liberal.

    Some issues I'm liberal about, and some issues I'm conservative about. But I will say that I am a lifelong liberal.

    I don't sag.

    I use to do it way back in the 90's as a teenager, but I've grown out of it.

    I try not to live up to any of the 'stereotypes' that are out there.

    I never live up to any stereotypes of any kind.

    I'm not a 'gangsta'.

    I've never been in a gang in my life, and I never will.

    I try to work hard at what I do.

    On a daily basis. And I'm never been lazy.

    Certain women I find attractive, others I don't.

    Absolutely, especially white women.

    I think conservative women can be attractive.

    When they aren't talking like they're brainwashed, they can be very hot.

    I want to be able to live without having to always fight.

    I can't remember the last fight I was in. I prefer to fight with my brain as opposed to my fists because I never lose that fight.

    I don't want to live among rats and roaches.

    I'm too much of a neat-freak to tolerate any kinds of filth in my house.

    I don't have a 'ghetto' mentality.

    I have the uncanny ability to switch it from corporate to ghetto whenever I want to.

    I am who I am, because that's all I know how to be.
  10. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Some of you folks should know that Blacks invented rock so the non-black comment on that is plain silly.
  11. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I have never dated what other people see as the "typical black man".I date men who are open to any kinds of music,food,culture and whatever interests him.You CANT generalize a whole race.Wont work.
    I dont fulfil all expectations some people may have about me as a white woman either.
  12. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    You know what I meant.
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    No I would not vote to give anyone another government paid day off. No matter who the hero was. I do honor MLK he was a wonderful man of God. He brought hope to a lot of people who had nearly lost it. He changed America as we know it. I think JFK was a hero too, but I would not vote for a paid holiday in his honor. If they wanted to make 9/11 a paid holiday I would only vote for it if the people getting the paid day off were families of the deceased. I don't even think Christmas should be a paid Holiday and Christ is my ultimate hero.

    I never said I pursue black men, a black man pursued me and I fell in love. That's a big difference! I don't pursue any man, never have and never will!
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Saying it twice is just as nice!
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Who are your favorites? I listen to a lot of older rap too sometimes. Thanks to my 31 year old brother who's been listening to rap since he was like 15-16 (he's not a "wigger" and doesn't talk or act black, that's just his music of choice) and I couldn't help but eavesdrop. And he's always trying to "teach me" about older hip hop and always having me listen to different ones. Just curious.
  16. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I got a shitload of favorites, but I'll narrow mine to my top 10.

    1.Eazy-E/NWA and each member's solo shit as well
    2.Treacherous 3(Kool Mo Dee's old group from like 78) Kool Mo Dee solo as well
    3.Above the Law
    4.Warren G
    5.Funky 4 Plus 1
    6.Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 5
    9.Big L

    Some are from the lates 70s and early 80's(Funky 4, Flash and the Furious 5, Treacherous 3) and the others are from the 90's

    My white friends who like old school hip-hop don't try to act like a black stereotype either. It's funny how I didn't know any black kids back in high school who listened to old school hip-hop. It was always some mtv shit, and that hyphy shit(but every race down here is on the hyphy shit). It was always the Asian kids(many of the like to break) and the white kids who actully knew about hip-hop.
  17. Scorpion Brodie

    Scorpion Brodie New Member

    I agree with some of the others. I like being myself at all times. I don't follow crowds, so I'm more of an open person.

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