Anyone here into Fashion?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Complex, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Complex

    Complex New Member


    So, I stumbled across this Message board a few months ago when I was visiting a Fashion Forum. With fall bestowed upon us, I am more conscientious on my appearance when outdoors. I thought it would be interesting for us to share the type of clothing we plan on sporting this season.


    I tend sport coats of this type of stature. All offering 100% Cashmere varying anywhere from Black, Midnight Blue, or Camel.


    I would sport a scarf all year around if it were up to me. Scarves bring forth such character to a person.


    Another accessory I use when walking about NYC.


    My mum groomed me to appreciate shoes. I have one pair of sneakers and over a dozen pairs of shoes. I started sporting boots last year and, like the whole look. So I started adding boots my collection.

    Anyone else care to share what they are sporting this season?
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member


    i work in the answer would be "BLACK" ...LOL...pants, skirts, dresses, sweaters, shoes, boots, shirts, jackets, scarves...right down to my thong & bra...i do try to still keep up with current trends/styles all within the's a no brainer for me getting dressed every day...
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    My style more depends on the situation as opposed to the season, though of course dressing for the weather is important. It just doesn't get too overly cold here in Houston. *L*

    When it starts getting cooler I grudgingly put away my shorter skirts and cute little shoes and gravitate more towards jeans and boots. I've got a pair of tan Mudd boots with a nice heel that go just above my ankle I quite love, and they go well with most everything I wear since, when I'm not wearing pink, I tend to pick clothes with a lot of neutral colors. They also perfectly match this thin suede jacket I've got that works well when I want to be a little more dressy. I've got two other coats, one that is meant for warmth and not style (It does get below 50 sometimes. And then I'm cold!) it's just this plain grey thing. The other is my "fun" jacket that my homeboy gave me last year.

    It's sorta like that, though it says "Los Angeles 1977" on the back. I didn't even realize it was a Dodgers jacket for a long time. *L* It's also got vertical stripes on the sleeves instead of horizontal ones., all I really do in the fall and winter is stop wearing tank tops. Well, I stop wearing them as much.
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Well Complex, you will certainly look like a very well dressed British gentleman.

    If you play the part also, I'm impressed!

    And with your complex thought process, you should run for office somewhere!
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Am I into fashion?

    Very much so!

    I'm picky about what I wear. Too picky sometimes.

    Shopping online is one of my new hobbies cause you can find everything and you don't have to waste time driving or finding out they don't have your size.
  6. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Cheers for all who participated.


    With so many ensembles to choose from, why are you making black sound so bland?


    That is very a nice vintage looking baseball jacket. I tend to fancy vintage clothing as well.


    Thank you for the compliment. I don't fancy politics much. I'm more intrigued with the corporate lifestyle.


    I am very picky as well. I used those photographs as reference. By all means share your taste amongst us! It's good to see a Man taking part in this topic.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  7. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I'm a bit of a chameleon, I can dress sharp corporate.. rasta hippy style.. sporty, just whatever suits my mood. Mostly though, I dress quite girly. I always follow these rules, though:

    1. Natural fabric- silk, cotton, linen, cashmere, etc.
    2. "One at a time"- low cut top? Put a longer skirt on. Short skirt or shorts? Plain singlet.
    3. Dress for your shape. I'm not perfect, but everyone, everyone, can find clothes that keep the key parts on the INSIDE not the OUTSIDE.
    4. The above applies to underwear too. Not visible, undies or bras either, when possible. This is a challenge for me, since the bras I have to wear usually have wide straps, but I sew bright ribbon onto the top if I need to.
    5. Shoes- pumps in leather only, and sexy as hell. Personality comes ous here..
    6. I love, love bright bright beads, wraps, leather cuffs.. beaded bags.. heaps of stuff I pick up when travelling.. I'm a wanderer and a rasta at heart and like to reflect it in my dress, even when I need to put something boring and sensible on for work
    7. OWN it. Choose your look for the day, and rock it. Don't bag on all day about how you look to others and point out your flaws, very very boring.
    8. If you can't afford designer or anything else, that's ok. You can comb second hand shops, keep your eyes out for things that fit the above. Wait until sales to buy other stuff most of it is way, wayyyy marked up anyway.
    9. Perfect red lipstick if nothing else.

    Complex you are right about the shoes- I always check out a man's shoes.

    Sorry not much addition to your comments about trends.. but I guess it's kindov like my universal rules. I don't like to fuss with my clothes though I like fashion. I want it to fit good, feel good, so I can dress and go and have fun with accessories...I hate fidgeting with clothes all day or spending ages in the mirror.

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Me, I hate dealing with fashion and "looking good". My style is very plain, and every season is the same. In the fall and winter, It's Dickies or khakis, Eazy-E or NWA shirt with another t-shirt underneath that shirt, and sweatshirt with another sweatshirt over that sweatshirt. In the spring and summer, it's the same thing, I just wear one sweatshirt though. I'll sometimes wear my LA hat. If it's warm, dark and plain colored, and it fits, I wear it. Oh yeah, and of course, my 2 year old black adidas. hey have served me well.
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    My clothes are generally influenced by girly, frilly things, so I definitely like a little throw back sometimes. Long, draping bell sleeves (or variations upon)...lovely. And when I wear jeans I mostly wear flare leg, too. *L* I also like those silly vintage tees, though tshirts are generally reserved for sleeping. *L* A lot of my friends love wearing 80's inspired stuff, though. Mostly I just like dressing girly, with pink and lace and shimmery things. And heels. I hate wearing flats! I despise the little slippers all the fashions students are rockin' now. They look so silly to me.
  10. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Brotha Ajax

    I may have worded the topic in a confusing way. Fashion is not based on what is in style. Fashion is what you make of it.

    Whether you wear wing tips or water boots it really doesn't matter. The bottom line sporting clothes that makes you feel good.
  11. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Ohhhh. I gotcha. Well, I guess I am into fashion.
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I am way into fashion, but I haven't followed individual designers in a long time. I'm glad H&M came to America, I live in that place.
  13. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    I am into fashion also!! I have a degree in Fashion Merchandising and a degree in marketing. I practically am a personal shopper for my friends!! I have owned an accessory boutique for three and a half years! I am closing it though!
    I do love a well dressed man also! I was so happy when I met my bf in person and he was well dressed! I had been talking to him for a while-!!!
    I myself am a girlie girl! I love femine clothes and shoes! For me - there is a time for comfort and a time for looking good!!!:p:) Anyone with any body type can look great and put together! Just learn what suits your body type!! and always go with what you like-not necessarily what is the newest trend!! Example-skinny jeans!!!! (Not made for the average woman!!! I will say that almost all men love a woman in a skirt and heels!;)

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