Learning their language

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I agree with you 100% - I don't know about the schooling laws where you are from, but here in America, we have a lot of difference in opinion how to best educate a child. I personally am a Home School Graduate, and I have had my 4 children in a variety of schools, ranging from Home Schooling, public, and private schools, and special tutoring programs. I find each child did better in different situations, because each one is such an individual, and there is no formula that will work for all.
  2. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    well, if I don't like them movie, you owe me 8£.:D
    Just kidding of course.

    I prefer Amazon for books in English, as imported books quickly become very expensive if you buy them in a store. Also, when it comes to children's books, it's virtually impossible to get them in English here (unless it's Harry Potter or something else that's totally unsuitable for a 6 months old).
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Thats a bloody shame hun (Harry Potter) mind you id buy it pretend it was for the baby and keep it for myself Im loving Harry Potter! last oneDeathly Hallows made me cry in five different places.
    But ur prob way ahead of me.
    ps im confident i wont get a bill for £8 pounds you will love it.
    Of course its not the first time ive been wrong about a film or docu
    but this time i "think" my judgement is sound. lol
  4. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I totally agree every child is different and will thrive in different situations i know its hard to cater to every childs need in a class of 30 but i think sometimes they spend to much time looking at the big picture.

    ps that was very well put tinks
  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I speak 4 languages total and my bf's language happens to be the first foreign language I learned starting at age 8.
    I would learn my partner's language if I didnt speak it already.Language is an essential part of our culture and its important to know your partner's culture in my opinion
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You're right. A very good movie. I saw it yesterday evening. Very warm and optimistic in it's approach to a serious matter.
  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Im relieved i dont owe you £8 now lol
    im glad you liked it i know i appreciated its difference to sum other docs
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    when i had a Senegalese boyfriend we used to speak italian since u could never say he is foreign. I tried to learn some Wolof but i know only some words (how r u, thank u, my name is, i love u, come here, fuck you... lol). i would have liked to learn more, especially to talk with his mum who didn't speak italian, but me and him were together not more than 3 days a week for few hrs and we had so much to talk about and to do that he didn't have much time to teach me.
    talking about my actual chocolate 8), i spoke some english before I met him. he doesn't speak italian so I'm gradually learning more and more. He wants me to teach him italian though and we've done the alphabet and some sounds so far :). He wants us to speak some italian because he says I'm sexy when I speak my mother language lol. 8)
  9. YogaGirl

    YogaGirl New Member

    I speak the language by means of his tummy! :D We cook together somtimes and once I made an entire spread of his native dishes. He was so shocked and impressed, he brags about it when given the opportunity. He's learned quite a few American dishes that I love. Yes we speak each other's languages in the kitchen.
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    it's nice to cook different food. i tried to cook some senegalese food too, and taught him to cook potatoes and peppers like my mum does :).
    cultural exchanges r exciting!!!
  11. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    he knows so many languages. some we have in common, but at different niveaus though. His spanisch is better than mine, my english is better than his.
    He knows some fulani, haussa and djerma, oh, and Tamahaq and some arab as well. I will never be able to learn his first language, maybe when we ll have children, for I would want them to grow up learning my mother tongue and his two main languages.
    But I started to learn some french which is his 2nd language and he speaks it fluently, for its the oficial language in his country.

    Here is a nice site listing all languages of the world, showing maps and some more information.

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