1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Some people are drama queens and hard of understanding. My apologies to you.
  2. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Education is vital, of course, but having a degree doesn't imply you're more intelligent, it just means you're fit enough to carry out long term academic work. If you got a meaningful career you'll always find educated ppl to talk to, but that doesn't mean your partner has to necessarily have a formal education. They can still have a deep personality that can keep the communication interesting, lively and vivid. It's always fun to have an intellectual conversation, but it can also become tiring and confrontational. Besides, by demanding a degree, you're really narrowing the prospects, I know a lot of couples with varying education levels and the dynamic that makes them work has little to do with formal education.

    Also - there is a gender gap here too, because women generally are more likely to stay in school than men.
  3. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    No, we dont agree and yes they are judging.

    (Great, another "peace maker"...)
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Well said! But be careful, karma might throw his pom-poms and earrings at you...
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yep, that's exactly what I was trying to point out, too. Well put! :smt023


    Medical school sucks.:smt076
  7. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Education is good and important, just don't make another barrier out of it.
  8. veema

    veema Member

    That's what we agree on.

    And yep, I'm a "peace maker." Hey, you got a problem with that? :p
  9. veema

    veema Member

    Thanks. I think I understood your frustration.
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Careful, you might be accused of showin' off that there book learnin'.
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I appreciate it.
  12. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    A Long Time

    Its been a while since I be seeing this on the threads....
  13. Genuine

    Genuine Guest

    Great thread!

    I don't think I'm mentioning anything new. Assuming that I'm physically attracted to a woman, here's the list of things I'd look for in her:

    1) Intelligence - Intellectual challenge, stimulation and growth is an absolute must.

    2) Sincerity / Integrity - Someone who is the same with you as they with other people, who is their own person and stands for their morals is key.

    3) Kindness - Someone who does more than just follow basic manners and who knows how to adjust her behaviour to the situation; She should be considerate and consider how to treat others before acting.

    4) Sense of Humor - Balancing fun with the serious of life is important.

    5) Ambition - She doesn't need to hold a degree, though it's preferable. But, I can't do without someone who wants better things for herself, me and those around her, and goes after them. I don't care about her money.

    6) Versatility - A woman who can speak on many topics and pursues many interests is turn-on.

    7) Height - Doing certain things with women, less than 5''4' tall such as salsa dancing is hard for me. At 6+ feet, I find that I strain my neck looking down at short women. When I hug her or walk beside her, I prefer her to be near my eye-level so that I can stare closely at her face.
  14. csbean

    csbean New Member

    Jellybird. That's cute. Have you been reading my other posts? I love fans! If you really wanted to insult me as a teacher, you should have asked me if I sleep with my students or steal from school bake sales to support my meager wages.

    Oh, and what do you think of science, math, and medical technology teachers? Do they deserve low wages, too? Perhaps they don't use enough "brain power" on the job. Maybe you just have it out for English teachers because your spelling and grammar are so poor.

    I don't have anything against blue-collar workers; my dad was one. I do, however, have something against ignorant people.
  15. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You need to bring that attitude to Texas. Down here 90 percent of the guys interested in me are 5'6 and under.

    Without shoes I'm 5'7.

    With heels (my preferred shoe) I'm nearly 6'0.

    I've had a few conversations about this recently, actually. It seems most of the tall guys around here prefer short women. And the short guys? Well, I guess they love us Amazons. I find it strange. *L*
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    A degree: Something you spend the rest of your life paying off.

    An education: something you learn in the streets

    Acing a test: What you learn in school.

    A woman without a degree: A stay at home mom who judges working moms for.....working

    A woman with a degree: A working woman who calls stay at home moms idiots

    A man with a degree: A man making money doing nothing

    A man with no degree: A hustler.

    Intellectualism: The opposite of shallow

    Shallow: The opposite of deep

    Deep: Not judging people for not having degrees

    Preferences: the nature of our personality

    Personality: Uniqueness

    Being a young black male, i already know the average woman doesnt prefer me. So what i tend to do, as a way of subsiding the level of indimidation (fear) a woman has in my presense: is simply placing my credit check report, my criminal back ground check, my drug test, flip my dick out, my university degree (and some good references)....place them all on the ground and step back..,,,,,,very slowly....

    They usually run, and it doesnt effect me NONE cuz i know they DONT prefer me. and thats okay too
  18. Complex

    Complex New Member

    I've only seen it once.

    What I find most comical is those trying to steer others in their direction just so they will feel comfortable. That comfort zone needs to be within one self. If one is insecure it is common to find them looking for more people on their side to boost their self-esteem. As the old saying goes “There is strength in numbers.”

    I however, take a different route. I am an individual and, have no qualms moving to the beat of my own drum. Having such a trait, insecurity is pretty much non-existent. For you encounter obstacles due to being what many would call rebellious throughout your life.

    Upon reading everyone’s views on such a controversial topic, I have yet to hear anyone explain the logistics why someone’s standards are not correct when, it doesn’t affect their lives. Those who are taking it upon themselves to put their personal grievances on one’s choice in standards needs to look at the question asked pertaining to topic entitled “Standards”

    The keyword is “You.”

    I would like to thank all who participated on my topic entitled “Standards.”It is great to hear many offer different views on the subject at hand. I would assume your standards reflect real world experiences from past dates, relationships and, possibly marriages. I for one know it took me years of trial and error before realizing what formula works best for my needs. I would imagine many of you have gone through the same ordeal. The end result has been rewarding for me and, that is the bottom line. I should hope your choice in standards bring forth a healthy, fruitful relationship.

    With this being my last reply, I would like to share one of my favorite quotes,

    “Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.”

  19. Genuine

    Genuine Guest

    Thanks for the invitation!

    Thanks for the invitation! I take you up on it some day.

    Are you kidding me about other tall men dating short women? Let them because it just means more tall women for me and one of my close friends. Both at 6'2'', we prefer to date women 5'6'' - 5'10''. I have nothing against short women, but there's just simply more to like on taller, well-proportioned (dare I say leggy) women.

    And heels ... they make any woman's legs look sexier. So, a tall woman such as yourself who wears them (and wants to show how they make her legs look) is a definitely turn-on.
  20. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Look, this has gotten old and cumbersome. No one is trying to sway anyone to a particular side and taking a position on a topic doesnt mean that youre insecure. Cut out the b-s!

    Barely 1/4 of the u.s. population has college degree and the numbers get even worse when you look at minorities. Ive grown accustom to white people (and even the world) looking down on black people, and I refuse to accept that. But when black people start looking down on others, whatever reason or circumstances, it makes me sick and began to wonder about the state of black america.

    Im not going to throw the majority of americans under the bus because they dont have a degree. And frankly, it makes me ill to think that I keep company with people who do. The fact that one of the persons in this thread would be so judgmental yet admitted to dating someone who was married reeks of hypocrisy.

    When I first found this site, I realized right away that the majority of the members were college educated and that was a major reason I joined. To be able to talk, chat, and debate with fairly intelligent people. But I soon realized, just like in all walks of life, when people go from the majority and become a part of a select group, its easy to forget what its like to be like "everyone else."

    And pretty soon, "everyone else" doesnt meet their standards. There must be something wrong with "everyone else." They are not like us and it doesnt seem like they have the drive, determination, intelligence, or ambition to be like us. "If they dont have the will to be like me, then they are not good enough for me."

    "We", those who choose to date interracially, have been judged quite harshly by the world...particularly here in the u.s. So what do we do? Not show that we are above those same judgmental ways, but demonstrate that we are no better. Referring to normal healthy women as fat. Blasting older white women who have found the strength to walk their own path and date black men as used goods. And ridiculing blacks who live a particular urban lifestyle as "ghetto" and "hoodrats" instead of analyzing the situation to figure out why such a large segment of people who look just like us are living with said mentality.

    Fuck it! Im done!

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