1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I used to flip burgers for a living. I hated it. I felt dumber for doing it.
  2. Complex

    Complex New Member

    My kinship with College Women opposed to Women who is satisfied with their High School Diploma is having more things in common. As I mentioned to bookworm616, I prefer a Woman who wants to further her education. This stems from my pursuit to further my education.

    Mate, I get the same thing as well from students that don’t attend my University. Their facial expressions speak for themselves when I mention my school, which is in a higher position than the one they are gloating about. School rivalry is common amongst Universities.

    I agree. I’m not sure why would one go to College and not use the tools to further their career. I would imagine some enter blindsided and assume like grade school some one is going to hold your hand along the way.

    I’ve dated a Police Woman once. However, it never worked out for she was still in Police mode when she was off duty. In other words, she lost her femininity. Tomboys and “Complex” are not compatible. :smt023

    Marriages today in comparison to yesterday are completely different. More people today marry for the wrong reasons. Many marry for money. Many marry too young. I pay no mind to marriage statistics for they don’t explain why the divorcée were married in the first place. I can easily ask family or older married couples in which I’ve seen growing up as a lad in England. They are the ones that will give me answers on how their marriages last so long.

    The “love, commitment, and, understanding” comes from a common kinship amongst two partners. This type of compatibility comes from in my case having more things in common. There’s an old saying, “Opposites Attract.” While many agree on such philosophies, I do not and, find the least I have in common with a woman the faster “Lost of interests” occurs.

    If one has a PHD it is more than likely that person will find someone within that demographic. While the person may not study the same type of field as his or her partner, the similarities amongst the two can put them together. So, it is not so far fetched to find your examples together. This is due to each field you described offers a broad spectrum on the profession.

    It is good to hear you know what you want. The differential amongst us could possibly be the same in the types of Women we prefer as well.

    When it is all said and done what one prefers shouldn’t matter to another unless that person feels rejected it some type of way. I assume that is something we both can agree on due to being heterosexual men.

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  3. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Wrong! While I agree that it does show a certain amount of ambition, but depending on what you major in, earning a degree has more to do with navigating the rigors of college than demonstrating intellectual competency.

    If we are going to be frank, education, art, and music are pretty easy majors, and in my opinion dont demonstrate nearly the kind of brain power that science, math, and medicine-based degrees do. Think about it...why do you think teachers are paid so little?

    So you want someone with a good career if they dont have a degree? So what about people who have degrees who have no ambition? There are ALOT of people with degrees who are "working stiffs."

    There is nothing wrong with wanting the whole package and I have a chip on my shoulder when people disrespect blue collar workers. Not to sound hookey, but blue collar workers are the backbone of our workforce. Some of the wealthiest people I have ever met have never set foot on a college campus. And to be honest, I find them to be much more pleasant people than those with college degrees because they are not so judgemental.

    If a person wants a spouse who can carry their weight financially in a relationship...someone who can afford to provide you with a particular lifestyle, thats totally understandable. But to make a college degree a prerequisite just doesnt pass the smell test.
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im too tired to debate this with you point for point. But if youre date's resume' is a make-or-break issue, you really need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror.
  5. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Debate? I didn’t see this as a debate at all. I’m merely explaining my preference. Why would this be a debate when my preference doesn’t affect you whatsoever?

    Bare in mind we are all different in our own right and, what works for you may not work for the other. And while at times, disagreement may occur we most look at the bigger picture. Everyone has their own standards and, have every right seek what they feel is best to ensure happiness.

    [FONT=&quot]With a website entitled “White Women Black Men .com” I am surprised how a few are passing judgement on I, then cry foul when others do it to wards them.

  6. veema

    veema Member

    Oh, no you didn't...
  7. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Here is my take....

    Today in life there are good people..or shall i say educated people all around us. Each person brings something to the plate need it be pass education, street smarts, trial and error impacts or what not.
    Each and everyone of us deserve to have a significant other that is successful, determined and can accomplish goals. Everyone achieves things by different means.
    When we go out on dates and try to find someone that interests each one of us, that is our time to "get to know another". During that time if its 3 months to 12 months, we will be able to see if the person we are dating is the one for us. Technically the "one" for us is based upon what we ourselves look for as we look into our future.
    If some are happy with flippin burgers, then let them flip them....if some are happy to go out and seek careers in 6 figure compnies then more power to them.
    If we want something out of life then "we" will get it. If "we" are satisfied just "getting by" then so let it be. That doesn't mean those that just "get by" have nothing to offer, it merely means that those may not have the tools to get what they need, nor the desire to become what they want to.
    That by far doesn't make them less of a person, it just makes them who they are.
    If we don't like that in another, then we all have a choice to find someone else. ........:smt017
  8. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    you dont want him to beat the shit out of you....but you want him to beat the shit out of that white pussy.......correct????...:D
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    All I know is females list degrees in their list of demands for a mate all the time but as you can see when a man does it all hell breaks loose, ironically from another man. If you're insecure about not having a degree maybe you should take your ass back to school instead of sitting on a message board projecting. After all nobody in this thread is putting down blue-collar workers or people who flip burgers, it is ONE MAN'S PREFERENCE to have a woman with a college education.

  10. life5577

    life5577 New Member

  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Haven't you noticed this happens on here often?
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I think it's good to have your beliefs challenged by other people, to an extent.

    I don't believe that someone's college education should come into consideration when choosing a mate. Some people do. I wanted to understand the "why" better.

    Healthy debates are good. They make people take a stand up for what they believe in, they help other people learn more about them, and basically, if we don't get challenged once in awhile, we'll forget why we believe the things we do.
  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Karma...thats the second time youve fired a shot across my bow without having the balls to at least call me out by name. If youre talking about me (and you are), then at least "man up" and say so.

    The reason the women arent catching shit is because their list has some substance. "No druggies, no wife beaters, and a certain level of morality." Guys like you come along and talk about a woman has to listen to a certain type of music that meets your standard of "good music." Who the fuck made you barry gordy?!

    Now, I could go down the list of things I have accomplished and things that I own or have purchased, but thats where people like you and I differ. Im secure enough in who I am so that I dont have to do that. Im also smart enough to know that good women (and men) come along going many different things from flipping burgers to flipping houses. You, and people of your ilk, define themselves by the neighborhood they live in, what kind of car you drive, and who you are married to or dating. Get a backbone!

    This board is filled with good men and women who do not have degrees, many of which you have exchanged with on a regular basis. So you mean to tell me that those women are not good enough for you? Give me a fucking break!

    Fuck projecting! When you say that a woman has to have a college degree or meet a certain level of education you are judging! And if its one thing I learned from my momma is that no one is good enough to judge another person.

    Hell, it wasnt too long ago that white people were judging black people by the shade of their skin and the size of their skull. So yes, it pisses me off when black people(!) now feel so self-righteous as the judge others because they have acquired a little education. And yes, I talking about you! (Notice how I said it to your face...)

    If Im in the minority, fuck it! My momma raise me better than that!

    (Back off, mods...)
  14. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Forgive me. I wasnt judging teachers or artists, but just trying to make a point. My family is loaded with those who chose education for a living, and I couldnt be prouder of them.

    I made that statement because a certain person who chooses to judge others happens to have one of those professions and I wanted to make the point that if those with degrees feel so self-righteous that they can judge those without, then why should we stop there? Lets continue down that slippery slope and judge various degrees...quality of schools...and level of post graduate education?

    Next thing you know people are gonna bring tape measures on dates and start measuring tits and d*cks.
  15. veema

    veema Member

    Thanks, jellybird. I understand now. I'm left wondering, however, why you can't understand that Complex's "standard" might simply be a preference and not necessarily a judgment. Or do you really believe that all preferences are judgments?
  16. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Holy Shit!

  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Veema, there is a big difference between having a preference and being judgemental.

    To give you an example...could you imagine a guy meeting a woman at a gym, or any number of public places, and getting to know her over a period of time but doesnt know any details of her life, such as what she does for a living, what she drives, education level, etc. Preference is what leads the guy to choose that particular woman over all of the others. Being judgemental is when he rejects her because of her education level despite mutual attraction. And if her education level is so important that he asks her such a question before even getting to know her, who wants to be with someone like that anyway?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  18. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I didn't know you were keeping score but OK, Jellybird.

    And who are you to question what my fucking standards are? I could say I only date women with one leg and a glass eye and it's still none of your business unless you're the woman I'm dating.

    How do you know what "ilk" I am? I am defending Complex's right to wanting a woman with a college education. Like I said before, if a woman required a degree as a prerequisite for dating, that's her right, but a man is supposed to accept anything with a vagina? Don't think so.

    LMAO you're getting hysterical. Your insecurity is getting the better of you. Since you're keeping score, please check my preferences again. Nowhere did I say a degree is necessary. That's our man Complex who has the prerequisite.

    Whatever. Still projecting.


    a) Nobody gives a shit what pisses you off.

    b) Nothing's changed, you're still insecure.
    c) Once again, for the hard-of-understanding:if a woman says she doesn't want a man who doesn't bring as much to the table (i.e. degree) as she does, that's cool. But Complex says it and it's a problem. And notice it's you who's trippin' and not the females!!! Says a lot about you, dog. :smt042
  19. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Insecure is big fonts and coming to the defense of another man. Im sure complex is man enough to speak for himself.

    And even if he isnt, he doesnt need you coming to his defense...like your his highschool girlfriend screaming from the sidelines because your afraid he's about to get his ass kicked.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  20. veema

    veema Member

    So then we agree: preferences are not necessarily judgments. And from what I read in this thread, some people prefer to date people who have a college degree - that doesn't mean they are making judgments.

    Karma, I don't think I've ever seen you get so loud.

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