We may not agree on everything, but I own about 16 pairs of flip/flops, I just won't vote for a flip/flopping candidate! Can we agree to disagree?:???:
I'm glad to finally hear from him on this subject. He should have just run for the presidency himself! I love Colin Powell. :smt055 Now if only he and Sarah Palin could run together. That would be perrrrr.....fect! :smt038:smt038:smt038
By the way Rinnaye, I hadn't seen that, thanks! One thing I do like McCain for is his immigration policies. I feel they are a bit more fair than most of the policies the Republicans have proposed, (such as an army on the boarder).
So you're NOT voting for McCain/Palin then? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, sorry couldn't resist! Agree to disagree, yes
You sayin' that he's to 'proud' (meaning he'll fall under her spell) to be next to Palin? Or is he too afraid to upset tha' sistahood? I don't care what anyone says, Sarah Palin is hot and I'd hit that anytime!
No I'm saying he wouldn't sell out his integrity to have her as a running mate. As for her being hot, her political views prevent me from getting turned on by her.
I wouldnt necessarily call myself a gentleman, but I know how to treat a lady. And besides, who wants to be a gentleman when most of the "smoking hot" women want a bad boy! And "smoking hot" has nothing to do with your height, weight, or body type. Attitude makes women smoking hot! Being unapologetic about who you are. Having the "balls" to say whats on your mind and not being afraid to enjoy or explore your sexuality. Scarlett Johanson, as beautiful as she is...is not smoking hot! Pamela Anderson, diseases and all, is still smoking hot! But I digress...chemistry would dictate what we would talk about. You know how it is...sometimes you meet someone and you about life, hopes, and dreams. And sometimes...if your lucky...you meet someone and and exchange "I want to f*ck your brains out" looks. As far as how we brothas think? As you can see from the boards, we pretty much cover the rainbow. Conservative...liberal. Aggressive...passive. Quiet...out-spoken. Some cool...some *ssholes. Like all other people, you have to take the good with the bad. One of the benefits of the boards is that you get to meet all types. Unfortunately, some white women come to the boards are shocked at the things that black men (and black people in general) say and think. When they (the ww) see how angry some blacks are about how we are treated, mis-represented, and taken advantage of by mainstream america (read: white people) they get pissed...say that bm are angry and clutching too much onto the past. But anyway...I digress...welcome to the boards. Everyone who comes and joins is a benefit to the boards. Especially white women who are offering to set up brothas on the boards with friends and relatives of theirs. By the way...are your friends and relatives smoking hot like you?
You both reveal a profound ignorance of what it means to be an individual in a pluralistic society. Use this: Black conservatives are more prominent in this election than any other previous one because of who is heading the Democratic ticket. People want to understand why a black conservative would support McCain. No need to castigate those who hold competing views with your own and it's certainly not necessary to "gas them." Do your homework and compete against them.
Wow, so that's what "smoking hot" means, thanks for the education, Now I know I'm "smoking hot"! (And I am NOT at all like Pamela Anderson!) How rare is chemistry really? I mean the real strong kind, that makes you go weak at the knees, or makes you completely lose your train of thought? The kind that literally takes your breath away? (Maybe a good topic for another thread,) I understand the anger, appreciate the different opinions, but I also understand that you are voicing that anger/opinions in a completely appropriate, and safe place to do so, amongst other black men, who are free to disagree, and ww who (mostly) love a black man. You all can't scare me off that easy, I really do need the education, if I am likely to end up with a black man from the south, I need to understand the thought process behind his friends and family. (I don't need you to be able to understand him, because I'll just ask him.) It's just that we don't see these sentiments in AZ much. Absolutely! We are all very opinionated! Ladies in AZ got "balls".
That's a little harsh, but they all need to just open their eyes and think for themselves instead of having their country do all of their thinking for them.