I don't believe in past lives. I do however believe that we human beings have a very vivid imagination. We believe in: astrology, feng shui, aliens, the way our first names affect our lives, the Nepalese even pick a little girl and make her the living goddess Kumari until her teenage years. And the poor girl later has a lonely life because it's bad luck to marry a former Kumari. I do believe in intuition, we have less of it than animals but we do. Some people are able to feel premonitions. But past lives - no.
I don't believe in past lives, but I do think that there's more to the universe than we can comprehend. It's just so weird to hear stories about people who survive plane crashes when everyone else dies, or the person who wasn't supposed to go somewhere but does and ends up meeting the love of their life, and other unexplained occurences. I think there's more than just coincidence going on...I don't know. This is an interesting topic and I can't wait to read other peoples' responses.
Perhaps you will believe in past lives in your next one! Personally, I have no experience in chanelling past lives, but I would not suggest that the phenomenon is false for everyone based on my lack of personal experience. It is said that we humans use a fairly small percentage of the brain's potential, so maybe it's an experience that just hasn't been tapped into by most of us. To me, it's an interesting idea, and it even can offer some personal karmic lessons in achieving balance in this life. Oh, I definitely agree that it's important to make the most out of this life, here and now. And perhaps you're right that there is no past life. To take it a lot further, maybe there's no afterlife, ESP, UFOs, or (with all respect) religion. However, I have some very dear friends who would absolutely swear to the contrary on some of these issues. However, I would no sooner suggest that my experiences, or lack thereof, is truth for all, any more than I would dictate that the only good color is purple. Who knows-- perhaps, when all is said and done, "there is no spoon" (The Matrix).
well.... so if now i say i believe in past lives i will be the freak of the group, uh? Anyways I do... and I believe in other beings in the universe, in Atlantis, and Lockness Monster. Yessir... well forget about Nessy...
I do not believe in past lives. I do believe in the spirit realm. I believe in God, Heaven and Hell. I often have had an insight into a situation, just when I needed it. I have thought of it as premonitions, I have had many dreams that have come true. I believe God leads us to do the right things in our lives. I believe there are a lot of things out there that we do not understand, I think we should be open to find out what they are. But there are many explanations for each phenomenon. I don't pretend to understand everything but I do believe the Holy Bible, and I use that as a measuring stick for most everything in life. I believe in Atlantis too, I can back it up with the Bible. I believe in dinosaurs, also backed up with the Bible, and not everyone who believes the Bible believes in a 6000 year old earth.
If you believe in Atlantis and that the Bible records the existence of dinosaurs, then you might as well say fuck it and believe that the earth is 6000 years old as well.
In my past life I was a model with natural big cans, hours glass figure, nice dumper and had tons of homosexual sex...
My opinion is that we don't need to read the Bible to believe in dinosaurs.... they found their prints and bones everywhere :-| Lol @ Malik
Well... there was a time when I was interested in psychic readings. So I talked to three readers on the psychic hotline. I was asking about my crush at the time, of course. The first reader said that he and I were brother and sister in a past life. The second said that we never met in any past lives. And the third said that we were acquaintances in a past life in the XVI-th century in Spain!!!
I might if I thought the Bible taught that. I'm not convinced it does. I did want to say that I agree that we only use about 10 % of our brains, and I think that the original man must have used all of his. So with that said, there are a lot of things I think humans are capable of that may not be done by everyone. That doesn't mean it's all from some paranormal realm. It could just be that person is more talented in using that part of his/her brain, than say the average Joe.
I do believe in past livs! I would even say it's obvious! because everyone is coming to the Earth with a certain qualities of character, good and bad, which he needs to get rid of while he's living. and btw how about people who do remember their past lives? i'm not sure if i could clearly explain what i think about it in english...but hopefully you know what i mean)