African American names

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Maroon, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  2. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member


    My oh my oh my...It all boils down to what names their mothers give them. At least they're doing masculine names to compensate for whatever ghetto names they were branded with. BTW at least Shaquille isn't as queer as Shadique. LOL!

    But again you probably have no idea about how the mind of ghetto BW works.
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Sir Nose is living the dream in Europe. He has successfully escaped the clutches of ghetto BW. :D
  4. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Brother, I tell you, I have seen the worst kind of ghetto BW. Last night, I took the bus to work and the driver had stopped. He had asked for a 'gentleman' in the back row who had an open container of liquor in a paper bag. Nobody stepped up until a couple of masculine looking BW said "I aint no fucking gentleman...what the fuck you can't see?" The driver apologized and said he couldn't tell. Rule is no open containers allowed on the bus. So the sistas started cussin', fussin' and attitude all the way. The driver threatened to call the cops, but they got off the bus and had the nerve to spit on the floor. When one of them spat, it actually hit the a lady who was sitting next to me. My brothas, this was ghetto mentality at its finest. These are the type women who claim thy can't get a man, yet would give their sons these sweet-ass names.

    Keep in mind, these are the women that society and the black intellectual establishment want us to mate with, cause if we don't we hate the women in our family. They don't even want us to like Alicia they sure as hell don't want us with Sophia Bush. We are suppose to hook up with the most ghetto of BW out there.
  5. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Now what if tough ol' Peaches had to go to prison for his first offense? :cool:
  6. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    yes i think they do see it as a game theyve no control over anything else so therefore outlandish names if they realised the damage they did they would think twice before doing it to the child , my little girl is mixed race and i thought long and hard about what to call her and how that would affect her later at first i wanted to call her afiya an east african name for health but to much out of the norm. i was thinking long term ie when someone marked an exam 4 her she wouldnt be pinpointed by her name so i settled for my now ex husbands deceased sisters name (nina) people need to think ahead, ps i always thought stefan was a european name swedish or so i was told by 1 of the 2 blonde english guys i know called (stefan) as is (serena) i think not swedish but european im sure.
  7. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I miss a lot of things about the US, but disapproving glances from sistas when I am out with my wife is not one of them. :)
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Smart woman, it's obvious you're not American.
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  10. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    You know that unless she looks like Mo'nique, Fantasia, Whoopi, or the crackhead at the bus stop, we ain't supposed to be interested. I just also realized how gorgeous Jennifer Beals is...but I'm not supposed to like her, :p
  11. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I see this is turning in to a bash black women thread. I wonder how long it will take for the trolls to enter. Not all BW ghetto(I hate that word,because being from the ghetto does not equal ignorance) or not name their kids jacked up names. I also don't see where anybody is telling black men to only date women that look like Monique and Whoopi. Stop reaching up in here brothers.
  12. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I know that, but there are people out there who think that otherwise. Face it, there are men (who are not black and don't like us) who can't stand to see us with beautiful women - and let me say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Well sometimes they have it coming. Nobody said all. I hope you're on the BW boards as well checking the sistas that run down good black men. Now that you performed your PC duty you can now go back to worshipping Indian chicks.
  14. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    PC duty I am not being PC and when have I been worshiping Indian women. Man I look at the same bull shit on the other boards also and here is the kicker you don't see the white men or the white women putting down folks of their own race it is only the BM and BW doing. Think about that for a second. I can say one thing for myself I don't have to put down a BW to justify my choices now how about you getting back to worshiping them WW.
  15. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  16. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I agree that there seems to be a lot of crazy names coming out of the AA community.

    There are a lot of crazy African names too - "african-ized english words"...To name a few ppl i met from Zimbo, they are called..

    Talent, Admire, Lovemore, Givemore, Patience, Primrose... etc.
    From what other Africans have told me - is that they just pick English words that sound good or have good meanings and use it... It's similar for traditional African names, which are mostly regular words like "thank you" or "god bless us" or whatever. Different naming conventions than the western world...But, if the parents expect and hope that their child will go forth from Africa into the Western World, I think they should be aware of what will and won't translate.


    I have some friends who are teachers and they all swear that at the beginning of the school year, they can already tell who will be the "problem" children - based on their names...

    The names the kids get, I suppose, shows the parents values and "class" (for want of a better word). Think of CEO's and management and things like that and then the names of people working in lower-end jobs...I think that the name you give a child will impact them more than just about anything else. It's one of the first things people will know about that person.

    At home, "lower-class" communities are known for odd spellings, particular names and certain conventions. I was speaking to my friend who is a high school teacher in a poorer neighbourhood (majority white, as is all of Australia)..and she said (and I quote) "they're giving their children black woman names"...But, it's still nothing like what comes out of the AA community - she was just meaning they were more in that direction, but there are no DeShawns or Mo'eshas here that I know here ;)
  17. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yeah, I agree actually.

    I just find it so hard to believe, as a woman, that another woman could name her own blood, from her own womb, with hate in her intent.

    NO matter what kind of woman she is, from where. I think that's a helluva stretch.
  18. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

  19. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    A part of names that african-american ppl use come from arabic culture, wich influenced all the noth africa and more southern africa too. Usually names that end with -isha (Aisha, Laquisha, etc.) come directly from arabic language (Coran) or r influenced by arabic sounds. Aisha, for example, was the youngest wife of the prophet Mohamed.
    Names like Jamal, Kamal, Rashid/Rasheed/Rashad, Malakay, Tareeq, come from arabic culture.
    Other names come from sub-saharian Africa, and others from english because "they sound good as names", like FEHG says.
    ahahah sorry for my english, it's bad! :)
  20. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Just wondering if you have any idea why so many of the African American names have an arab origin.Whats the connection? I can understand why they would have European names...

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