I've been a HB fan for years so my comments are slanted in her direction. Easily she looks better than most of hollywood-weird, and every day women walking around. She's a beast @ 40 whatever. She may not be the sexiest woman alive right now but she's close... The bigger question is who do you think is sexier?????
She's gorgeous no doubt about it but she's also famous I'm sure their are more beautiful women out there less known.
Halle Berry is pretty but ...... the sexiest woman on the planet ??? Hell no !!! If I could quantify her looks ... on a scale of one to ten ... with ten being great looking ... I would give her about an eight ! And she is too thin ... needs about thirty pounds !
Lol. As a 100% man loving, straight woman, I probably wouldn't say no if she asked me to keep her warm just for a night. I mean, even I can see the appeal in just saying you have gotten down with Halle. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder became overused for a reason though, it's true. It's all personal. There's plenty of beautiful people everywhere you look anyway, this world is an amazing place.
Agreed. Not understanding the Tea thing though. Funny those who've voted "no she isn't" has yet to mention who they consider sexier? I once saw Jada Pinkett at the Black Expo years ago, I was stunned at how short she really was but I was also amazed how stunningly attractive she was in person....