Do black men wear sandals?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Oct 17, 2008.


How do you feel about sandals?

  1. I am a BM and I love to wear sandals.

    7 vote(s)
  2. I am a BM and I prefer not to wear sandals.

    9 vote(s)
  3. I am a WW and I love BM when they wear sandals.

    3 vote(s)
  4. I am a WW and I don't care about BM wearing sandals.

    11 vote(s)
  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    (I am expanding on the flip-flop thread.)I know that some of us do but I would venture to say that we are the least likely to wear sandals of any group with the only exception being Latino men. You may see brothas put on sandals around the beach, pool, in summer or in any other warm weather situation but I see BW, WW, WM, AW, AM and LW wear sandals in less than steaming conditions with regularity...most brothas (and Latino men) that I've seen won't pull them out once the temperature gets below 90 F.(On a side note...I don't own a single pair of sandals and haven't since I was 4 years old. My feet look pretty good...not too ashy and my toes are ok but I don't feel properly dressed with them on...maybe it's all the damn fire ants in Texas that make me reluctant...LOL)
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Next you'll be asking if Black men wear pink.
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Actually I was going to ask if we wear turquoise on Saturdays.
  4. drow

    drow New Member

    I always wear sandals as my foot-ware of choice in appropriate climate.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I sure as hell don't.

    Sandals make me feel vulnerable.

    What if something jumps off and I have to run or chase somebody down?

    I feel unsafe out in public wearing sandals.
  6. life5577

    life5577 New Member


    I really dont care what a man wears as long as he dont look broke as hell.......hahahahhaha

  7. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    I bet you look good in pink Karma!
    and Chosen One-turquoise and pink are my two favorite colors!! What are the odds?LOL. I haven't seen my bf wear anything pink or turquoise-may have to do something about that!!:p:p
  8. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    I'd have to say flip flops are pretty much all I wear. And have for many years. With at least a dozen pair ranging from $30.00 to $65.00. I think they are just convenient to slip on, when heading out the door, and goes with everything I mostly wear, beat up shorts, or washed out Levis. But come to think of it, I never see black guys in flip flops.
  9. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I hate sandals. I wore them when I was a kid and I hated them then
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    IMO, flip flops shouldn't be worn all around town.

    Unless you're at the beach, pool, lake, etc. there is no reason to wear them around the city.

    I know many people will disagree.
  11. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Please elaborate, why do you think flip flops shouldn't be worn all around town? Especially here in sunny L.A.

    Just curious.

  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    There are tons of people who would disagree, but not me!! Your thought process and mine are identical on the flip-flop issue! :lol: :wink:
  13. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    No, they wear funky sneakers. :)

    what's the deal with the flip flops?
  14. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You see, me being a flip flop around the city kind of guy, I just don't understand what's wrong with not wearing them any/everywhere. I mean, as long as you're not wearing them to a formal function, then I don't get why using flip flops for running casual errands, or wherever, would be a fashion faux pas. In fact, it is the style to wear them with blue jeans, and a nice button down shirt, and get a lot of attention from the ladies when I do.

    Bookworm, I know you're in a colder climate, but currently, it is sunny, and a warm 80+ degrees today, here in So. Cal. Flip flop weather for sure. I also hate socks, which is another reason why I lean towards my flip flops over shoes.
  15. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Flip Flops (or what Aussie's call thongs) are very important..Pretty much standard dress where I'm from. I don't know a person who doesn't own some and, unless I was living in a permanently cold environment, I would expect a guy to wear them...

    I mean, shoes are shoes - it's not make or break....
    but, I was always a little put-off when my ex wouldn't wear thongs (flip flops)...I wear them everywhere....every day, everywhere.

    It's the next best thing to not wearing shoes, and to me represents comfort and practicality. Not wearing them, to me, says "i'm too uptight". Maybe (probably) I'm reading too much into it...but, put a group of Aussies together, and I reckon we could kill a good hour discussing the finer points of thongs. ;) haha. It's an important point of cultural pride.
  16. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to get so flamed from all of the flip-flop loving/wearing people on this board. (That's already happened. :lol: )

    First I'll say, I'm not really a foot person. So, the last thing I want to see is someone's feet in sloppy looking flip-flops. Half of the time I see people wearing them, their feet are practically hanging off what little piece of sole they have to step on. I have a guy friend who wears flip flops all the time. He has horribly ugly feet. All I can say is that his big toes aren't in line with the rest of his toes, so his feet look very similar to a chimp's foot. I don't want to look down and see that or his hairy toes. :lol:

    I was at a comedy club a couple of months ago and the comedian was talking to the audience, long story short, this guy he talked to said he was on a blind date. He got up on stage later on and he was wearing flip-flops!! :confused:

    A male coworker recently hurt his foot very badly when the flip flop he was wearing got stuck in a door and he closed it on his foot.

    They are loud. They look really, really sloppy (and get misshapen in no time), they look like the person doesn't care about their appearance like they just rolled out of bed, and they expose so much of the foot and I don't want to see that. LOL. I don't mind nice looking sandals. It's just the flip flops. It's like, just walk around barefoot, why don't ya?

    Which is why I say, the flip flops should stay in public showers, at pools, on the beach, etc. At least the more expensive flip flops available to women have a bigger sole and act more like sandals. But still....I still don't like them.

    Okay, I'm going to run and hide now! :rolleyes:
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Well, its an open toe "shoe".

    Like, wearing a "tank top" or "wifebeater" around town. I don't think that's necessary.

    I generally think of the two types of fashion as "feminine". Now, I know back in the Roman/Egyptian eras sandals and whatnot were common for men and women but I think that nowadays, its not something that men should do all the time.

    I guess every now-and-then is cool but it just doesn't seem like something that should be done everyday like wearing shoes.

    I'm a bit anal when it comes to fashion to be quite honest so I don't look at it as most people would. And even there, you could say I'm "feminine" for being such a stickler about what's fashionably "reasonable" and what's not.

    Same with men wearing Croc foam-sandals and Birkenstocks. I don't think those work well for us. Seems like something that should stick with the ladies. Like I said though, there's an exception to when it should be worn depending on their purpose at the time.

    I'm done. :mrgreen:
  18. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You pretty much said everything I'd say about thongs. They really are standard fare here too, well at least for me, and a few others they are.

    Where to begin!

    I won't! :(

    Oh then you'de really hate to see me coming then, because I might wear a wife beater, and thongs together.

    Interesting! I guess I could see that, even though I never thought about it before.
    I wouldn't say you're at all feminine, just care about appearences, I can relate.

    I have Croc's, Docs, Birks, and Clark's, but nothing beats a good pair of Reef sandals. That's just me.

    Thanks for your input.
  19. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    Yep...I wear 'em...around the the beach...maybe to the grocery store (rarely) and when driving during the summer. However, like many men, I ain't got the most beautiful feet in the world so you ain't gonna find me out there wearing sandals and lettin' the whole world see what I see down there. Now, if I was in a climate where it was condusive to this then I would have find a remedy to my "non-beautiful" foot problem... OOH, a pedicure! Now that would be an adventure...LOL

  20. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I think that ugly or not ugly feet - who cares? Surely wearing flip flops is about personal comfort and nothing else?

    They're feet - who cares what they look like?

    Unless it is inappropriate for me to be wearing them - they go with me. At home, that is pretty much everywhere. A good pair of thongs for a night out, a normal pair of thongs for during the day. Any pair for work (with my heels stored under my desk). That's why I love my city. :)

    My friend wore thongs to his wedding - the groom and his groomsmen bought nice thongs for their wedding. And, it was great.


    It's sad to say, but I would be seriously suspicious of any person who chooses not to wear them, unless there is some physical problem preventing it. :)

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