Why is it such a turn off when white girls "act black"?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    chandler bro pretty dam close 2 u
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    And there are fake preppy white boys, fake goths, fake business people, etc.

    There are plenty of fake people in the world. I can't stand any of them.

    I catch a lot of shit because I braid my hair, listen to rap, and date mostly black guys. There's more to me than that, but a lot of people never get the chance to find that out, so I'm automatically lumped into the "wigger girl" category often. But I really don't care, because the only people who have opinions that matter to me are the ones who actually know me. A lot of people don't like me, a lot of people do. I try not to waste my energy on the ones that don't, especially if it's over some ignorant reason because they think I'm fake because they don't give me a chance. That's fine.

    I mean, it's ok not to like those kind of people. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and preferences. But must we constantly bitch about it? I've seen so many of these threads. I think we get the point. You guys want "white" white girls, ok, great. Moving on.
  3. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    street credit

    I am white and I like it like that. I get my street credit from inmates at my job...lol

    actually I am a observer....I have taken all the good out of people so far in my life and created who i am today......

    i have had my hair in cornrows once....they hurt my head. Plus i need to wash my hair on a regular basis......hahaha

    I also do like R&B music.....but I am by far not ghetto.....I am Life5577 and I love it.....:smt079
  4. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I meant no offense, like I said, I was simply talking about the posers.
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    oh honey, I'm not offended. I know I come off as quite abrasive, but I don't get offended very often. I just speak my mind.

    If I was offended you'd know it. *L* I'm quite a force when something actually bothers me.

    I just get so tired of reading this same crap over and over again on here.
  6. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Now that we got that out of the way. :smt039

    Seriously, I thought there was a handshake smiley around here.
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I wash my braids just as often as I wash my hair regularly. You just gotta be gentle with it. My hair won't stay in braids too long anyway, and it probably lessens the time I can wear them by a day or two by washing them so much, but I'd rather have clean hair than stinky, itchy hair. *L*

    I prefer straight up braids as opposed to cornrows anyhow.


    My hair was sooo short
  8. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Dispo, I hear you. I know this beautiful Latvian girl who lives with a black dude in California. Last time we spoke about this she said: „He and I made an agreement that we will never raise our voices whatever the argument.” You can make your point without raising your voice or waving your hands. And btw, crossing your arms and keeping silent doesn’t always help either, I always have this inexplicable urge to do that and it doesn’t always help. When I get angry, I draw into myself and stay silent for hours and days. Ends up that the guy doesn’t even know what I’m unhappy about yet I keep holding the grudge inside me for too long.

    Concerning the topic, yea, I’ve seen those white girls on Youtube, I get puzzled about how they can speak/gesture like that. It’s silly but whatever, to each his/her own. There are also a lot of these kids who try to act black, the so called „whiggers”. I find them amusing and don’t believe they should be hassled about being a „sell out”.

    I personally hate this whole metal vs rap dichotomy. I’ve been listening to „white” music all my life but don’t I have the right to listen and enjoy the „black” music too? I can’t listen to Wagner, folk/ethnic music, metal, gothic, industrial, techno and electronic music all day every day! I wanna listen to something softer and lighter too, like rnb. Some rap music can be really deep too and can be refreshing for a change.
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    :smt056 I'm really quite nice, I swear. I bought a crackhead a burger at mcdonald's the other day, cause he asked for a dollar to buy one and I didn't have it. So I bought it with my debit card. Fucker didn't even say thanks, either. -_-
  10. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    That stuff happens all the time. I have friends who bought food from Wendy's, Burger King, etc... for the homeless(who in turn just throw it away or refuse it because they wouldn't give them cash).

    BTW, I'm sure you are nice and I hope this is the start of a nice friendship.:smt057
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm too ghetto to be your friend ;) :) :)

    Yes, that's a joke.
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, someone's a lil sensitive to the issue :D Love ya DH.

    Why is it when men have a grievance people are always trying to shut them up yet women can complain about men ad nauseam.
  13. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    What if that wasn’t a joke? What if we, ladies, who are interested in black dudes eventually won’t be able to live up to the „Becky/Barbie” stereotype? Historically, the bm/ww attraction has been like a rubber band – the further you extend it, the more you try to keep us away, the more we’re gonna feel drawn to each other. The culture enslaved the white woman and put her on a pedestal, kept her in a golden cage. A lot of black guys have a thing for it – they wanna get closer to the „perfect, pure, submissive white lady”. What if that lady is free now and doesn’t wanna live by the „purist” stereotype that the white guy imposed upon her (to monopolise her). Do I as a white woman become less attractive for the black guy if I embrace the „black” culture, if I start to love Chris Brown, High Rizer and if I dance a little to hip hop?

    And I know I'll always be "white" because that's my identity, my nature and my soul, but what if I wanna take something from the black culture and assimilate it into me - is that gonna make me less of a "Becky"?

    Maybe we should keep it platonic and admire each other from a distance. Maybe we’re jeopardising each other’s unique differences by getting to close to each other?

    When it comes to this so called „ghetto” (and I know it’s real) – nobody should be „ghetto” – white/black, man or woman. Nobody should be „ghetto” – simply because such a thing as a „ghetto” shouldn’t exist at all.

    But on a second thought – there is some culture that comes out of the „ghetto”. Music, sports, recreation. So if we ever get rid of the ghetto, we might lose all that as well. It could turn out to be really boring.
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Honey, I'm not worried. If a man can't accept me for who I am, regardless of what his skin color is, then I'm too good for him.

    Don't think that the views expressed on this message board are the only views out there. Not all black men want a suburban trophy wife. The fact of the matter is that people are inherently different, and as I've said many times, one thing does not define an entire race of people. The impression given off on this message board often times is not as pleasant as the intent probably is, but it doesn't mean these guys (or all black men) are haters. Some are, but not all. There are haters of every race, and there are men of every race who covet "Buffy the sheltered suburban babe".

    And there are some men who like real women. There are some men who like skinny women, some who like thick women, some who like redheads, blondes, girls who like rap, rock, gospel, church goers, aethiests...it's not a matter of race, it's a matter of preference and compatibility. I personally can't identify with the average middle class or above person, because my life has been nothing but hell compared to the comfortable bubble that comes with money and status. I can't find a deep connection with a person unless they too have struggled on some similar level, though it doesn't always mean they have to be, or were, poor.

    Opinions are like asses. Everyone has one, some appear nicer than others, some are ugly, most stink, but they all look nicer when filtered through cotton or silk. And ones you like may not be the same as others, and vice versa. It's all about finding what you like.

    So don't worry. There are 6 billion people in the world. Some suck, some don't, but we're all different, and as any sociologist can tell you, the opinions of a few do not neccesarily reflect the whole.

    To me, racial preference is as simple as a preference for a specific hair color, or eye color, or body type. It's not as big a deal as what a lot of people make it out to be. I see no reason to "admire each other from afar" just because there are some black guys out there who wouldn't like me. There are people of every race who wouldn't like me, wouldn't be sexually, physically, mentally, or emotionally attracted to me. And there are some that would, and are, and actively let me know this. Last night at the bar a hispanic guy, white guy, black guy, and pakistani guy all told me they thought I was beautiful. Now, does that mean every man of those races thinks I'm beautiful? Hell no. But apparently at least one does.

    You know what we do? We accept our differences, chalk it up as a loss, and move on to someone who -does- have that attraction to us. But you can't say "Let's give up on black guys cause we're not all Stepford Wives in training" because that's ridiculous.

    I am ghetto. I'm not hood, but I'm ghetto because of where I grew up. I'll never be a "Becky", or a "Buffy", or a "Tiffany" because my family was too poor to live in the suburbs. I grew up with drugs, violence, and hatred focused on me because I was different. I'm just not afraid of where I come from. I'm not proud of it, but I know had I been born anywhere else I would likely be a different person, and I like who I am.

    The ghetto, whatever flavor of ghetto it is, is not a paradise. Good things come from everywhere. Maybe people in bad situations come up with "music, sports, and recreation" seemingly better because life demands an outlet from the pain and strife one faces every day. I certainly know I'm more creative as a direct result of how I've lived. But in the end it's just a sad place, where people are hungry, dying, and killing each other. Poverty is never beautiful. Violence is never beautiful. Hatred is never beautiful. As I wrote in a song of mine "There's no glory in poverty". It's pain. But so is life. Beauty can come from strong minds and strong people who've lived the life, but the life itself is pain and struggle.
  15. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Girl you bring up so many issues. I hear every word you say.

    I know about poverty, I experienced it when we lived under the Russians. I’m somewhat prosperous now.. but... you know, it’s sometimes hard when you relate to others.. remember that Katrina thing..

    I can’t believe you’re from the so called ghetto.. you’re so sweet.. baby, I just wish they would quit with this whole g thing.

    Do you think we’re taking the black men from the black women? Do you think this is right? It’s supposedly their men, maybe we shouldn’t be touching them. But they’re so irresistable.. so sexy.. but they’re not OUR men. What do you think is the right thing to do, girl?
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm not from "the" ghetto. I'm from a ghetto. Thus why I differentiated between "hood" and "ghetto".

    Bad people exist of all walks of life. Is a murderer who happens to be a lawyer any better than a murderer from the hood who calls himself a gangsta? A man who embezzles millions from his company any more justified than a thug who robs a liquor store?

    I could go on, but I'm not going to.

    Let me explain something to you. You can't take something from someone if they don't OWN it. It's my understanding that since slavery was abolished NO ONE owns black men. I hate this bullshit of "They're taking our men/women" from any race. It's retarded! It's one thing if you steal someone's boyfriend or girlfriend. Then the person they were involved with does have the right to say you stole something of theirs. But I'm a grown ass woman, and if I date someone outside of my race they're not stealing me from any white man, and vice versa.

    I really don't understand your way of thinking here. You've been flirting the line of troll territory a lot since you showed up, honey. You seem like you're asking honest questions, so I really hope you're either misinformed or just ignorant of the truth, but be careful what you say because you're stating to sound like a lot of the haters we get on here. I'm not trying to be rude, just stating facts.
  17. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Interesting topic we've got going here. Who cares if a white girl acts like a caricature of Rastus or Steppin' Fetchit; that's her business and she will likely be able to find a Negro that loves her for it.

    The fixation on a true white-bread, de-ghettoized white girl doesn't suit me. I can be a little too "Niggerish" for a "true" white girl and a bit too straight-laced (and too Malcolm X-ish) for a more "urban" type of white girl. It takes a special kind of chick to understand my preference for khakis and a button down shirt over a tall tee and shorts that come down to my ankle. It takes a special woman to understand that I can drool over a nice pair of thick, pale white legs one minute and give a fiery red-hot pro-black speech that would make the Nation of Islam and The Black Panther party blush with admiration. I don't judge people for the partners they choose because I know it is difficult to find love. What I do see is that some BM grow up in middle class to upper middle class circumstances and tend to have more in common with a typical WW than a woman of any race that grew up in poverty. What I also see is that some BM care less about the woman and more about what she represents for him. That is, she is a stepping stone to status; a "ghetto" white girl doesn't scream status the way a beautiful blonde from Kansas with a nice smile and large natural breasts does.....my interest in women and in particular WW....has nothing to do with a deep seated pathology towards white men. I have never approached a WW with the thought that I needed to pick a certain type of woman to prove something to WM or even BW.

    The moral of the story: Date who you want to date and don't worry about someone else's choice for a mate.
  18. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Alright, since you think I'm a troll I guess I should leave.
    Take care.

    p.s. Will name my baby "Emmett Chris".
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  19. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I Love the way you put it. If he isn't married, he belongs to no one. I am not married and therefore I belong to no one. (except my kids, and no one could take me away from them.)

    I think the very since of "belonging" due to race, is a form of racism, and can be very exaggerated. I know we should "belong" to some group of people, but let that be a group of our choosing, based on our decisions. (I am American, because I love America and don't want to "belong to another country, not because I was born here, I could move.) That doesn't mean I hate other nationalities, they fascinate me, and I love to travel, I just love my own best. My Choice, get it?
  20. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Spot on with this response. Straight up, I dont really like anyone that acts hood reguardless of race.

    The white girls that are doing it to be fake/attract thugs/trash I dont like it.

    The white girls that were actually raised around alot of urban/"hood" people that arent faking it I dont like because as I said I dont like hood people anyway.

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