African American names

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Maroon, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Thank your parents, not me :D

    Nathaniel is one of the names we considered for our son...

    His dad wanted a short name though, so we ended up with Christopher. :smt042
  2. csbean

    csbean New Member


    As a teacher at a high school in a predominantly poor area in the South, I feel I am an unofficial expert on creative Af. Am. names. The following are all names of real students I have had.

    I've had students with names that are creatively meant to compliment their last names: Spring Flowers, King Cooper, or Monay Gamble.

    Students with variations of the same name: Sierra, Ciera; Shakira, Shakearra; Tyrel, Tyrell; Tierra, Thiera; Stefan, Stephan; Aliyah, Aaliyah;

    And names that do not make sense phonetically, which make me wonder if the parent really just made an error with spelling on the birth certificate: Sierria (pronounced Sierra) Monia (pronounced Monay) Teorna (pronounced Teona) Ovesiles (pronounced Ovishellis)

    A good friend of mine was complaining about her aunt's naming of her cousins: Auntie-LaShawn, Cousins-LaShae and LaRae

    Some people are just eccentric when it comes to naming their kids. The "crazy names" may also be attributed to the fact that some parents are so young when they have their children, and they think naming them is a game. I have several students who are expecting or already have a couple of children.


    Awwwwwww, shit.
    Flaminghetero's gonna be here any moment now.
  4. DI

    DI New Member

    I actually did meet some black people. lol and i dont mean these names being crazy or anything. I was just expressing my opinion according to what I have seen or heard in my life. And i just wanted to see if anyone here could explain me as an African-American person himself.:roll:
  5. DI

    DI New Member

    Ohhhh ok, that's interesting! :)) thanks for explaining!:)
  6. DI

    DI New Member

    yea, I see now. I knew about your nephew, but I didnt know it's everyone's case though for some reason. lol
    and you're right , your name doesnt sound a black person's name at all, but i absolutely love it!:D
  7. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Thanks, csbean, that was real interesting.
  8. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    Actually,alot of women started naming their babies "exotically" during the mid-to-late 70`s.It was the period in the states at the tail end of the" Black Power" movement and the height of the "be Proud of Your African Heritage",where people were wearing daishiki`s,either braiding their hair or sporting an afro,and interested in "Mother Africa".It is when we also stopped being black and became Afro-Americans and and you were hopeless if you didn`t know ANYTHING in reference to Black History. Not the month,just in general.
    back then,to rap was to have a smooth line for the ladies and the music that you jammed to is nowadays called Classic Soul,or Old School.

    just my $.02.
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I used to feel bad for some of the kids in my class when I was in elementary and middle school.My name sounds like a very generic "white guy" name...even my last name. But it has a neutral sound that makes it difficult to discern my ethnicity. Many of my classmates had more creative names that made the teachers squirm each time they had to pronounce them...especially on the first day of school. DaZohn, Jaquontae, LaQuaverian, Qu'Shon, Lakeldrick, Darnishka, LaQuanesha,....the names are fairly easy to pronounce when you know how they are supposed to sound. Unfortunately, a middle-aged white soccer mom may have difficulty even recognizing what she is seeing when she looks at the attendance sheet.
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    African names from the motherland, yes. Made-up names that don't mean shit OR naming a child after a hair product or Italian designer, no.
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've always been curious about names that are either European or Arabic in origin...names that now are seen as "black" names...i.e., Tyrone, Andre or Jamal. Even those names carry a certain stigma that is almost on par with RaChamoniqua.
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Those silly..feminized names don't come from Africa,but from the deranged..sellfish..ghetto minds of their mammies.

    If you'd notice..BW only give BM's children those country-ass names.

    I see sisters with Black and mixed children..The Black children have names like Shadique and Latrelle..while the mixed babies have names like David and John.

    That lets me know there's subconscious MALICE involved in naming Black children.,,especially boys.

    Funny how the same women can chose a decent Christian name for children Fathered by non-BM..but are at a loss to come up with something dignified for their children Fathered by Brothers.

    I'm almost afraid to ask a sister her children's names.

    My cousin named her son KENTRAVION!!!!!!!


    That sounds like a gay Alien!

    "I am Kentravion..take me to your leader honey chile,so I can give him blow-job "

    How do you name somebody you claim to love Kentravion??

    A dog deserves a better name than that...Even a goldfish deserves better.

    When it comes to naming children..BW have VERY poor taste.

    They talk all that shit about WW..but at least WW won't name your son D'juantrelle.
  13. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    True, they give their sons those faggot names. I remember when I was a kid, there was a boy who went to the same day care as my sister and I shit you not, his name was Peaches! I knew brothas with names like Lavelle, Keyon, TyJuan, and Dayvyd (yes, that's how it was spelled).
  14. Maroon

    Maroon New Member

    Sisters seem to be really bent on protecting the "Afro heritage". They don't want the boys to stray away from their kin, so they name them "Tyrone".. :) which is a sexy name btw..
  15. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Well i be damn..

    Can you imagine the first day of boot camp for ol' Peaches??

    "What's your name Private??"

    Peaches Sir

    "What the fuck did you just say to me faggot?"

    My name is Peaches sir

    "Well I'll be fucked and tucked..They sure are raising them sweet in the ghetto nowadays...Now hit that track and run until you come up with a name that doesn't make me wanna' fuck you"

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I knew brotha FH wouldn't disappoint :smt043
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Not hardly.

    Seem like they don't want their boys to stray too far from the
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Man this shit is my pet peeve.

    I just don't get it.
  19. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I don't think you would tell Shaquille O'Neal, LeBron James or JaMarcus Russell that they have faggot names. At least, not to their face.
  20. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    No the problem is you do get it.

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