girltalk and your Black boyfriend

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. shion

    shion New Member

    Piggybacking on Rob Lowe's nannygate, Ladies, when your white friends,family members or co-workers find out you're dating a brotha, do they ask probing questions or joke about your sex life, about his penis size? Is such a comfort zone established where such inquries are warranted or do they know not to go there?
  2. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    My family just found out my man is black. My good friends don't ask about size etc, and I don't tell. I have had a few acquiantances try to get the low down to the myth, but I refuse to answer.
  3. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I had one Russian guy ask me "so is it true what they say?" I laughed it off without answering.
  4. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    A few have, yes. My family would NEVER discuss anything like that in a million years. Some loose "friends" have asked, but I never answer. I just said that he was a nice guy and everything was good.

    I don't want people to think that's the only thing that matter in an IR relationship. I think it's important to make people realise that it's the same as any other, except that he's black.

    Most of the intelligent people and good friends I know wouldn't ask, because they're respectful and polite. :)
  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Nope they didnt ask me any sexual questions.There's one girl that asked me lots of questions but more of the nature how the cultural difference works out for us and how our families have reacted.
    And guess what?Now she has been dating a black guy for a while herself.:)
  6. lol, i used to be on the other side the one asking the questions to one of my friends. she was blonde. she did hook me up with one of her friends and its going just fine :)
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    All my friends know I am waiting for marriage to find out, so instead of asking they try to tell me things. Just the myths that they have heard only one of them that I know has ever dated a black guy.

    I do get a lot of mild racially prejudiced comments. And I get told "once you go black you never go back".

    My friends that are in IR relationships only congratulate me.
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    probably because in italy IR r still rare, i get a lot of questions about everything, but mostly about sex. When they ask me if black men have bigger things I just answer that everybody is different whatever the color is and that they shouldn't stereotype black men as well as the others.
    When I was with my african ex I got a lot of questions/observations about his religion and believes (MUSLIM???? R U CRAZY? HE'S GONNA MAKE U WEAR THE BURKA!!!!!
  9. shion

    shion New Member

    Thanks 4 your input, ladies.
  10. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I don't really discuss sexual encounters in detail with friends whomever it is. Black, white, yellow... you get the idea.
    But a few people have just asked "is it true?". I don't answer though, just smile.
  11. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    No, they dont.
    They have more questions concearning his faith.
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yea, they joke about, "I only like black guys". I don't ONLY like black guys, and I don't find ALL black men attractive. But the majority of men I do find attractive happen to be black. If we're trying to figure out a movie to watch, they joke, "Hey, there's a black guy in this one!" or "She won't like this one because there's no black guys in it". At a former job of mine, my boss was a gay white dude who ONLY likes black men and he would always joke with me about my "Black Stallion" and "gotta have our chocolate" and if we had a black male customer he would always rush over to me pointing and winking and giggling whispering "Look Britty! Look!" and make some suggestive facial expression. Then when I had a different job that same boss was there shopping and visiting with me and a white guy was trying to "holla" at me and my boss yells to him, "You're not her flavor!!" pretty loud which was embarrassing but I laughed anyway. I don't like it but, it's not totally false so I mostly just ignore it and have just a "whatever, okie doke" attitude.. sometimes it cracks me up. Like my gay former boss in all his giddy excitement, heh. They don't ask questions about sex and size or sex life. They just make jokes about my preference.

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