How is your luck

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Complex, Sep 28, 2008.


Do you have more luck within your own complexion or outside?

Poll closed Oct 5, 2008.
  1. I have more luck within my complexion

    0 vote(s)
  2. I have more luck outside my complexion

    10 vote(s)
  3. It is pretty much 50/50

    6 vote(s)
  1. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Many on this forum are attracted to wards those sharing a different skin tone other than themselves.

    However the question remains, do you have more luck within your own complextion or outside?
  2. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    For me it's people outside of mine it just happens that way not sure why.
  3. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    That was a tough question. Sometimes its more outside my race for me, and sometimes is 50-50.
  4. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter.

    I’ve analysed my luck with girls/women within a 5-year (17 – 22 years of age) period (hanging out, dating, sex, what have you) and, noticed my luck with women outside my complexion has escalated to a point I am surprised when a woman within my complexion gives me the eye.

    I would imagine it could be my speech pattern, attire, attitude/personality or a combination of all.

    I cannot pinpoint why it is so. I am in no way complaining on having more options to choose from. :cool: What man would? :smt102 However, it does seem rather bizarre to have such a high ratio. I am most curious for those who fall within this demographic share their thoughts on when it came about in addition to explaining what triggered such an outcome.

    Surely, we can get to the bottom of this.

  5. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    i have definitely had more luck outside my complexion, but maybe its because, i tend to go for white and white looking lation types.
  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I think it makes perfect sense Complex, because when you begin focus on something, let's say women of a certain ethnicity, you seek it out and create situations to invite it into your life... your attraction guides you... right?
  7. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Nice. My experiences are similar. What complexion actually are you? Go into to more depth about your accent/attire etc and who and who isnt attracted to you. Ive seen your post before and think our experiences are similar.
  8. Complex

    Complex New Member

    It is actually far deeper than that when you think about it. When we were in grade school, many of us would dress the part or look the part in order to fit in a particular crowd. We stifled our most favourable likes due to fear of rejection from our peers.

    As we move towards college and transpire in to adulthood, we are identified more as an individual and not as a group. Being classed in such a manner enables one to express their character more freely without fear from his/her colleagues. This I would imagine is based upon interacting with people from all parts of the globe all residing on one campus as opposed to a little town, where everyone basically follows the same routine.

    With the heavy load removed from our backs, we now find the world not as confusing as it once was before. Having to answer to our self only, enables one to be more at ease with his or her self and, finally express to the world the type of person they really are, in personality and of character.

    It is those two things that attract a certain type of individual to wards you.
  9. Complex

    Complex New Member

    The reason I use the word complexion is due to having experience with Women from all parts the world. It is far easier than categorizing each Woman based on race or ethnic background.

    By the world standards I am looked upon as Black. However, 98% of the Women that gives me the eye reside outside of my complexion.

  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn near all of my luck is outside my complexion.
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Nearly all of the men hitting on me are not white. For example, in the past year I've been actively pursued (definition: conversation, asking for the number, subsequent phone calls if I allow it, not just casual "hey baby, you're hot!") by more than 10 black men, at least 5 hispanic men, 2 indian men, and one pakistani man. There were a few who I couldn't classify by skin color or accent (the accents make it easier to guess!), and only two white men (the latter happened to buy me a drink just a few weeks ago). Even the white dudes were darker than me, cause I'm pretty pale. The vast majority of men who try to get with me are quite dark, and the rest are generally still much darker than me.

    So...technically no one of my complexion has bothered. I don't actively pursue anyone, I let em come to me. I also shot down most of those guys, because they have the bad habit of hitting on me and asking for my number while I'm in a relationship. Only about 6 of those guys got the number, and out of that only 4 made it to the first date. Heh. I wasn't single for too long this past year. The numbers are a rough estimate...I think it's higher, but I'm also not counting the random "How -you- doin' mami/mamma/lil mama/babygirl/cutie/whatever?" that I get all the time from losers ;) and even if I would count those, there's still only two white men who've shown any interest in me this past year.

    I have to use only this year as a basis, because there were no other races but white where I'm from, so there wasn't any oppourtunity for anyone else.

    I don't do anything differently, act differently, or specifically place myself in situations where there are more dark men than light ones. My neighborhood is mostly hispanic and black, so I'm sure that has some bearing on it, but when I go to areas with more white people I still get hit on by the darker men. The darker the man, the higher probability he'll be interested in me by looks alone. The lighter, the less likely. Once personality comes into play, though, most get scared away because I'm quite a..."unique" snowflake.
  12. Complex

    Complex New Member

    This is exactly what I meant by luck. When you are moving about minding your own business and someone of the opposite sex tries to get your attention.

    Being “unique” shows a creative mind. If you come across as an intellectual some will feel intimidated by your actions and, start questioning if they can meet up to your standards. It is unfortunate many are passing judgement on them selves when the person they are chatting with is not.

  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    People are definitely intimidated by my brain. And that's not narcissism, it's fact. I know my mind works a bit differently than the average person, because I've proven it time and time again.

    It's why most of my possibilities for boyfriends and dates have never born fruit. A lot of men seem physically attracted to me, but once I start talking they're left with a "a duuuuuh?" look on their face because they just don't know nor care what I'm talking about. So in order to interact with people, especially at bars where I like to chill, I generally end up having to limit my conversation to music, movies, sports, etc, otherwise I have no one to talk to. *L* There are those exceptions, of course. I've had fantastic conversations at the bar about religion, politics, art...but it's not an every time occurance, sadly.

    And it's not all intimidation, anyhow. I'm also far too weird for most people's taste. *L* I love it, though :D
  14. Complex

    Complex New Member

    So basically what you are doing is reducing your level of intelligence in order to meet someone in which, fails once he realise you want to discuss more in-depth topics that requires him to think more.

    I would suggest having older friends so you can discuss more worldly topics so, your brain won’t go under cardiac arrest due to the feeble minds you meet at these pubs.

    The Wonderful World of Sports is definitely not one of those things I could have a long conversation about since I really have no interest in that type of recreation. Music & Movies while interesting can only go so far before you get the air of silence amongst both parties.

    It is interesting to hear a Woman’s perspective on what she goes through when chatting with Men in pubs.
  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I tend to prefer either..pale skin or fairly dark skin....light skinned sistas don't quite work for me....dunno why...LOL

    Right now...I'm in cahoots with a gorgeous...pale heroine...and she's the shit.
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I'm the same way.
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Nah, I don't reduce my intelligence to meet guys. I just dumb down when I'm bored and lonely and want to talk to someone in a social setting, if I have to (which is often)...when it always came to guys they'd just get scared away because I didn't dumb down. *L* But I don't believe in being fake to get a dude...I'm talking more for just general conversation purposes. I'm smarter than too many people around here, it seems.

    Older friends don't help much, either, because a lot of them are idiots, too! Not to mention most older guys I meet just wanna get in my pants anyhow! Fuckers.

    My most stimulating conversations happen either online or with non-Americans living here. And occasionally at school, because that liberal art school mentality is pretty cool.
  18. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I would say 50:50
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I do well with beautiful white women who appreciate what a good man has to offer.
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Oh? Like what? :D

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